Resist!…Sexual Temptation

Extramarital sex is so common place nowadays that almost no one thinks anything about it. It hasn’t always been that way though. Currently I’m reading a biography on Sir Isaac Newton, one the greatest scientific and mathematic geniuses to have ever lived. For many years during the late 1600s, he studied at England’s Cambridge University where he became a professor. Interestingly, one of the conditions to being a student and fellow at that prestigious university was that no sexual fornication was allowed. If one was caught giving in that sinful passion, they were expelled from that institution. How times have changed from then until now on college campuses and in society at large!

Numbers 25:1, Commit whoredoms. Sexual immorality has the downfall of many a saint who considers themselves to be strong, righteous and impervious to sinful temptation. There is a terrible price to pay for falling to sexual immorality as the Israelites found out. 

The enemy (the world, the flesh and the devil) knows our weaknesses and will do its best to capitalize on them for our destruction. Romans 13:14 says, “But put on the Master Yeshua Messiah, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” 

What doors of immorality have you kept open in your life to gratify the immoral cravings of the flesh? What spiritual stronghold exists in your life that the enemy can use to keep you under its thumb and from walking in the joy and freedom of the will of YHVH? It is time to cry out to YHVH for help and deliverance and to repent.

Setting immovable boundaries in one’s heart and mind ahead of time is a major key to resisting sexual temptation successfully. It’s important to decide how far we can go without violating the spiritual guidelines the Scriptures lay out for us to stay righteous sexually, and then not allow ourself too get too close to those limits. For example, if you find yourself in a potentially compromising situation, flee that situation to alleviate the possibility of falling prey to moral compromise (2 Tim 2:22). 

Young people who are endowed with strong sexual urges need to bathe their minds in the godly admonitions found in Proverbs chapters one through nine (also note Eccl 11:9–10 and 12:1–14). Learning the ways of wisdom and the fear of Elohim as revealed in these chapters in Proverbs is a vital component to staying strong morally and being triumphant over the wicked temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil.


Premarital Sex and Passing Children Through the Fire

Leviticus 18:21, Pass through the fire.In the juxtapositioning of this passage directly after the Torah’s prohibition of illicit sex, it would appear that YHVH is broadcasting a clear message to his people. Extra-marital sex often results in unwanted babies. In our day, many choose to murder their unwanted offspring through abortion. In ancient times, some of these undesired children were likely sacrificed to the pagan Canaanite god Moloch by being burned alive. That is certainly the implication in this passage. Whatever the case, YHVH hates the murder of children for any reason!

This passage (along with Exod 21:22) is one of the strongest pro-life, anti-infanticide verses in the Scriptures. The penalty for those who sacrificed their children to Molech (or Moloch) was that the land of Israel would vomit the people out of it (vv. 25 and 28.) Could any clearer statement be made about how the Creator feels about the sanctity of life? 

The murder of the innocent children is perhaps the greatest sin that a nation can commit. Abortion is a form of child sacrifice, which is something many ancient cultures practiced (the Aztecs, Incas, Phoenicians, pre-Islamic Arabs, and the biblical Canaanites). In the Bible, YHVH condemns the practice of heathens and apostate Israelites who made their children pass through the fire in worship of the demon-god Moloch (See Lev 18:21; 20:2–5; Deut 12:30–31; 18:10.) What judgment did YHVH place on the Jewish nation for sacrificing its children to Moloch? (See Jer 7:30–34; 32:35–36.)


Flee sexual lusts and immorality!

Numbers 25:1, Commit whoredoms. Sexual immorality is the downfall of many who consider themselves to be strong, righteous and impervious to sinful temptation. There is a terrible price to pay for falling to sexual immorality as the Israelites found out. 

The enemy (the world, the flesh and the devil) knows our weaknesses and will do what its most to capitalize on them for our destruction. Romans 13:14 says, “But put on the Master Yeshua Messiah, and make not provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lusts thereof.” What doors of immorality have you kept open in your life to gratify the immoral cravings of the flesh? What spiritual stronghold exists in your life that the enemy can use to keep you under its thumb and from walking in the joy and freedom of the will of YHVH? It is time to cry out to YHVH for help and deliverance and to repent.

Setting immovable boundaries in one’s heart ahead of time is a major key to resisting sexual temptation successfully. It’s important to decide how far we can go without violating the spiritual guidelines the Scriptures lay out for us to stay righteous sexually, and then not allow ourself too get too close to those limits. For example, if you find yourself in a potentially compromising situation, flee that situation to alleviate the possibility of falling prey to moral compromise (2 Tim 2:22). 

Young people who are endowed with strong sexual urges need to bathe their minds in the godly admonitions found in Proverbs chapters one through nine (also note Eccl 11:9–10 and 12:1–14). Learning the ways of wisdom and the fear of Elohim as revealed in these chapters in Proverbs is a vital component to staying strong morally and being triumphant over the wicked temptations of the world, the flesh and the devil.


Wage war against moral looseness starting in your own life!

Imaginary Photo: Imagine a woman in a bikini sunbathing on the beach.

Numbers 31:3, Take vengeance on the Midianites. YHVH is vehemently opposed to moral looseness. Midian, through its seductive women, nearly destroyed Israel. The decisive actions of a morally straight leadership prevented Israel from going the way of so many nations that have since collapsed due to moral decay.

Sexual looseness and perversion must not be allowed to gain even a momentary toehold into our lives.

Do you aggressively resist and fight against the spiritual Midianites that would destroy your life, your family, your marriage and your spiritual destiny, or do you even slightly countenance the enemies of your soul in the secret or hidden areas of your life just to placate the passions of your carnal and sin-bent nature?

The spirit of Midian is to be found everywhere from the magazine rack at the checkout stand to the morning newspaper advertising women’s undergarments, from bumper stickers to billboards, from television ads (not to mention the television shows themselves) to the internet, and among political, religious leaders and entertainment celebrities. How about the modern immodest and decadent clothing styles of our youth, which barely cover the body, and where little is left to the imagination?

How does one defend oneself against this incessant onslaught?

Remember, the best defense is a strong offense.

Resolve and settle in your heart and mind ahead of time how you will react against the darts of the enemy when you suddenly find them aimed at you, and then stick to your defense plan! Pull down every mental stronghold and take every thought captive to the mind of Yeshua, and flee all lusts. (Strengthen yourself spiritually by reading the following scriptures: 1 Cor 6:18; 10:14; 2 Cor 10:3–6; 2 Tim 2:22.)


New Video: How to Resist and Overcome Lust

Like a giant multi-tentacled octopus, our society is full of influences attempting to lure us into lust and its attendant sins. How does the righteous saint live in society, but not succumb to all of the ungodly and ultimately damning sinful lustful temptations that assault a person everyday from every direction?

In this second video, we discuss how to use biblical strategies to successfully fight and overcome lust and all its attendant sins.


New Video: There Is More to Lust Than Meets the Eyes

In our modern society, lustful and covetous temptations are bombarding us from many directions everyday in the things we see, hear and watch other people do. This includes lust for money, power, possessions, fame, good looks, knowledge, pleasure, etc., etc. But there is more to lust than meets the eyes.

Biblically, lust is much more than mental illicit sex. It has to do with strong and destructive passions that can lead to a host of other sins such as coveting, thefts, sinful imaginations, foul language, murder, mental and physical sexual sins, which all, in turn, lead to guilt and shame.

In the first video video, we identify the problem, which is half the battle to overcoming it and gaining the victory. In the second video, we discuss biblical strategies to resisting and overcoming lust.