The Church in America Is Being Driven Underground

The Cosmic Battle for the Soul of America and the Emergence of the Underground Church in America

Why is it that there seems to be an all out war by local, state and federal government (all three branches) as well as our educational, major media, most major entertainment outlets and many of our social institutions against the traditional values of this nation that made it what it is? If something is antagonistic to the family, the Christian church, or biblical values, it gets a pass. Laws are passed in favor of it, the courts uphold it, the people are legally mandated to be able to litigate against it, it is celebrated, paraded proudly in our streets, is headlined and lauded by the major media outlets.

Here are a few examples of the anti-biblical agendas that have been foisted upon the American people over the past forty plus years, and many of them in the last several years: Continue reading


New Video: Wake Up! Look Up, Yeshua’s Coming Draws Near!

The cry is going out to the saints of Yeshua: Wake up! Don’t be discouraged by the crazy things going on around you in the world. Yeshua is coming, the bride must prepare herself. He’s at the door of a lukewarm church and is knocking to be let in. The Bible is true, and the end times prophecies are being fulfilled. The fall biblical feasts are a prophetic picture of this, so get your spiritual house ready!


Who Is the Revelation 12 Woman?

The Bride of Yeshua in the Wilderness 

Who is the woman that is mentioned in Revelation 12 that is taken into the wilderness for three-and-one-half years (Rev 12:14), which occurs just before the second coming of Yeshua? I believe that is a reference to the end times saints who are the bride of Yeshua. (Not all saints are the bride of Yeshua. Some are foolish virgins [Matt 25:1–13], or lukewarm believers who will have to go through fiery trials to become approved of YHVH [Rev 3:14–21]. Some are still rebels in respect to his Torah [Ezek 20:37]. The end times bride will be Torah submissive [see Rev 12:17; 14:12].) Let’s explore some answers to this question.

When the Scriptures speaks of the wilderness (Heb. midbar), it is referring to anywhere outside of the land of Israel.


Ezekiel 20:33–41 says that YHVH will bring the house of Israel out of their captive nations with an outstretched arm and with fury poured out (in a time of YHVH’s judgments) (vv. 33–34, as when he brought them out of Egypt). YHVH will bring his people into “a wilderness of the people.” This could be a literal wilderness as with the children of Israel, or a spiritual wilderness in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation in which Israel is called to live and be a light. There he will plead with Israel face-to-face like he did in the wilderness of Sinai (vv. 35–36). This seems to be another reference to the second exodus (v. 36). In that wilderness, YHVH will purge out those who are rebels and those who transgress (or sin; i.e., violate his Torah, see 1 John 3:4) against YHVH (v. 38). This YHVH did with ancient Israel for 40 years. During this time of testing and purging, the house of Israel will not be returning to the land of Israel (v. 38) until they have put away their idols (v. 40), then all the house of Israel will be acceptable to YHVH and will serve him on his holy mountain (v. 40–41). Israel not to return until they loath their spiritual pollution (v. 42-44). Continue reading


New Video: Yom Teruah Past, Present and Future

In this video, I discuss Yom Teruah vs. Rosh Hashanah, the end-time prophetic implications of YT relating to the resurrection and second coming, and everything you want to know about the shofar including how it was used historically, why you should have one, how the shofar is at the center of the YT celebration.


Matthew 24 and Revelation Synced

Integrating the End-Times Scenarios of the Olivet Prophecy and the Book of Revelation

The General Tribulation Period

Certain aspects of the prophetic scenario that Yeshua lays out in Matthew 24 were fulfilled in A.D. 70 with Jerusalem’s destruction. Discussing the events around A.D. 70 is beyond the scope of this work, so I’ll pass over this subject and focus on those prophecies that are clearly eschatological (i.e., those that deal with end-times events) in nature.

Revelation 1

The time period of the Olivet Prophecy started in the first century A.D. and continues until the second coming.

Matthew 24:4–8 describes conditions that existed on earth at A.D. 70, and that would continue and intensify up until the second coming. These include:

  • Religious deception — the spirit of Antimessiah. (John talks about this spirit in his first epistle, and says that it was active in his day, 1 John 2:18–19.)
  • Wars and rumors of wars.
  • Famines.
  • Pestilence.

These four conditions answer the disciples’ question about what would be the signs of the end times (Matt 24:3), and they also correlate one-to-one with the first four seals (commonly known as the four horsemen of the apocalypse) of Revelation 6.

Religious deception corresponds to the first horse (Rev 6:2).

Wars and rumors of wars corresponds to the second horse (Rev 6:3).

Famines corresponds to the third horse (Rev 6:5).

Pestilence corresponds to the fourth horse (Rev 6:7).

Next in Matthew 24 comes the martyrdom of the saints — something that has been happening since the death of Stephen in the Book of Acts to this present day (Matt 24:9–14). This martyrdom corresponds with the fifth seal of Revelation 6:9–11.

There are two groups of martyred saints: those who are killed before the end of the tribulation period and just before the beginning of the great tribulation, and those who are martyred afterwards. This second martyrdom completes the martyrdom of saints that has been going on over the ages (Rev 6:11lp).

The great end-times martyrdom of saints corresponds with the worldwide preaching of the gospel (Matt 24:14). This prophecy of Yeshua about the gospel being preached to all the world has only been fulfilled recently. Continue reading


Book of Joel Overview & End Times Prophecy

Analysis of the Book of Joel
Joel 1:1–20 chronicles the physical and spiritual desolation that will exist in the land of Israel (1:6, 10) just prior to the day of YHVH, the destruction of the Almighty (1:15). Israel’s pitiable condition is due to external forces (symbolized by worms, caterpillars and the lion, 1:4, 6, 7) coming against Israel laying her land waste. The prophet urges YHVH’s people to humble themselves and to call a sacred assembly fast (a probable prophetic reference to the forty days of repentance (Heb. teshuvah) leading up to the fall appointed time of the Day of Atonement (Heb. Yom Kippur).
Joel 2:1 opens by announcing the blowing of the shofar in Zion, and the sounding of the alarm (ruwa, Strong’s H7321, meaning “to shout, raise a sound, to cry out, give a blast, to shout a war-cry or alarm for battle, to sound a signal for war”) in Jerusalem. This is a clear reference to the fall festival of Yom Teruah, the Day of the Blowing of Shofars, or Day of the Shouting This is announced as a day when YHVH’s people are to tremble and to prepare for the coming of the day of YHVH, which is near.
The prophet next goes on to describe that day of YHVH as one of darkness (or obscurity) and gloominess (calamity or wickedness), heavy or thick dark cloudiness (2:1). On that day, a great army will swarm over the land with a devouring fire going before them while Continue reading


New Video: Elijah and John the Baptist Generations—Rise Up Against Evil!

In the end times before the second coming of Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah, Elohim (God) is raising up a new generation of righteous servants who will boldly and in the power of the Holy Spirit stand against evil on this earth preparing the way for Messiah. They will walk in the powerful anointing of Phinehas, David, Elijah and John the Baptist. In this video, find out if you’re called to be part of this end-times army of spiritual warriors.