Has the Torah been “done away with”? — Hebrews 8 explained

I just received this comment from a Christian minister who is well known in certain circles and who, over the decades, has done commendable work in opposing wickedness and promoting righteousness in America. You’re a good advocate for your own … Continue reading

The Works of the Law Vs. the Works of Faith Explained

James 2:20–24, Faith without works is dead. James is referring here to the works of faith, not the works of the law. No man can live a good enough life to be saved by his Torah-obedience or the works of … Continue reading

The Truth Behind the Rich Men of the World and Their Castles, Palaces and Mansions

James 1:10, The rich.  Castles, palaces and mansions dot the landscape in many regions of Europe. These edifices are silent monuments of the wealth that has been concentrated into the hands of a few over the millennia. The sizes of … Continue reading

Jeremiah” Most Religious Practices Are an Abomination to YHVH

Jeremiah 7–9 Jeremiah 7:21–8:3, 9:22 (23)–23 (24), “The Sacrifice of the Wicked Is an Abomination” to YHVH (Prov 15:8). This message of Jeremiah reveals that the purpose of sacrifice and of all outward acts of worship should be to deepen … Continue reading