The Local Congregation—Love and Support It or You’ll Lose It!

After pastoring a local congregation in the Hebrew Roots Movement for the past 18, I’ve recognized a serious problem. Those who have a local congregation take it for granted, while those who don’t are aching to have one. Most of … Continue reading

What’s first in your life? YHVH’s will or your own?

I’m amazed at how many so-called Torah or Hebrew roots people do not orient their lives around YHVH’s commanded feasts. They fit their carnal schedules to the feasts, and not vice versa. They observe these divine appointments and commanded assemblies only … Continue reading

Galatians Chapters 4 to 6 Explained Hebraically

Gal 4:1–5, When we were in the world, we were spiritual slaves to the elements (rudiments or principles) of the world. As worldly sinners (Torah violators, 1 John 3:4), we came under the death penalty, for the wages of sin … Continue reading

Do I believe in the rapture? Yes, but…

1 Thessalonians 4:17, Be caught up. Do I believe in the rapture? Yes, but not as many in the Christian church teach it. For them, the resurrection of the righteous dead occurs before the great tribulation — called the pre-trib … Continue reading

Why do you still consider yourself to be a Gentile?

Ephesians 2:11, Gentiles. Paul says in a number of places that those who come to Yeshua are no longer Gentiles but are the children or seed (literally “sperm,” which is the meaning of the Greek word) of Abraham (Eph 2:11–19; … Continue reading

The Book of Deuteronomy: of Moses’ Farewell Address

Outline of Sefer Devarim/The Book of Deuteronomy Chapter 1:1–5, Introduction Chapters 1:6–4:40, First Discourse Moses gives a veiled rebuke for sin and disobedience, and gives a review of the journey from Mount Sinai to Kadesh with exhortations to obedience. Chapters … Continue reading

SHAVUOT — Getting in Tune With the Heavenly Philharmonic

This is a story — not just any story, but our story — yours and mine. It’s the story of our lives, the  story of our people. It’s an old story, yet a new story. Only the faces and places … Continue reading