When Is the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot or Pentecost?

When is the Feast of Weeks (Heb. Chag Shavuot) or Pentecost? This has been a subject of debate among the Jews going back for two thousand years to the first century, and still is today among well meaning people who … Continue reading

Getting Ready for Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost

Next Sunday (May 27, 2018) is Shavuot or the biblical Feast of Weeks (also known as Pentecost). This is according to the visible new moon, aviv barley calendar, which I prove and explain in my three calendar articles on the … Continue reading

False Teachings and Destructive Heresies of the Early Church Fathers

2 Peter 2:1, False teachers…destructive heresies. When did several prominent but destructive, non-biblical heresies creep into the early church, which are now major doctrines in mainstream Christianity? Here is a partial list along with the approximate times the early church … Continue reading

Chag HaMatzot (The Feast of Unleavened Bread): An Overview

ChaMatzot or the Feast of Unleavened Bread is the second annual festival on YHVH’s biblical calendar, and occurs on the fifteenth day of the month of the Abib, which is the day immediately following Passover (or Pesach, Lev 23:5–8). Because … Continue reading

Why Celebrate the Passover?

Isn’t your life already busy enough? Who has time for a six-hour Passover Seder commemorating something that happened thousands of years ago? What could this possibly have to do with my life here and now, you may ask? How can … Continue reading

From A.D. 70 to A.D. 135 — How the Church Became Divorced From Its Hebraic Roots

What is called Christianity today in many ways is very dissimilar, and in many respects, outright antagonistic to the religion of the first-century, book of Acts believers. How did this come to be? Many modern Christian churches prides themselves on … Continue reading

Golden Calf Worship Among YHVH’s People Today

Are YHVH’s people still prone to golden calf worship today? Some things never change, since human nature is still the same today as it was thousands of years ago when the children off Israel worshipped the golden calf. So let’s … Continue reading