The Protocols for Coming Into the Presence of the Almighty Creator

Leviticus 16:1–31 Explained How do humans come into the presence of YHVH Elohim? There is one proper way to do so, and many improper ways. The Torah’s discussion pertaining to the rituals associated with the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) … Continue reading

Acts 15 Explained As You’ve Never Heard It Before

Acts 15 Acts 15:1, Custom of Moses. What is the “custom” or “manner” of Moses as mentioned in Acts 15:1? Likely it is the Torah principle that circumcision of both the flesh and the heart is a requirement for citizenship … Continue reading

The Biblical Dietary Laws—What’s the Big Deal??? (Glad you asked!)

Leviticus 11 The Biblical Dietary Laws Are Primarily About Holiness NOT Just Health! What is the chief attribute of Yehovah Elohim? It is holiness, for this is what Scripture revealed that the spirit beings in his heavenly throne room are … Continue reading

Elohim’s Fiery Judgment Upon Nadab and Abihu—A Lesson for the End Time Saints

Leviticus 10:1–7, Nadab and Abihu…profane fire.  Nadab and Abihu were executed by the fire of YHVH for not following his commandments. This disobedience was induced by the consumption of alcohol, which impaired their ability to follow YHVH’s protocols for the … Continue reading