Exodus Chapters 21 to 24—Natan’s Commentary Notes

Exodus 21  Exodus 21:1, These are the judgments [mishpatim]. Mishpat(im) means “judgment, justice, ordinance, sentence, legal decision or seat of judgment.” Most of these laws (as listed in chapters 21 through 23) are civil in nature and relate to our … Continue reading

Are YOU ready for the third day?

Exodus 19:1, 11, In the third month…the third day.  The Third Day—End Times Prophetic Significance In Exodus 19:1 we read that the Israelites arrived at Sinai in the third month, and according to Jewish tradition, a very significant event occurred … Continue reading

What is the meaning of 666?

Recently in the comments section of this blog, someone wrote the following about the 666 reference Revelation 13:18, The 666 is incorrect. It can’t be these numbers by Hebrew standards. The Aramaic proves this too. There are many teachings available … Continue reading

Who and what is a priest? YOU?!

Genesis 14:8, Priest. (Heb.cohen). The Meaning of the Term Cohen Explored. This is the first occurrence of this Hebrew word in Scripture. According to The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (or The TWOT), the exact etymological meaning of cohen … Continue reading

Why Does the NT Emphasize the Death of Yeshua More Than His Resurrection?

I recently received a comment on this blog from a man who believes that it was Yeshua’s resurrection that atoned for man’s sins and not his death. Is this a new wind of doctrine that’s circulating out there? When I … Continue reading

More Tools for Coping With the Craziness of the World Around Us—Meditations on Psalms 26 and 27

Psalm 26 Psalm 26:4–5, I have not sat. We must be careful about building friendship relationships with idolators (those who don’t put Elohim first in their lives) or hypocrites (those who claim to put Elohim first, but their actions speak … Continue reading