Deuteronomy 24 Ki Tetze on the “Freed from the Law” Church Lie

In this video, we explore Paul’s rather cryptic discussion in Romans 7:1–6 of being freed from the law of a wife’s husband and how it does not mean what the mainstream church has taught for nearly 1,900 years. Rather “the … Continue reading

The Divorce and Remarriage of YHVH the Son and the Deeper Meaning of the Gospel Message

After you read this article, I hope you will come away amazed saying, “Wow! I never knew this before….” May your love for the gospel message that you have heard since you were young be deepened and broadened, and may … Continue reading

Korah the Malcontent, Rebel and a Leftist

As we watch the rise of violent rebellion and civil disobedience in western—formerly Christian—nations (and elsewhere), it would behoove us to determine what is at the root and core of this movement, so that we can determine its source and … Continue reading

Moses’ Response to Korah’s Rebellion—Interceding for the Lost

Numbers 16:5–6, Who is his…take censers. Incense is a biblical metaphor for the prayers of men coming up before YHVH’s throne (Rev 5:8; 8:3). YHVH accepts some men’s prayers as holy and rejects the prayers of other men whom he … Continue reading

Shalach L’kha—Our Wilderness Journey, One Law for All & the Unpardonable Sin

In this video, we explain how the children of Israel’s journey through the wilderness is a biblical metaphor for our life, and the Promised Land is a symbol of salvation and the kingdom of God. We also explain how most … Continue reading