The Glorious Sound of the Shofar an Its RAM-ifications

Exodus 19:16,19 Voice of the trumpet [shofar]. In Jewish thought, the Scriptures speak of three great shofar blasts that have historical and prophetic significance: the first, last and great or final shofar blasts. These are: The First Trump (or shofar … Continue reading

Understanding the Second Exodus

The concept of the Messianic Age in Hebraic thought involves an understanding of the first and final redemptions, which are two separate events. The first redemption or first exodus occurred when the Israelites obeyed the Word of Elohim and placed … Continue reading

Some Insights on the Azazel Goat Ritual of Leviticus 16

Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement will be next Sunday, (Oct 1). Here is my response to a question a YouTube viewer asked me about  the scapegoat (azazel goat) ritual of Leviticus 16.   Natan Understanding the Yom Kippur Rituals. … Continue reading

You Have Priestly, Spiritual Authority in Yeshua…Use It!

John 20:22, Remit. Remit or forgive is the  word aphiemi meaning “to send away, to bid going away or depart, to send forth, yield up, to expire, to let go, let alone, let be, to let go, give up a … Continue reading

Parashat Vayikra—Study Guide

Leviticus 1:1-5:26 [6:7]  Haftorah Reading Isaiah 43:21–44:23 Testimony of Yeshua On our victory over sin through Messiah: omans 8:1–13 Yeshua’s better sacrifice: ebrews 9:11–28; 10:1–22; 13:10–16 Overview of the Book of Leviticus/Vayikra Key Points of Leviticus Leviticus stands at the center of … Continue reading