You Have Priestly, Spiritual Authority in Yeshua…Use It!

John 20:22, Remit. Remit or forgive is the  word aphiemi meaning “to send away, to bid going away or depart, to send forth, yield up, to expire, to let go, let alone, let be, to let go, give up a debt, forgive, to remit, to give up, keep no longer, to permit, allow, not to hinder, to give up a thing to a person, to leave, go way from one.” From the context of the previous verse, those who have received the Set-Apart Spirit have the divine authority to relieve someone of their sin burden, although ultimate forgiveness sins in the ultimate sense resulting in salvation in the final analysis belongs only to Elohim. Perhaps this means that a Spirit-filled believer can act as a high priest and intercede for someone who is burdened down with sin and relieve them of some of that sin burden. A person can become so burdened and bent down with the guilt, condemnation and shame of sin that they cannot easily come to YHVH. By relieving them of some of that burden, they may be more able to come to salvation. This seems to be what the high priest was doing on Yom Kippur in Lev 16, and perhaps Job was doing this when interceding for his children on their birthdays.

John 20:23, If you forgive the sins [NKJV] or Whose soever sins ye remit [KJV]. As in the binding and loosing scriptures (Matt 16:19 and 18:18), Yeshua is giving his disciples judicial authority to declare a person innocent or guilty (or bound or loosed) of the charges made against him by someone else. This seems to go hand-in-hand with Yeshua giving them the keys of the kingdom (Matt 16:19) as his spiritual authorities and representatives on earth. Along with this, he gave them power over demonic forces and Elohim’s enemies (Luke 9:1; 10:19), including over sickness and disease (Mark 16:17–18).