Eat whatever’s put before you!??!?? (Yeah right!)

Do you really think that Paul the apostle meant we should eat whatever is put before us when he made this statement (see graphic below) in 1 Cor 10:27, even if it violated the biblical dietary commandments? Yet many in the church … Continue reading

Can of Worms: Is Tithing for Us Today?

Numbers 18:21, I have given the children of Levi all the tenth. The children of Israel were to pay a tithe (a tenth) of their income to support the Levites—those who ministered to the Israelites and taught them YHVH’s Torah. … Continue reading

Was Paul’s Favorite Meal Barbecued Bat Snouts?

If the biblical dietary laws have been abolished in the New Covenant as many in the church claim, then let’s all serve ourselves up a huge helping of our favorite dish of gourmet treif (unclean meats). How about some fricassee … Continue reading

New Video: Food for Thought—You Are What You Eat

In this video, learn the heart and spirit behind the biblical dietary laws. This issue involves a whole lot more than just health—it’s about holiness. Following the biblical dietary laws help… us to control what goes into our mouths, so … Continue reading

Food For Thought—You Are What You Eat

What is the heart and spirit behind the biblical dietary laws? I will, in part, attempt to answer this question the following brief teaching. The Genesis creation account records that YHVH Elohim made man in his own image (Gen 1:26). … Continue reading

What Happens to You When You Die?

Restoration of Truth Series: The State of the Dead by Nathan LawrenceHoshana Rabbah Biblical Resources at Repent therefore and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, so that times of refreshing may come from the presence of … Continue reading