Exodus Chapters 21 to 24—Natan’s Commentary Notes

Exodus 21  Exodus 21:1, These are the judgments [mishpatim]. Mishpat(im) means “judgment, justice, ordinance, sentence, legal decision or seat of judgment.” Most of these laws (as listed in chapters 21 through 23) are civil in nature and relate to our … Continue reading

What is the Second Exodus and Does It Involve YOU?

Understanding the Second Exodus In the book of Exodus, we read about the well known exodus of the children of Israel out of Egypt. In Jewish thought, this is referred to as “the first redemption.” Interestingly and unbeknownst to most … Continue reading

More Tools for Coping With the Craziness of the World Around Us—Meditations on Psalms 26 and 27

Psalm 26 Psalm 26:4–5, I have not sat. We must be careful about building friendship relationships with idolators (those who don’t put Elohim first in their lives) or hypocrites (those who claim to put Elohim first, but their actions speak … Continue reading

What Is the Kingdom of God & What Will the Millennium Be Like?

The Preaching of the Kingdom of Elohim Was Fundamental to the Ministry of Yeshua During Yeshua’s earthly ministry as recorded in the Gospels, which subjects did he teach about the most? Curiously, sadly and for the most part, it wasn’t … Continue reading

Join Hoshana Rabbah in Celebrating Yom Kippur 2020!

Tomorrow (for some people reading this, it is already tomorrow), Monday, September 27, 2020 it is Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement. This year both the biblical new moon calendar and the traditional Rabbinic Jewish calendar match up, so … Continue reading