D’varim—Moses & John Reveal the Heartbeat of Torah

For years, Deuteronomy (D’varim) has been one of my favorite books of the Bible for several reasons. Mostly because in it Moses reveals the heart of our loving Father in heaven for his people, and why it’s important for them to follow his ways, which are a river of life and a source of great blessings. Additionally, Deuteronomy is the aged Moses’s last will and testament for the people of Elohim, and it contains life saving information for the next generation. It also reveals the quintessential truths of YHVH’s Torah, while pointing people toward Yeshua the Messiah, who is the Living Torah-Word of Elohim. Interestingly, and I have sensed this for many years, John’s first epistle, written when he too was a very old man, is like the Deuteronomy of the New Testament containing much of the same information, warnings, pleas, instructions and exhortations as Moses’ last book. For the first time, in this video, I do a comparative analysis of the main messages of each of these books such that your perspective on each one may be expanded and a new appreciation for each as well as Messiah and his Torah gained. May you be blessed! — Nathan


Chukat—Red Heifer & Bronze Serpent Mysteries Explained

In this video, we discover the deeper, gospel-centered implications of the mysterious Tabernacle of Moses ceremony of the red heifer. The spiritual ramifications of this curious ritual that affect your life are much deeper than you have probably supposed. We also discover the deeper meaning of the bronze serpent, how it relates to Satan the serpent, as well as Yeshua’s death on the cross. Along the way, we also tag a number of other bases including the anointed presence of Elohim, some false teachings in the mainstream church, some rules of biblical interpretation and much more. It’s a long video, but one that is packed with a plethora of potentially life-changing insights that will challenge you and may even leave you a bit stunned.


Shalach L’kha—Our Wilderness Journey, One Law for All & the Unpardonable Sin

In this video, we explain how the children of Israel’s journey through the wilderness is a biblical metaphor for our life, and the Promised Land is a symbol of salvation and the kingdom of God. We also explain how most Christians have a wrong understanding of why the man was stoned to death for picking up sticks on the Sabbath, and why the Torah-law is still Elohim’s standard of righteousness for both Christian Gentiles and the Jews to this day.


I Closed My Eyes & Picked Random Bible Topics

In this video, I closed my eyes and opened the Bible and taught on the Scriptures where my finger landed. I first opened my Bible to Proverbs 7:1–9 (on how YHVH’s Torah-law will protect us from evil), then to Hebrews 1:1–10 (on how Yeshua was the God of the Old Testament), and finally to Joshua 22:43–45 (on the rest of YHVH and how it relates to salvation, the kingdom of Elohim, the seventh day Sabbath and the Millennium). And I have a special treat for you at the end of this video. Please enjoy and be blessed as the Word of Elohim edifies you.