Of Frail Men and a Faithful Elohim—The Torah Roots of Your Salvation

Can I let you in on a little secret that will empower you spiritually? Typically YHVH Elohim overlooks the great, mighty, rich and successful people of the world to accomplish his plans and purposes in favor of the weak, the failures, the down-trodden, the rejected and those who have made a lot of mistakes. Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, and Moses were such people. He established a covenantal relationship with them out of which came a nation and eventually the Messiah that has subsequently touched the world with the gospel message.

If YHVH can use adulterers (Abraham), lying thieves (Jacob), ex-convicts (Joseph), murderers (Moses) a long the weak, ignoble, and foolish people (1 Cor 1:26–27) to save the world, then maybe he can use you and me (if we have a little faith and willingness) to help expand his kingdom.

This is an encouraging and uplifting message that calls us all to step out of our comfort zones of discouragement and complacency and in faith trust YHVH to use us for his glory to help expand his kingdom with the message of salvation that is rooted in the Torah!

This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under “Hoshana Rabbah.”

If this message has been a blessing to you, please consider showing your appreciation by making a donation to Hoshana Rabbah at https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=Y…. Thank you!


Jacob’s Struggle—Wrestling With Yeshua & Conquering Our Sin Nature to Receive Our Promised Reward

Nearly everyone knows the Old Testament story of Jacob wrestling with the “angel,” but there is more to this biblical tale—much more! In this video, we learn how the prophet Jeremiah and the ancient Jewish sages viewed “Jacob’s Struggle” as relating to end time events just prior to the second coming of the Messiah. Perhaps, and even more importantly, we will also discover how Jacob’ struggle—his dark night of the soul—is a spiritual picture of what each Christian must go through to come into a deeper, more mature walk with Yeshua the Messiah and to discover their true and ultimate identity and destiny.

This and other videos by Nathan are available as podcasts on Spotify and Apple podcast under “Hoshana Rabbah.”

If this message has been a blessing to you, please consider showing your appreciation by making a donation to Hoshana Rabbah at https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=YCJXxwIs9WC97bc29kBAHtSF7IzMXXKfpWZYifh1QeReOYLLTGrU0jNzOwv8oSPl6xicUH6u7FHzwapN. Thank you!


Parashat B’reisheet Genesis 1:1-6:8 (Pt 1)

This video is a treasure trove of nuggets from the first several chapters of Genesis including:
•The definition of the word “Torah”.
•The Aleph and Tov (Alpha and Omega) explained.
•The nature of the Godhead from a Hebraic perspective explained.
•What or Who was the primordial light that illuminated the earth for the first three days of creation before the sun was created on the fourth day.
•How the sun and moon determine the biblical calendar.
•What the sun and moon are prophetic symbols of and how that relates to you.
•The first Torah commands of the Bible.
•The Sabbath commanded from creation by the Creator’s example.
•The Garden of Eden and its prophetic implications.

The info in this video will both inspire and amaze you as well as whet your appetite for more of Elohim’s Word, plus strengthen your faith in the Word of Elohim and in Yeshua the Messiah.

Be blessed!


Numbers 4–7 Parashat Nasso—The Aaronic Blessing Explained & Then Done

This is a gospel-oriented Torah study. Our goal is to connect the good news of Yeshua the Messiah (the gospel message) to its Hebraic, pro-Torah roots or foundations. The information given here is more than head knowledge. Understanding and wisdom (the right application of knowledge that is based on truth) is taught thus making biblical truth practical, relevant and applicable to your daily life. The truths of the Bible not only have the power to transform your life here and now for the better, but eventually to take you past the veil of death and into eternity.

This Torah study is subdivided in sections by topic in a magazine format thus making it easy to watch at several sittings.

May you be blessed as you watch this video.

For a free, printable adult and youth Torah study guide on this Torah portion (parashah), please go to http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/parshiot…


Numbers 1:1–4:20 Parashat B’midbar

This is a gospel-oriented Torah study. Our goal is to connect the good news of Yeshua the Messiah (the gospel message) to its Hebraic, pro-Torah roots or foundations. The information given here is more than head knowledge. Understanding and wisdom (the right application of knowledge that is based on truth) is taught thus making biblical truth practical, relevant and applicable to your daily life. The truths of the Bible not only have the power to transform your life here and now for the better, but eventually to take you past the veil of death and into eternity.

This Torah study is subdivided in sections by topic in a magazine format thus making it easy to watch at several sittings.

May you be blessed as you watch this video.

For a free, printable adult and youth Torah study guide on this Torah portion (parashah), please go to http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/parshiot


Leviticus 21 Emor–”In Vain They Worship Me”—Praise & Worship in the Church

In this video, we examine the Christian church’s typical praise and worship themes and then juxta pose them with the book of Psalms and how the Bible defines praise and worship. A major disconnect is exposed! Learn what the true praise and worship is that is pleasing to our Abba Father in heaven—YHVH Elohim.

This is a gospel-oriented Torah study guide. Our goal is to connect the good news of Yeshua the Messiah (the gospel message) to its Hebraic, pro-Torah roots or foundations. The information given here is more than head knowledge. Understanding and wisdom (the right application of knowledge that is based on truth) is taught thus making biblical truth practical, relevant and applicable to your daily life. The truths of the Bible not only have the power to transform your life here and now for the better, but eventually to take you past the veil of death and into eternity.

This Torah study is subdivided in sections by topic in a magazine format thus making it easy to watch at several sittings. May you be blessed as you watch this video.

For a free, printable adult and teen Torah study guide on this Torah portion (parashah), please go to http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/parshiot.html


Leviticus 19 Kedoshim—Transhumanism & Biblical Science “Fiction”

This is a gospel-oriented Torah study. Our goal is to connect the good news of Yeshua the Messiah (the gospel message) to its Hebraic, pro-Torah roots or foundations. The information given here is more than head knowledge. Understanding and wisdom (the right application of knowledge that is based on truth) is taught thus making biblical truth practical, relevant and applicable to your daily life. The truths of the Bible not only have the power to transform your life here and now for the better, but eventually to take you past the veil of death and into eternity.

This Torah study is subdivided in sections by topic in a magazine format thus making it easy to watch at several sittings. May you be blessed as you watch this video.

For a free, printable adult and youth Torah study guide on this Torah portion (parashah), please go to http://www.hoshanarabbah.org/parshiot.html