Two Messiahs from Two Tribes, One Messiah From Two Tribes … or What?

Genesis 49:24, Shepherd…Stone of Israel. This seems to be an irrefutable prophetic reference to the Messiah of Israel whom Scripture refers to in various places as “the Stone the builders rejected,” “the Chief Cornerstone,” “Precious Cornerstone” and “the Rock of our Salvation” (Ps 118:22; Isa 28:16; Mark 12:10; Eph 2:20; 1 Pet 2:6–8). Yet this verse appears to be saying that this Messiah is coming from the tribe of Joseph. At the same time, Jacob’s prophecy to Judah contains another classic Messianic prophecy in the reference to the Shiloh to come (Gen 49:10). These two prophecies led some Jewish sages to believe that two Messianic figures would arise out of Israel: one from Judah and other from Ephraim.

What kind of blessing was this prediction that one day his descendants—the Ten Tribes—would be scattered among the nations? R. Munk explains: while it is true that the dispersion was caused by the unfaithfulness and sinfulness of Ephraim’s descendants (Hos 7:8ff), Jacob’s blessing was not in vain for “they will return to God” and will have their share in the world to come (Sanhedrin 110b). And R. Eliezer adds: “Even the darkness in which the Ten Tribes were lost will one day become as radiant as the day’ (according to the version of Avos d’Rabbi Nosson 36). And in the perspective of history, did not these exiled children of the Patriarchs enlighten the nations among whom they were scattered? They did so by teaching their conquerors the fundamental ideas of the knowledge and love of God, ideals they had never forsaken. Hence they too have a messianic vocation and their Messiah the. … Messiah son of Joseph (Succah 52a), also called Messiah son of Ephraim (Targum Yonasan on Exod 40:11), will play an essential role in humanity’s redemption, for he will be the precursor of the … Messiah Son of David …” (The ArtScroll Bereishis/Genesis Commentary, pp. 2121–2122).

How do we explain this seeming contradiction in view of the facts that there was only one Messiah, and his name was Yeshua, and he came from the tribe of Judah? These two Messiahs are explained in Yeshua’s two comings. In his first coming, he was like Joseph, a suffering servant who then become a king after enduring great hardships (read Isa 53). When he comes back the second time, he will be like David, the conquering, triumphant or warrior king where he will rule over the world and a united Israel (Rev 19:11–16). The Jewish sages had a concept of these two Messiahs, as well, but were unclear as to whether they would be the same person or not and how much time would separate their two comings. With perfect 20-20 hindsight, we can now ook back and see how Yeshua fulfilled this prophecy as the Messiah Son of Joseph (figuratively speaking) at this first coming, and how he is yet to come as the Messiah Son of David at his second coming where as the Conquering King he will defeat Babylon the Great and establish his earthly millennial kingdom where he will rule as King of kings (Rev 19–20).


Does Elohim help those who help themselves?

2 Samuel 7:9, I have …cut off all your enemies. YHVH informed David through Nathan the prophet that he had cut off all David’s enemies. However, this didn’t occur by David sitting on this thumbs and doing nothing while expecting YHVH to defeat his enemies. David had to actively and aggressively literally fight against his enemies. Only then did YHVH help David to defeat them.

There is a lesson here for us. If we need deliverance from our enemies (e.g., sin, addictions, sickness, poverty, demons, persecution, evil people or whatever), we have to do our part. Sometimes, YHVH will give us novel and unconventional ways to defeat our enemies as he did on many occasions with David and the Israelites. Nevertheless, for YHVH to intervene miraculously on behalf of his saints, they still needed to be doing their part: seeking him and trusting in and obeying him.

Although it appears nowhere in the Scriptures, it would seem that the old adage that Elohim helps those who help themselves has some merit.


What Is the New Covenant from a Hebraic Perspective?

This video explains what the new covenant is from a Hebraic, pro-Torah perspective, how this fits in with the apostles’ decision in Acts 15, the marriage covenant, and what the New Testament is compared to the New or Everlasting Covenant.


25 Reasons Why I Celebrate YHVH’s Biblical Feasts (instead of man’s non-biblical holidays)


  1. The biblical feasts are a prophetic shadow-picture of things to come (Col 2:16–17; Heb 10:1). When they were given to ancient Israel they pointed forward to future events that would occur to the nation of Israel including redeemed believers. The spring feast days, for example, point to Yeshua the Messiah’s first coming, while the fall feast days point to his second coming leading into the Messianic Age (Millennium) and into eternity beyond.
  2. All the biblical feasts point to Yeshua. Yeshua is the Hebrew name for Jesus and means “salvation.” All the biblical festivals point to the various stages or steps of the path of salvation that believers find themselves on.
  3. Many of the feasts point back to and commemorate historical events that occurred in Israel’s history. By studying and celebrating these feasts, we can learn valuable historical spiritual lessons that are, at the same time, representative of our own spiritual journey (1 Cor 10:1–6, 11).
  4. YHVH Elohim commands his people to keep what the Scriptures calls his appointed times or biblical festivals. They are times when he makes an appointment to meet with his people (Lev 23:1–2, 4). It is at these festivals or commanded assemblies that YHVH teaches his people about his wonderful plan of salvation or the redemption of the world through Yeshua the ­Messiah.
  5. The feasts are in the Bible and the whole Bible is the inspired word of Elohim (2 Tim 3:16). Yeshua commands his saints to live by every word that comes out of the mouth of Elohim (Matt 4:4). The feasts are in the Bible, and believers need to study and obey the whole Bible, which is the inspired word of Elohim (2 Tim 3:16).
  6. The feasts set forth the pattern of heavenly things on earth (Heb 8:1–2, 5; 9:8–9, 23; Exod 25:8–9, 40; 26:30; Num 8:4; Ezek 43:1–6, 10–12), and, therefore, reveal to us spiritual mysteries about things in heaven.
  7. We as physical beings need physical means and methods to help us understand spiritual mysteries. YHVH gives us the natural to help us to understand the supernatural or the spiritual (1 Cor. 2:9–13). The biblical feasts play an important role in our spiritual growth, development and maturation.
  8. Yeshua, the apostles and early believers celebrated the biblical feasts. The apostles walked as Yeshua walked, and instructed us to do the same (1 Cor 11:1; 1 John 2:6).
  9. The biblical feasts will be celebrated during the Millennium.
  10. Yeshua said that if you love him, you’ll be keeping his commandments (John 14:15). Elsewhere, Yeshua equated the commandments with the Torah (Luke 18:20), of which the biblical feasts are a part.
  11. If you want to know YHVH, you will be keeping his Torah-commandments of which the feasts are a part (1 John 2:3–6).
  12. YHVH’s Word commands us to appear before him three times each year at the three aliyot or pilgrimage feasts (Passover/Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks/Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles, Exod 23:14–17). If we’re going to be obedient to his instructions in righteousness, we must gather together in the place where he has chosen to place his name (Deut 16:2, 6, 11).
  13. The aliyot feasts are a time for all Israel to gather together to worship YHVH (Lev 23:2, 4).
  14. When we obey YHVH’s commands, we are blessed in wonderful and unexpected ways (Deut 28:1–14).
  15. When we come together at his appointed times (moedim) at the place where he has chosen to place his name, we show YHVH that we love him and want to meet with him. As a result, we will experience a special divine joy (Deut 12:5–7, 18).
  16. When we come together at his appointed times (moedim) at the place where he has chosen to place his name we show our fellow redeemed Israelites that we love them and want to fellowship with them.
  17. At the feasts, there is corporate worship, and when YHVH’s people praise him together, he inhabits the praises of Israel (Ps 22:3).
  18. When redeemed Israel comes together, YHVH camps in the midst of his people (Ps 34:7).
  19. When the disciples of Yeshua come together, he is in their midsts (Matt 18:20).
  20. At the aliyot feasts, people from outside of your local congregation gather together for a common purpose: to obey, worship and serve YHVH. This binds all the saints together in a common focus and purpose. In this atmosphere, new and lasting friendships are forged.
  21. At the aliyot feasts, one has the opportunity to hear new teachers with fresh teachings.
  22. The aliyot feasts give our young people and adult singles an opportunity to meet prospective spouses.
  23. The aliyot feasts give one an opportunity to visit new places and provides one with a great (and biblically-based) excuse to take a much needed vacation.
  24. The aliyot feasts are a place to not only meet new people, but to exchange ideas and to get your Bible questions answered.
  25. At the aliyot feasts, one is provided with extended times of anointed praise and worship.

For more on this subject, please go to


The Tribe of Levi: Lemons to Lemonade

Genesis 49:7, I will scatter/divide them. For Simeon, this prophecy was fulfilled in that they had an inheritance both in the area Judah and among the region of northern tribes.

For Levi’s part, his descendants were given the priesthood and were scattered in 48 cities throughout Israel (Num 35:7).


YHVH put this tribe’s passion against evil to good use. Levi’s vengeful anger against Shechem for raping Dinah was excessive and outside the bounds of Torah-law (Gen 38). However, this passion for righteousness and justice became further evident as Levi’s descendants were the ones who stood up against the rebellious Israelites at the golden calf.

Moses used this tribe to execute YHVH’s judgment against the golden calf worshippers (Exod 32:25–29). This time, Levi acted in accordance to and within the bounds of the Torah as prescribed by Moses. For this, they were granted the priesthood and as such, were scattered throughout Israel (in fulfillment of Jacob’s prophecy) to better accomplish their duties. They became responsible for teaching Israel YHVH’s Torah and for acting as judges of the law (Deut 33:10; 24:8; Lev 24:10–11).

The beauty of this story is that YHVH can take the flawed character traits or misguided and even carnal passions of an individual or of a family or a society and redeem them by redirecting them along righteous lines in accordance with Torah principles. Zeal and passion are wonderful character attributes, but they need to be channeled in the right direction.

To the Laodiceans in Revelation YHVH said he would rather they be hot or cold in their passions (Rev 3:15–16). He had no use for lukewarmness, which is apathy. One who is cold or dead is waiting to be awakened spiritually. One who is hot with passion already simply needs direction. One who is lukewarm does even care enough to go one way or the other.

With YHVH Elohim all things are possible. He knows how to take our lemons and turn them into lemonade for his glory! HalleluYAH!



Watch, Pray and Be Prepared So You Won’t Be Naked!

Mark 14:51, A certain young man…naked. The reason for the inclusion of this detail in the Gospel record has puzzled many commentators. For example, Matthew Henry suggests that it was added to show the barbarous nature of the Jewish gang that arrested Yeshua, and how narrow was the disciples’ escape from their hands.


There seems, however, to be a greater spiritual lesson to be learned from this story. Previous to this, Yeshua, as he and his disciples were coming into the Garden of Gethsemane, admonished them to sit and pray with him (v. 32), to stay and watch (v. 34), to watch and pray so as not to fall into temptation because of the weakness of the flesh (v. 38). Instead, the disciples slept (vv. 37, 40).

Elsewhere, Yeshua instructs the elect saints of the last days to endure tribulation and spiritual apostasy to the end (Matt 24:13), and to watch vigilantly and be ready for his second coming (Matt 24:42, 44; 25:13).

These warnings are in the context of his Parable of the Ten Virgins. All slept while awaiting the bridegroom’s arrival. While five were spiritually prepared, five were not. Those who were unprepared were dubbed as foolish and weren’t allowed into the wedding.

Likewise, in the end times, there will be believers who YHVH views as wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked because they have grown lukewarm spiritually (Rev 3:14–17).

The point of this discussion is this: If the disciples of Yeshua fail to maintain a state of spiritual preparedness (by watching, praying, keeping oil in their spiritual lamps, enduring to the end) while awaiting his return, they, like the young man in Gethsemane and the Laodiceans in the Book of Revelation, will be found to be spiritually naked lacking robes of righteousness on the day of his return and thus unprepared to meet him (Rev 19:7–9 cp. Matt 22:2, 11–12).


May the Force Be With YOU in 32 Ways!

There’s a new Star Wars movie craze going on with the release of, I think, number seven. In reality, Star Wars is about a civil war between demonic, ungodly forces. There’s nothing righteous or spiritually redeeming about it except maybe simply for entertainment value. The underlying thematic paradigm is one of white magic versus black magic. The Bible condemns all magic and Satan, who is the source of both.

In the Star Wars movie, there is a thing called “the Force,”  which has a good side and a bad side. The Star Wars greeting is: “May the Force be with you.” This is supposed to be a blessing, but it’s really a curse. It’s saying, “May Satan be with you.” How is this?


YHVH Elohim isn’t the Power behind this satanic force, because YHVH has no dark or evil side to himself like the force in the movie. Everything Elohim does is good, light, loving and truth. His is the tree of life. On the other side is Satan the Devil who comes as an angel of light to deceive the whole world. In reality, the Bible reveals that the devil is the evil prince of darkness — the god of this world who is opposed to Elohim in every way. Satan’s tree is the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This tree has both good and evil. It has just enough good to sucker man into eating from it, but once in, it’s all pure evil! It brings spiritual damnation to men. This is what the Star Wars movies are all about. The Force has good and evil in it. This is Satan’s tree, not Elohim’s tree, which has all life in it.

So there are two forces in the universe: and evil one and a good one. They’re completely separate from each other. They aren’t two sides of the same coin as the movie likes to portray it. This is new age, Eastern religious philosophy.

In this brief study below, we’d like to show you how the only good, true Force from Elohim (not the counterfeit demonic force in the movie) can empower you more than any lying counterfeit force from the enemy ever could. Don’t settle for a cheap imitation from Satan who’s an arrogant, sulking, sorry loser and an evil chump. As you will see, the real Force from Elohim has so much more to offer!  —Natan

What is the most powerful Force in the Universe? It is Holy Spirit of YHVH Elohim — the Almighty Creator God of the Bible!

By the force of Spirit and Word of Elohim, the universe and earth were created. With his hands, Elohim shaped man out of earth and by the Force of the breath of his Spirit, he breathed life into that lump of earth and man became a living being. That same spiritual Force impregnated the womb of the virgin Mary and Yeshua the Messiah, the Son of Elohim, was clothed in humanity and became the Elohim-Man and Savior and Redeemer of humanity.

Yeshua the Messiah promised to send that same Force of the Spirit of Elohim to live inside of all those who seek him and put their trusting faith in him and choose to follow and obey him as he leads them on the path of righteous living leading to a life of immortality in Elohim’s kingdom of heaven on earth. This same Force has the power to resurrect the dead from their graves. So how can this Force help you?

Here’s are 32 ways the Force, which is the of the Spirit of Elohim, can empower you: Continue reading