The Global Reset Paving the Way for the New World Order

The Biblical Perspective—Setting the Stage

To ascertain how end time events fit into biblical prophecy, we must first establish some basic premises. Who, what, where, when, why and how?

Who are the key players in end time biblical scenarios?

YHVH Elohim the Father and Yeshua the Messiah his Son.

Satan the Devil, the Adversary who is the god of this world.

Humans (three categories): the redeemed, the unredeemed, the human instruments Satan is using to achieve his goals of global domination.

What is going on from a biblical perspective on earth?

It is not great mystery that there is a cosmic struggle between the forces of good and evil that has been going on since the beginning of time. The Bible clearly lays out that this struggle is between YHVH Elohim and Satan the adversary.

Man is at the center of this cosmic and on-going struggle. It began at the Garden of Eden when Satan the serpent deceived the first humans into joining him in his rebellion against the Elohim the Creator and is Word.

Elohim wants man on his side, and Satan wants him on his side. Elohim created man to be potential sons and daughters in his eternal, heavenly kingdom. On the other hand, Satan wants to use men as his instruments to thwart Elohim’s plan and, instead, to populate his kingdom with man who either hate Elohim or are ambivalent. 

Where is this struggle occurring?

Geographically, the earth is the stage, the setting for this drama that is occurring between Elohim and his forces and Satan and his forces. Spiritually, this battle is taking place in the hearts and minds of each person.


The Bible reveals that this struggle has been going on since man’s initial creation in Genesis chapter three and will continue until the second coming of Yeshua at the end of this present era. The Bible also reveals that Satan knows what is ultimate fate is, that his time is short, before King Yeshua comes to depose, displace, seize and then lock him away forever. Thus, Satan will intensify his efforts to gain and maintain control of the world before this occurs. 


Satan is a prideful rebel who hates Elohim and everything associated with him. In his pride and hubris, Satan actually thinks he can pull his coup to unseat King Yeshua from his throne and from fulfilling his ultimate purpose to establish his kingdom on this earth, and he has convinced his human minions of this as well. 


Satan has bribed his chief followers into following him by promising them money, power, luxury, pleasure along with prominent positions in his global government, which the Bible refers to as Babylon the Great, and which Satan’s humans stooges refer to as the novus ordo seclorum or the new world order. The problem is that Satan always over-promises and under-delivers. He is a deceiver and a liar from the beginning, but because men have rejected Elohim and his Truth, they have become blind fools existing in the spiritual darkness of their own pride and rebellion. Thus they are unable to recognize their own blindness and the fact that they are being deceived and that it all ends in destruction and death for them, which the Bible reveals is the wages of sin.

Now that we know who, what, where, when, why and how, who does the Bible reveal are Satan’s chief human instruments?

First, the spirit of antichrist, which as existed from the beginning must go out and deceive humans into following Satan. Chief among the deceived are several key players in Satan’s kingdom that the Bible refers to as the Antichrist, the Man of Sin, the false prophet as well as metaphorical characters such as the beast and the great whore.

Therefore, as a roaring, angry lion, Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy all those who would stand in his way for world domination. For him, the ends justify the means; that is to say, he will do whatever it takes to achieve his goals: war, famine, disease, lies and deceit, economic chaos and woes to name a few. It is the chief goal of these Satan-inspired players to destroy anyone (Jews or Christians) or anything (the Christian church, the nation of Israel and biblical truth, morality and values) remotely associated with the Bible and ultimately Yeshua the Messiah. 

How to Ascertain What Is Going On

How can we know what will happen in the end times before the coming of Yeshua?

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The Global Reset (i.e. the Babylon the Great New World Order) Is Coming…Soon

From Real Clear Politics at

President Biden: There’s Going To Be A New World Order, It Hasn’t Happened In A While And America Has To Lead It

President Biden, the former Senator from Delaware, addressed the Business Roundtable on Monday afternoon. 

“We’re at an inflection point, I believe, in the world economy, not just the world economy, the world, that occurs every three or four generations,” the president said. “[A general told me that] 60 million people died between 1900 and 1946 and since then we’ve established a liberal world order, and it hasn’t happened in a long while.

“A lot of people died, but nowhere near the chaos.

“Now is the time when things are shifting and there’s going to be a new world order out there, and we’ve got to lead it. We’ve got to unite the rest of the free world in doing it.”

Want to better understand what this New World Order “global reset” is all about and how it will affect you? Listen to Dan Bongino explain it here:

Look folks, whether you like it our not, the prophecies of Revelation chapters 13, 17 and 18 are coming to pass. It’s time to wake up from your sleep and start preparing for the inevitable. These things have to happen before the second coming or else the Bible is a lie.

A lot of you want to believe that these Bible prophecies will happen to another generation, and you don’t want face the reality that they’re beginning to be fulfilled NOW. Peter has something to say to you on this:

Beloved, I now write to you this second epistle (in both of which I stir up your pure minds by way of reminder), that you may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us, the apostles of the Lord and Savior, knowing this first: that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts, and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” For this they willfully forget: that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of water and in the water, by which the world that then existed perished, being flooded with water. But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men. But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away with a great noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up. Therefore, since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be dissolved, being on fire, and the elements will melt with fervent heat? Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells.  Therefore, beloved, looking forward to these things, be diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless… (2 Pet 3:1–14)

This is going to affect your lifestyle in more ways than you can imagine. I will have more to say on this shortly. It’s time to stop playing games and to get your head out of the sand, so to speak. Are you getting ready physically and spiritually for this? Not bragging, but I saw this day coming in 1978 just out of high school and I started prepping for it then. I have been warning people about these things for the the last 20 or more years and some people around me still think I’m crazy. All I can say is, shame on them.

Again, I will have more to say on this subject shortly. I am praying and meditating on how to present this subject in a Spirit-led way.

In the mean time, look up for your redemption draws near, and occupy till he comes and keeping your eyes locked on Yeshua the Messiah, while standing firm on the rock of the Word!


New World Order Bible Prophecy Update—What I See Coming

In this video, Nathan takes you on a journey over the past 170 years of world history with a special focus on U.S. history as it relates to end time Bible prophecy leading to the formation of the globalists’ Babylon the Great world-ruling, Satanic, Antichrist system that will have the world in its grip just prior to the Second Coming. We take a look at the broad sweep and trajectory of recent world history and events to project how they are coming together to fulfill the prophecies of the Book of Revelation chapters 13, 17 and 18. Saints, the pieces of the puzzle of the biblical prophecies made 2,000 years ago are falling neatly into place. Look up, for your redemption (that is, the redemption and glorification of your physical bodies at the resurrection of the righteous) draweth nigh! Are you getting ready? YHVH, by his grace, is revealing these truths to the weak and foolish things of the world, who follow his Torah-Word, to the consternation and confounding of the so-called wise of this world (including the so-called “wise” teachers and leaders in the mainstream church system.)


Beware of Bible Prophecy “Experts” = $$$

In this video, Nathan Lawrence reveals a stunning, ignored and largely unknown principle concerning understanding end time Bible prophecy—something that the so-called biblical prophecy “experts” will never tell you because if they did, it would take away their source of profit ($$$), because YOU would no longer listen to them and buy their junk!


Beware of the End Times Prophecy Gurus Who Claim to Hear From Elohim!

In these last days, and especially with the advent of the internet, numerous self-proclaimed and so-called prophets have arisen in the Christian church, who claim to have an inside communication track with Elohim. Claims are one thing, reality and biblical Truth are another, totally different thing.

Face it. Who does not want to know what the future holds for them, especially in these days of tenuous uncertainty? In the current “pandem!c” crisis, many well meaning Bible believers are wondering whether they will be able to keep their jobs, their homes, travel, buy or sell, or even survive financially in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. If not, then what…? And what about the infamous mark of the beast that seems to glaring at us from just around the corner? Will we, at the least be ostracized and excluded from society, and, at worst, be fined out of existence or imprisoned for not acquiescing to the powers at be? These are legitimate questions that we all have.

Face it. Our faith is being tested, and this is only the beginning of trials and tribulation!

Into this time of gnawing questions and the void of critical uncertainty steps the prophetic pundit. Now with the internet, anyone can get a website and procure a video channel for little or no cost and upload their prognostications—and do so from their basement with their smart phone. Of course, if they don’t have something to sell you (e.g., videos, DVDs, books, podcasts or prepping supplies), they will, at the very least, have a big, bold “DONATE” button right next to their subscribe button. Shame on these gospel peddlers and likely charlatans, who fail to meet the critical test of a true biblical prophet.

Do not be fooled. Yeshua warned us against these guys and gals in Matthew 24:11 as did Peter (2 Pet 2:1–3).

Although many of my well-meaning Hebraic brethren regularly draw my attention to many Christian gurus, who claim to have an inside track on being able to foretell the future in the name of “the Lord”, I have yet to find a single one in our day who meets the biblical criteria of a true prophet of Elohim. These folks may indeed possess genuine prophetic gifts, but everyone of their track records have failed to pass the test of biblical scrutiny of actually being a prophet of Elohim .

Yes, over the years, I have supported and even promoted a couple of them. One even wanted to ordain me and make me part of his ministry. I prayed about it and declined the offer. I found out later that many of his prophecies failed to come to pass in the time frame he set forth according to what “God told him”. When this happened, instead of repenting, he simply moved the target of date of his prophecy, so that the arrows of his false and errant prophecies would hit it. Some 10 to 15 years later these prophecies still have failed to come to pass. That is when I stopped supporting him. Years later, he is still playing this same game, all the while begging for money monthly from his gullible supporters. How sad.

Please read on for some vital instructions from the Word of Elohim on how not to be fooled by those in the church, who prophesy out of the dictates of their own hearts as Jeremiah warned use about so long ago. —Natan

2 Peter 1:21, Prophecy never came by the will of man. This is a key, even foundational verse that is overlooked by most so-called “prophets” in the modern church as well as proponents of “personal prophecy”. 

What this verse is saying is that YHVH does not give prophetic revelation to someone because they seek or demand it. In other words, prophetic revelation from heaven does not come on demand. No! It comes as YHVH sovereignly, by his own choice and will, “moves” on holy men (or women) by his Holy Spirit, as this verse clearly states. He chooses when, how and to whom he will give his prophetic words. So those “prophets” who claim to be receiving prophetic revelation from Elohim because they asked for it are suspect, at the very least, of hearing from the dictates of their own hearts. Jeremiah the prophet rebuked the carnally mined, so-called “prophets” of his day for this (e.g., Jer 3:17; 23:17). It is very possible that some of these individuals are psycho-emotionally delusional or have ulterior motives, such as seeking a following for personal benefit or gain. Beware of them!

How many times do we see the true prophets of Elohim in Scripture asking him for a prophetic revelation? True, Yeshua tells his disciples, that is you and me, to ask and we shall receive, seek and we shall find, and so on. But he never tells us that the answer will be immediate. In fact, in the psalms we are admonished repeatedly to “wait on YHVH” for the answers to our prayers. 

It is true that Elijah asked Elohim for a divine revelation when in the cave on Mount Sinai and the answer was, as best we can tell, somewhat immediate. The same is true of Moses when he would enter the tabernacle to seek an answer from Elohim on particular matters. Yet how many prophets then and now were of the spiritual calibre of these men and are able to receive a fairly immediate response when asking for divine revelation? Nahum, another true prophet of Elohim, on the other hand, when seeking prophetic revelation had to wait for it (Nah 2:1).

For the majority of biblical prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Amos and others, as 2 Peter 1:21 clearly states, the “prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of Elohim spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” So any modern prophets who claim that Elohim spoke to them when they sought it, are, at best, suspect for not following the biblical model. Again, beware!


Psalms 2 and 64 on “Conspiracy Theories”

Psalm 64

Psalm 64:2, Secret plots of the wicked. When in human history have the wicked—those who hate YHVH—not been hatching up secret plots and conspiracies in an attempt to overthrow YHVH plans and laws and to destroy those who represent his rule of law and kingdom on this earth? 

Satan, YHVH’s arch enemy and the one ultimately behind these plots, kicked off this cosmic struggle between the forces of darkness and light, good and evil in the Garden of Eden at the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, when he enticed the first humans to join him in rebellion against haven’s mandates.

This never-ending tug of war between heaven and hell for world domination will culminate in the end times when “rulers [will] take counsel together [i.e., a conspiratorial plot] against YHVH and his Anointed [i.e., Yeshua the Messiah]” (Ps 2:2) in an effort to “break their bands [of YHVH’s rule of law as expressed in the Torah and the Prophets of the Bible] in pieces and cast their cords from us,” (Ps 2:3). Of course, YHVH will laugh in derision or mock and ridicule them for their hubris, and pour his wrath out upon them (Ps 2:4) prior to Yeshua’s second when heaven will place King Yeshua on his holy hill in Zion (Ps 2:6) to rule over the world as King of kings. The book of Revelation prophetically chronicles how this struggle will culminate, even as Psalm two predicts.

All this is to say that the secret plots of the wicked have been going on since man has been on this earth, and they continue to go on to this day. The government-media complex propagandistically derisively refers to this devilish plots as “conspiracy theories” as if to obfuscate their existence and to divert the masses’ attention away from them, but this does not change the fact the wicket of been hatching secret plots to overthrow YHVH and his people since the beginning, even as the Bible clearly shows.

What Does the Bible Say About So-Called“Conspiracy Theories”?

For as long has humans have been on earth, people have formed groups and conceived plans to consolidate resources and riches to rule over other people, forcefully if necessary, for the love of money, power and sexual gratification. It was true when the Bible was written, and it is true today because human nature has never changed from then until now.

The notion that governments and many other organizations are always open and transparent with the people that they supposedly represent or oversee is a belief only for the naive and ignorant. If this were so, then why do governments possess “intelligence agencies” and why do secret organizations exist whose membership is reserved only for certain privileged people and which have elaborate initiation rituals along with penalties if the organization’s secrets are revealed?

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