Surviving Without Taking the Mark of the Beast

With the recent COVID pandemic and the advent of the so-called “COVID Passport” that was required in some regions and nations, and now with the imminent emergence of the central bank digital currency (CBDC) possibly connected to one’s social credit score and implemented via digital biometric data with the help of artificial intelligence (AI) and super computers, it appears that the mark of the beast system, as predicted in the Bible (Revelation 13:16–17), is right around the corner. No one knows whether we have one year, five years or 50 years until this occurs, but make no mistake, Bible prophecy will be fulfilled or else the YHVH Elohim, the Creator of the Universe, is a liar!

Those who refuse to take the mark will be excluded from the global monetary system. In brief, they will not be able to function or survive within modern society. Where will they go? How will they survive if they cannot buy or sell? Pay their rent or mortgage, hold a job, have a bank account, pay for gas, food, clothes, be able to travel and buy insurance, pay their taxes, buy or sell anything at all? It is time to start asking oneself these questions, and then preparing ourselves for the inevitable.

Don’t forget what the Bible says: those who take the mark cannot be saved—they will permanently cut themselves off from Elohim and will be thrown into the lake of fire at the last judgment.

To be sure, the end times will be an adventure for everyone and period of great testing and faith building for the saints of Elohim. It will also be a time to spread the gospel message resulting in much revival according to the Book of Revelation. Now is the time to prepare physically and, most importantly, spiritually.

Nathan discusses these things and more in this video.


Book of Revelation, Babylon the Great New World Order Update

Every so often it is good to step back and to evaluate world events in light of Bible prophecy in order to ascertain where we might be in the order of end time events. In this video, Nathan reviews some prophecies in the Book of Revelation and shares what he sees coming in the near future like the proverbial watchman on the wall of biblical times. Those who have ears to hear will wake up, prepare and be ready.


Book of Revelation, Babylon the Great, New Weird Order Update

 Like a bad nightmare, a worldwide system that the biblical Book of Revelation refers to as Mystery Babylon the Great is arising that will exercise power and dominion over every tribe, tongue and nation on earth (Rev 13:8; 18:3). This system is mysterious because it is hiding in plain sight, and is visible only to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear this warning message (Rev 13:9). Even though we can only see through the biblical prophetic lens darkly, the general outline or blueprint of end time events is still apparent (1 Cor 13:12). After all, didn’t Yeshua promise his disciples that the Holy Spirit would reveal to them (and us too) things to come (John 16:13)? 

Do you have eyes to see? The Bible declares that YHVH’s elect saints are to be children of the light, of the day, and not of the darkness or night, especially as the coming of Yeshua draws near (1 Thess 5:1–8). Based on this, we can be assured that our Father in heaven will give his saints unique insights and revelation pertaining to end time events. Not only that, Scripture instruct us not to be ignorant of Satan’s devices (2 Cor 2:11). As the old adgae goes, to be forewarned is to be forearmed.

Since the mid-1970s, I have been keeping my thumb on the pulse of this slowly emerging, end times global Antichrist system. Both my Bible-believing father and late grandfather also kept a keen eye on world events going back to 1950s and the 1940s respectively, and they passed this interest on to me. Based on this background and what I see in the Book of Revelation, here is my best understanding to date of what I see coming toward us with regard to the Babylon the Great global Antichrist system. 

The Book of Revelation draws a distinct line between those who will acquiesce to this Satanic system versus those who will resist it. The line in the proverbial sand is marked by blood: those who will shed blood countless millions to impose this system on the world (for them, the ends justify the means) versus those who are under the blood of Yeshua the Messiah and who will be victorious over evil. Those whose names have been written in “Book of Life of the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world” will neither submit to nor worship this evil beast system. Most people will though, for they will be forced to go along to get along in order to survive (Rev 13:8).

The Bible tells us that the vast majority of the earth’s population will worship (i.e., literally fawn like a dog or crouch before, prostrate oneself; Rev 13:8) the spiritual powers behind this evil Antichrist system for three-and-one-half years (Rev 13:5).  Both the books of Daniel and Revelations liken this global system to an evil, ugly, power-hungry, Elohim-hating, fearsome demonic monster beast. The so-called global elites or leftist globalists refer to this system as the New World Order (I refer to it as “the New Weird Order”), the Great Reset, the Liberal World Order, the Fourth Turning, or the Fourth Industrial Revolution to name a few.

This emerging global system that will tyrannically control the earth’s masses will be a merger of political, economic and religious powers through technological means (read Revelation chapter 13). Futurists and science fiction writers have been predicting this for nearly 100 years in books like Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984. This system will be an oligarchic technocracy.

How will the global “elite” power brokers and controllers impose this system on earth’s populace? These demoniacs will impose their (dystopian) vision of a so-called utopian New World Order system over earth’s population primarily not by military force, but rather by technological control. Limited military or police actions may occur to enforce their agendas and edicts upon rogue entities, but all-out war or global conflicts is unlikely except as necessary to impose this system upon the world’s masses. The Book of Revelation does not seem to indicate a large, global massive military conflict. Why not? This is because global financiers and power brokers have invested trillions of dollars much energy and resources into developing a worldwide system and with a vast, interconnected infrastructure by which they hope to engineer the world’s population into compliance with their world-domination objectives and then to manage people from that point forward. 

Many people are certain that we are heading toward a global system that follows a Marxist-Leninist model. Again, the Book of Revelation does not indicate this to be the case. Rather the global elites are endeavoring to morph the world’s economic system into a blend of capitalism and communism—a system similar to what we now see occurring in the Peoples Republic of China. The end goal is a neo-feudalist system where the oligarchic international capitalists are conspiring with the world’s political powers to create a serf class of compliant workers for their factories and fields. This is exactly what the Book of Revelation predicted would occur nearly 2,000 years ago (Revelation chapters 13 and 18). The overlord elites will keep people dumbed down, drugged up, entertained and unarmed, thus making resistance by the masses unlikely, difficult and virtually impossible. The Book of Revelation clearly and tersely states this,

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Geoengineering (“Chemtrails”)—A Fulfillment of End Times Biblical Prophecy?

Have you ever read the following end time prophecies in the Book of Revelation and wondered they would be fulfilled? I have been aware off this for many years, have seen it myself in many locations and have talked to eye w

The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come, And the time of the dead, that they should be judged, And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints, And those who fear Your name, small and great, And should destroy those who destroy [or ruin] the earth.” (Rev 11:18)

The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up. (Rev 8:7)

Then the second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it became blood as of a dead man; and every living creature in the sea died. (Rev 16:2)

Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch [or burned] men with fire. (Rev 16:8)

Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared. (Rev 16:12)

The first angel sounded: And hail and fire followed, mingled with blood, and they were thrown to the earth. And a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up. (Rev 8:7)

The following two videos might give us an idea how some of these prophecies in Revelation might come come to pass—and are even beginning to come to pass now.

Please take a look at the first (short video). If you want more info and proof, then watch the second video (a much longer one).

I present the following information as food for thoughtful consideration and something to file away in your understanding. I have been aware of geoeningeering for many years and have seen evidence of this first hand or heard about it from eyewitnesses, but it was not until I watched these videos that I decided to publish this info on my blog. Make of it what you will.

Note: Please do not post any comments until you have watched these videos. Examine the evidence before shooting off your mouth, so to speak. I have no patience for willful ignorance and biased based bigotry.