Join Natan for Shabbat Fellowship & Bible Study on Zoom

Donna Nash (and Natan Lawrence) are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.  

Shalom Everyone!  Here is the link for this Saturday’s fellowship.  Feel free to pass this on to other brothers and sisters you think may be interested in joining our Midrash (study and discussion of the Scriptures).  We have folks from the West coast to the East coast.  Be sure and upload the Zoom app to your device and sign up for an account.  It is free.  When joining the meeting, enable the audio and video options so we can see and hear you.  This is a wonderful way to encourage each other as the Ecclesia of Messiah.

I am adding a personal note to stay prayerful.  I am hearing of many brethren with their feet held to the fire.  Paul wrote to the Thessalonians when he was weary, “We were comforted over you in all our affliction and distress by YOUR faith.”  Find someone who’s faith will help sustain you if you relate to the above.  Yah bless and keep you.  We look forward to seeing you Saturday! — James and Donna Nash

Topic: Shabbat FellowshipTime: Dec 11, 2021 02:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

To join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 844 2707 8405One tap mobile+19292056099,,84427078405# US (New York)+13017158592,,84427078405# US (Washington DC)

Dial by your location:        +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)        +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)        +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)        +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)        +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)Meeting ID: 844 2707 8405

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Romans 12:2  “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of Elohim.” 


Glenn Beck Drops Bombshells on Tucker: NIH Claims Joint Ownership of Moderna VAXX, Started Working on It Long Before Pandemic

The best part about Glenn Beck going on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show is that he’s able to reach millions of right-leaning Americans who may not be aware of the various conspiracies surrounding our government, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and Covid-19. The bad part is on a show like Tucker’s, Beck only had a few minutes to try to squeeze in two hours worth of bombshells. (

Watch the video clip of this:


The C0v!d Coverup Unmasked

On November 30, 2021, radio talkshow host Dr. Michael Savage interviewed Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD, who has practiced medicine in three states (Arizona, Texas and Virginia) for 35 years. This is one of the most comprehensive yet succinct analysis of the issues surrounding the COVID pandemic that I have ever heard. The interview lasts for only about 30 minutes, and I urge everyone to listen to it and to pass it one to those you know who have ears to hear.

Here are Dr. Vliet’s credientials:

Savages interview with Dr. Vliet begins at 35.35 in the podcast.

In this interview, Dr. Vliet reveals the following about the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • The US government’s incentive payments to US hospitals for COVID-19.
  • According to the inventor of the PCR test used to check for COVID, the PCR test was not meant to be used as a diagnostic test for COVID (but a qualitative test only), and has been used incorrectly as a diagnostic test throughout the pandemic.
  • Many hospitals are setting the COVID testing thresholds higher so that it leads to a greater number of false positive tests for COVID.
  • There is a US government bonus payment for each positive COVID diagnoses that hospitals make as instituted by CMS (the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services) as legislated by the CARES Act (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act of 2020) by the US Congress. This allows hospitals to receive Federal funds for helping to fight COVID, yet incentivized unscrupulous hospitals to receive a financial bonus for every positive COVID diagnosis they make.
  • Hospitals are given a 20 percent bonus on every COVID admission from Medicare on the entire hospital bill (around $100,000 per patient) if the hospital uses Remdesivir to treat COVID patients instead of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine.
  • In the Anthony Fauci NIH (National Institute of Health) funded ebola trials, Remdesivir had more than a 50 percent mortality rate plus kidney and liver damage. Knowing that data, in May of 2020 Fauci still declared that Remdesivir is the U.S.’s legal standard for COVID illness.
  • US hospitals under mandate from the US government are using the wrong drug protocols for treating COVID patients resulting in staggeringly high death rates.
  • In Texas, it has been revealed that once a COVID patient receives Remdesivir and is put on a ventilator, 85 percent of the patients died. Hospitals have never had this kind of a death rate for any treatment before.
  • Remdesivir is toxic to the kidneys and liver and after five days the kidney damage goes up and the body can’t handle fluids. Fluids then back up in the lungs, the heart is compromised preventing the blood from being oxygenated necessitating the patient going on the ventilator where, according Texas hospital data nearly 85 percent of patients subsequently die.
  • SMS pays hospitals a bonus to administer COVID vaccines. The more vaccines the more money the hospital makes.
  • The COVID vaccines are experimental vaccines unlike any other vaccine in history. They received no longterm clinical testing data, only several months of clinical testing data, no longterm safety studies.
  • The COVID vaccines are brand new technologies using gene therapy agents and meet the FDA specifications for gene therapy drugs.
  • For years, the spike protein in the COVID vaccine has been known to have toxicity to humans.
  • The MRNA and DRNA lipid nanoparticles coatings of this vaccine infiltrate the ovaries and testes in several animal species that have been studied over ten years. Thus there is known damage related to this technology that is unique to this vaccine that was never present in other vaccines in the past. The COVID vaccine is not a traditional vaccine, but a brand new gene-therapy technology that drive across the brain-blood and the placental barrier.
  • Usually, traditional vaccines take 2 to 5 years of testing before they are approved by the US government. Gene therapy agents take 5 to 15 years of testing. The current COVID vaccines were approved in only several months.
  • The COVID vaccines have a higher risk of death and complications than any vaccine in the history of vaccines. This is born out in the data from VAERS (the US government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) and from other countries (e.g. Europe, the UK, Israel, etc.).
  • Health complications and deaths from the COVID vaccines are unpredictable and there is no clear data to determine who will be adversely affected or not.
  • The US government has suppressed medical data that came out in July 2020 for early COVID treatment protocols that kept 85 to 90 percent of the people out of the hospital. This information was prevented from reaching the public.
  • Hospitals and health care systems are firing medical doctors who use alternatives COVID treatment protocols other than what the US government mandates.
  • Cloth masks are largely ineffective at stopping the nanoparticles of the virus, which can easily pass through weavings of the fabric like mosquito flying through a chainlink fence.

For more information about COVID from Dr. Vliet, go to

For COIVID home treatments, go to


Americans: Know Your Rights Concerning “Mandatory” [0v!D Injections

Many Americans are currently facing firings from their jobs because they are refusing to take the C0v!d-i9 shot. What are the issue here, and what are YOUR legal rights in this regard?

Refusal to take injections because of one’s sincerely held religious beliefs (this is a key phrase to remember) has been viewed by US law as a fundamental, God-given right since time in memorial. After all, who has the right to tell you what you can or cannot put into your body? Your body belongs to you, not to someone else or to some government entity. The basic issue is this: If someone can force you to put something into your body against your consent, then you no longer have God-given right of ownership over your own body. That is, you no longer own yourself, someone else does. When this occurs, you are now, by definition, a slave, who is under the control of a tyrant.

What are sincerely held religious beliefs? It is whatever YOU determine them to be at any moment in time. No other human except you has the right to question or to determine what your sincerely held religious beliefs are. YOUR religious beliefs are personal and are no one else’s business. This is because the US Constitution and other US laws guarantee the right to practice one’s religion freely as a God-given right, which cannot be infringed upon by government or anyone else (unless doing so violates certain other fundamental or basic human rights [such as taking the life of someone, or stealing from someone]).

Furthermore, no one has the right to ask you why you believe what you do, how long you have believed it, or to seek information regarding the tenets of your religious faith. Moreover, you do not need the stamp of approval from any religious “official” or organization confirming your sincerely held religious beliefs. Your faith is yours and yours alone. It is personal and belongs to you and is nobody else’s business. Do not tell those seeking this information anything about what your believe. Make no mistake, any information you give them in this regard can and will be used against you in order to bully you into going against your sincerely held religious beliefs.

Here are some informational resources to help you maintain your personal, Elohim (God)-given rights if you choose not to take any shot or injection:

  • Know your HIPAA (i.e., Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) rights. The HIPAA Act “The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) is a federal law that required the creation of national standards to protect sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without the patient’s consent or knowledge. The US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) issued the HIPAA Privacy Rule to implement the requirements of HIPAA. The HIPAA Security Rule protects a subset of information covered by the Privacy Rule,” (from For more information on the HIPAA Act rules and regulations including “Covered Entities,” and “Permitted Uses and Disclosures” go to
  • If your employer is demanding that you get a C0v!d-i9 shot, then your next step will be to file a complaint with the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. According to,

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is a federal agency that was established via the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to administer and enforce civil rights laws against workplace discrimination.[3]: 12, 21  The EEOC investigates discrimination complaints based on an individual’s race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, and retaliation for reporting, participating in, and/or opposing a discriminatory practice.[4]

The Commission also mediates and settles thousands of discrimination complaints each year prior to their investigation. The EEOC is also empowered to file civil discrimination suits against employers on behalf of alleged victims and to adjudicate claims of discrimination brought against federal agencies.

When confronted with an EEOC complaint and the threat of a lawsuit over YOUR religious rights, no right-minded employer is going to want take this on. Be aware of one thing, however. An employer can fire you for many other reasons that are not religious in nature. He may not like the way you comb your hair or the color of your pants. That is to say, an employer can fire you ostensibly for one reason, while, in reality, he is secretly firing you for another reason. That is why, as a child of Elohim, it behooves you to be the best employee possible, so that your employer will NOT want to fire you, for your loss to him will not be worth his enforcing the shot mandate on you. If your employer is recalcitrant with regard to the shot mandate for their employees, then civil litigation may to an option. At the same time, consider the idea that YHVH Elohim, the one who directs the footsteps of the righteous when they trust in him (see Ps. 37; 1, 3–7, 23–24), may be closing a door behind you, so that he can open the door to a better situation in front of you. Remember, the just shall walk by faith.

To learn more about your religious rights as protected by the EEOC and other government laws and how to claim and ensure these rights are not violated, go to To file a complaint, go to

For more information on the harmful effects of the C0v!d-19 injection from medical experts, go to or or


Biblical Reasons NOT to Get the C0V!D “Vax!nati!on”

(Please note: misspellings in this article are intentional to circumvent potential internet censors.)

Biblical Reasons to Claim a Religious Exemption Concerning the C0V!D Shot

  • There are questionable or unknown ingredients in the vaxines that may not be biblically kosher.
  • Some vaxines contain aborted fetal tissues. 
  • Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and it is our divine mandate to care for our bodies (1 Cor 3:16–17; 2 Cor 6:16). Those who defile their temples or bodies, Elohim says he will destroy (1 Cor 3:17). Not only that, but our bodies do not belong to us, since we were purchased with a price—the blood of Yeshua (1 Cor 6:20; 7:23; 1 Pet 1:18–19). Therefore, he owns us, and he is our Lord and Master, and we cannot go against the commands of his word or violate our conscience which is our personal spirit and which is linked to and directed by the Spirit of Elohim. As such, we are forbidden to put things into our bodies that we deem to be harmful. No one knows the long term effects of this shot. Even the short term affects have been called into question by countless medical experts. No one has the right to force us to do anything that we think may harm our bodies.
  • The C0VI!D shot and any so-called C0VI!D passport are preparing people mentally to accept the mark of the beast of Revelation 13:16–17. The saints cannot afford to go down this slippery slope spiritually path. To do so potentially opens one’s thinking up to all kinds of ungodly possibilities. The Bible is clear. Those who eventually take the mark of the beast will forfeit their eternal salvation (Rev 14:11).
  • We do not know how the experimental C0VI!D “vaccines” will affect our DNA if at all. Medical experts disagree on this point. Noah was “perfect in his generation” (Gen 6:9), while the earth was “corrupt before Elohim” (v. 11). The Hebrew can also mean that Noah was pure genetically. Yeshua declared that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man (Matt 24:37). Genetic degradation was occurring in the days of Noah due to the angelic incursion into the human DNA resulting in the nephilim (Gen 6:2–4). Yeshua indicated that similar things will be going on in the last days prior to his return. We do not know exactly what that means, but we do not want to do anything that might even potentially tamper with our Elohim-ordained DNA.
  • I do not want to be controlled or deceived by the world-ruling, oligarchic Babylonian big business merchants, who are attempting to control the world, including the thoughts and actions of humans, through their sorcery and witchcraft, that is, pharmaceutical and other drugs (Rev 18:23).
  • No one knows for sure how their body will react to the shots until they have been taken. There are adverse affects that can be moderately harmful to lethal for some people. That is why the US government has the VAERS (Vaxine Adverse Affects Reporting System) system in place, where thousands of people have reported adverse side effects from taking the C0VI!D shot. Again, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and belongs to YHVH Elohim through the redemptive sacrifice of Yeshua my Messiah, so I cannot and will  not do anything that will even potentially harm my body. My faith is in Yeshua to protect and to heal me. 

Please help me out here. If you can come up with other biblical reasons, please let me know in the comments sections, and I will add them to the list. We need to put our collective understanding to work here to help each other out. Then let’s spread this information to everyone we know.


Wickedness Personified in the U.S. Whitehouse

Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Gives Monologue for the Ages on Biden’s Divisive ‘Purge’ of Unvaccinated Americans from Society

Excerpts from Joe Biden’s recent speech in Illinois about unvaccinated Americans:

“And yet according to Joe Biden, unvaccinated Americans are the root of this country’s problems,” Tucker said. “They are destroying our economy. They are killing our people. The unvaccinated, Biden said, are solely responsible for the outbreak of the Delta variant of Covid. The outbreak that has left tens of thousands of Americans dead.”

“Biden noted this to the morbidly obese governor of Illinois, who nodded from behind his mask as if all of this was settled science. And then Joe Biden kept going,” Tucker added. “The unvaccinated are dangerous, he announced, they are diseased, dirty, unpatriotic, they are selfish, they are pathogens in human form. They have caused this deadly virus to ‘spread to our children,’ to spread throughout society. They suffered because of their absurdity, and their self-inflicted suffering burdens the rest of us. They ‘overcrowd our hospitals’ like a plague of swarming gasping insects. As they lie there ventilated, dying, reaping the rewards of their own sins, these miscreants ‘leave no room for someone with a heart attack or in need of a cancer operation’.”

“These people get no sympathy, because they are barely people,” Tucker added. “The unvaccinated, Biden told us, die their much-deserved deaths, but even as they die, they burden the rest of us. That’s how horrible they are, they are subhuman wreckers of a nation.”

“We are not overstating any of this by the way,” Tucker said. “Go watch the speech, it is online. The question is, ‘once you identify a diseased fifth column like this within the country that you run, what do you with it?’ Biden got to that at the end of his speech.”

(Read the whole article and see the video of Tucker Carlson’s monologue at

This is what they really think of us Christians. The spirit of Antichrist is rising! This is an all out war against Bible believers and eventually against Yeshua the Messiah!

Of the end times, two thousand years ago, the Bible, the Word of Elohim, predicted that earth’s population would be controlled by drugs.

For your merchants were the great men of the earth, for by your sorcery [Greek: pharmakeia] all nations were deceived. (Revelation 18:23)

People! When are you going to wake up?

May those who have eyes to see and ears to hear understand. The rest of you can go back to sleep. — Natan Lawrence


The Truth About Vaccines—”They killing more people than they save.”


WATCH Bombshell Testimony at FDA Vaccine Hearing – Injections Killing More Than Saving, Driving Variants! Re-All Cause Mortality

By NewsRescue – September 18, 2021Lazy eyes listen


by Jamie White

Several doctors from the Food and Drug administration’s (FDA) vaccine hearing on Friday claimed in explosive testimony that the COVID-19 vaccine is killing more people than it’s saving and is driving the coronavirus mutations like the so-called ‘Delta’ variant.

FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee after 8 hours of testimony voted 16-2against Joe Biden’s proposed COVID-19 booster shot program.

During that hearing, Dr. Steve Kirsch, director of the COVID-19 Early Treatment Fund, claimed that the injections are killing more people than they’re helping.

“I’m going to focus my remarks today on the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about: that the vaccines kill more people than they save,” Kirsch said via teleconference.

“Today, we focus almost exclusively on COVID death saves and vaccine efficacy because we were led to believe that vaccines were perfectly safe. But this is simply not true.”

“For example, there are four times as many heart attacks in the treatment group in the Pfizer 6-month trial report,” Kirsch continued. “That wasn’t bad luck. VAERS shows heart attacks happened 71x more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine.”

“In all 20 people died who got the drug, 14 died who got the placebo. Few people noticed that. If the net all-cause mortality from the vaccine is negative, vaccines, boosters, and mandates are all nonsensical.”

“Even if the vaccines had a 100% protection, it still means we killed two people to save one life,” he added.

Kirsch also explained that in nursing home death data shows about half the vaccinated died, while none of the unvaccinated died.

Viral immunologist and biologist Dr. Jessica Rose noted that, based on the VAERS data, the vaccine risks outweigh the benefits in young people, especially children, pointing to a thousand-fold increase in adverse reactions to the injection in 2021 compared to over the last decade.

“There’s an over 1000% increase in the total number of adverse events for 2021 and we are not done with 2021,” Rose said.

Rose also said the data suggests the COVID vaccines are driving the surge of COVID mutations like the “alpha” and “delta” variants.

“The emergence of both of these variants and their subsequent clustering arose in very close temporal proximity to the rollout of the COVID products in Israel,” she said.

“Israel is one of the most injected countries, and it appears from this data that this represents a clear failure of these products to provided protective immunity against emergent variants and to prevent transmission,” she added.

An ER physician from New Orleans, Dr. Joseph Fraiman, noted not enough large-scale clinical trial data exists to assure well-informed unvaccinated Americans that their risk of experiencing vaccine side effects is lower than their chance of being hospitalized.

Doctor on FDA Vax Panel Admits Never Sleever’s Are More Informed Than The Vaxxed…

Says 65% In His Area Are Not Vaxxed…

Says They Cannot Prove The Never Sleever’s Are Wrong…— Covid-1984 (@NeverSleever) September 17, 2021

“Demand the booster trials are large enough to find a reduction in hospitalizations,” Fraiman told the FDA panel. “Without this data, we the medical establishment cannot confidently call out anti-COVID vaccine activists who publicly claim that vaccines harm more than they save, especially in the young and healthy.”

“The fact we do not have the clinical evidence to say these activists are wrong should terrify us all,” he added.

After these alarming testimonials, it’s no wonder the FDA committee voted the booster program down.

The FDA panel voting against the booster program represents a major blow to the Biden administration, who announced in August its plan to roll out boosters for Americans who already took two doses of the jab.

Watch the testimonies of these doctors or to hear the full FDA hearing go to:

by Jamie White


An FDA panel’s vote deals the Biden administration’s push for universal booster shots a setback.
New York Times, 17 Sep 2021
The Biden administration’s push to make Covid-19 booster shots available to most fully vaccinated adults has been stymied for now by a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel’s recommendation that Pfizer boosters be made available only to those 65 and over and those at high risk of severe Covid.
However, the roiling debate over whether the shots are needed more broadly remains unsettled.
The panel of experts on Friday overwhelmingly voted not to recommend boosters for those over 16 after a tense, daylong debate that put divisions within the agency and the administration on public display.
The vote was a blow to President Biden, strengthening criticism of his effort to enhance the immunity of already vaccinated Americans at a time when most residents of poor nations have not even had first doses. The F.D.A. and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention authorized third shots for some immunocompromised individuals more than a month ago, on the ground that the additional dose would simply lift their protection to the level other people achieve with two shots.
Some F.D.A. experts said that the data from Pfizer and elsewhere still seemed to show that two shots protected against severe disease or hospitalization for months afterward, and that there was not enough evidence that a third shot would stem the spread of infection. Some also criticized a lack of data that an additional injection would be safe for younger people.
The panel’s final recommendations left some room for the White House to argue that the core of its booster strategy remained intact. Depending on how “at high risk” is defined, tens of millions of Americans could conceivably be deemed eligible for additional shots of the Pfizer vaccine. And a small but growing number of people have stopped waiting for federal authorization and are finding ways to receive booster shots

Here is NBC’s slanted coverage of this story. They mention that the board rejected approval of a third vaccine, but failed to quote the doctor’s passionate concerns as to why they voted against it. NBC did not present the whole truth. Read:

Here is Forbes Magazine coverage of this news event: Like NBC, the failed to mention the more damning testimony of some of the medical experts who testified.

The other news outlets that I reviewed followed a similar track as did NBC and Forbes when reporting about the FDA Advisory Boards vote against the vaccine booster shots. They focused on the fact that the board voted in favor of giving booster shots to those over 65 years old, but failed to give the reasons—the damning testimony—as to why they voted against giving the shot to those of a younger age. These major media sources failed to give us all of the facts. Instead, they spun this story in such a way as to blunt the full truth of it. And you still trust the major media to tell you the truth?