Beware of the End Times Prophecy Gurus Who Claim to Hear From Elohim!

In these last days, and especially with the advent of the internet, numerous self-proclaimed and so-called prophets have arisen in the Christian church, who claim to have an inside communication track with Elohim. Claims are one thing, reality and biblical Truth are another, totally different thing.

Face it. Who does not want to know what the future holds for them, especially in these days of tenuous uncertainty? In the current “pandem!c” crisis, many well meaning Bible believers are wondering whether they will be able to keep their jobs, their homes, travel, buy or sell, or even survive financially in the lifestyle to which they have become accustomed. If not, then what…? And what about the infamous mark of the beast that seems to glaring at us from just around the corner? Will we, at the least be ostracized and excluded from society, and, at worst, be fined out of existence or imprisoned for not acquiescing to the powers at be? These are legitimate questions that we all have.

Face it. Our faith is being tested, and this is only the beginning of trials and tribulation!

Into this time of gnawing questions and the void of critical uncertainty steps the prophetic pundit. Now with the internet, anyone can get a website and procure a video channel for little or no cost and upload their prognostications—and do so from their basement with their smart phone. Of course, if they don’t have something to sell you (e.g., videos, DVDs, books, podcasts or prepping supplies), they will, at the very least, have a big, bold “DONATE” button right next to their subscribe button. Shame on these gospel peddlers and likely charlatans, who fail to meet the critical test of a true biblical prophet.

Do not be fooled. Yeshua warned us against these guys and gals in Matthew 24:11 as did Peter (2 Pet 2:1–3).

Although many of my well-meaning Hebraic brethren regularly draw my attention to many Christian gurus, who claim to have an inside track on being able to foretell the future in the name of “the Lord”, I have yet to find a single one in our day who meets the biblical criteria of a true prophet of Elohim. These folks may indeed possess genuine prophetic gifts, but everyone of their track records have failed to pass the test of biblical scrutiny of actually being a prophet of Elohim .

Yes, over the years, I have supported and even promoted a couple of them. One even wanted to ordain me and make me part of his ministry. I prayed about it and declined the offer. I found out later that many of his prophecies failed to come to pass in the time frame he set forth according to what “God told him”. When this happened, instead of repenting, he simply moved the target of date of his prophecy, so that the arrows of his false and errant prophecies would hit it. Some 10 to 15 years later these prophecies still have failed to come to pass. That is when I stopped supporting him. Years later, he is still playing this same game, all the while begging for money monthly from his gullible supporters. How sad.

Please read on for some vital instructions from the Word of Elohim on how not to be fooled by those in the church, who prophesy out of the dictates of their own hearts as Jeremiah warned use about so long ago. —Natan

2 Peter 1:21, Prophecy never came by the will of man. This is a key, even foundational verse that is overlooked by most so-called “prophets” in the modern church as well as proponents of “personal prophecy”. 

What this verse is saying is that YHVH does not give prophetic revelation to someone because they seek or demand it. In other words, prophetic revelation from heaven does not come on demand. No! It comes as YHVH sovereignly, by his own choice and will, “moves” on holy men (or women) by his Holy Spirit, as this verse clearly states. He chooses when, how and to whom he will give his prophetic words. So those “prophets” who claim to be receiving prophetic revelation from Elohim because they asked for it are suspect, at the very least, of hearing from the dictates of their own hearts. Jeremiah the prophet rebuked the carnally mined, so-called “prophets” of his day for this (e.g., Jer 3:17; 23:17). It is very possible that some of these individuals are psycho-emotionally delusional or have ulterior motives, such as seeking a following for personal benefit or gain. Beware of them!

How many times do we see the true prophets of Elohim in Scripture asking him for a prophetic revelation? True, Yeshua tells his disciples, that is you and me, to ask and we shall receive, seek and we shall find, and so on. But he never tells us that the answer will be immediate. In fact, in the psalms we are admonished repeatedly to “wait on YHVH” for the answers to our prayers. 

It is true that Elijah asked Elohim for a divine revelation when in the cave on Mount Sinai and the answer was, as best we can tell, somewhat immediate. The same is true of Moses when he would enter the tabernacle to seek an answer from Elohim on particular matters. Yet how many prophets then and now were of the spiritual calibre of these men and are able to receive a fairly immediate response when asking for divine revelation? Nahum, another true prophet of Elohim, on the other hand, when seeking prophetic revelation had to wait for it (Nah 2:1).

For the majority of biblical prophets like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Amos and others, as 2 Peter 1:21 clearly states, the “prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of Elohim spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” So any modern prophets who claim that Elohim spoke to them when they sought it, are, at best, suspect for not following the biblical model. Again, beware!


The Origins of Christmas—The Rest of the Story (just the facts, nothing more)

How and When Christmas Came Into the Church

Did you ever wonder how the non-biblical holiday called “Christmas” came into the mainstream Christians church? What follows is the backstory to Christmas—the rest of the story.

Christmas was not among the earliest festivals of the Church. Irenaeus and Tertullian omit it from their lists of feasts; Origen glancing perhaps at the discreditable imperial Natalitia, asserts (in Lev. Hom. viii in Migne, P.G., XII, 495) that in the Scriptures sinners alone, not saints, celebrate their birthday; Amodbius (VII, 32 in P.L., V, 1264) can still ridicule the “birthdays” of the gods. (The Catholic Encyclopedia, “Christmas”)

Saturnalia was an ancient Roman festival in honour of the god Saturn, held on 17 December of the Julian calendar and later expanded with festivities through to 23 December. The holiday was celebrated with a sacrifice at the Temple of Saturn, in the Roman Forum, and a public banquet, followed by private gift-giving, continual partying, and a carnival atmosphere that overturned Roman social norms: gambling was permitted, and masters provided table service for their slaves. (

Saturnalia may have influenced some of the customs associated with later celebrations in western Europe occurring in midwinter, particularly traditions associated with Christmas, the Feast of the Holy Innocents, and Epiphany. (ibid.)

The popularity of Saturnalia continued into the 3rd and 4th centuries AD, and as the Roman Empire came under Christian rule, many of its customs were recast into or at least influenced the seasonal celebrations surrounding Christmas and the New Year. (ibid.)

According to The Catholic Encyclopedia, Christmas is not included in Irenaeus’s nor Tertullian’s list of Christian feasts, the earliest known lists of Christian feasts. The earliest evidence of celebration is from Alexandria, in about 200, when Clement of says that certain Egyptian theologians “over curiously” assign not just the year but also the actual day of Christ’s birth as 25 Pachon (May 20) in the twenty-eighth year of Augustus. By the time of the Council of Nicea in 325, the Alexandrian church had fixed a dies Nativitatis et Epiphaniae. The December feast reached Egypt in the fith century. In Jerusalem, the fourth century pilgrim Egeria from Bordeaux witnessed the Feast of the Presentation, forty days after January 6, which must have been the date of the Nativity there. At Antioch, probably in 386, St. John Chrysostom urged the community to unite in celebrating Christ’s birth on December 25, a part of the community having already kept it on that day for at least ten years. 

Some scholars maintain that December 25 was only adopted in the fourth century as a Christian holiday after Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity to encourage a common religious festival for both Christians and pagan. Perusal of historical records indicates that the first mention of such a feast in Constantinople was not until 379, under Gregory. In Rome, it can only be confirmed as being mentioned in a document from approximately 350 but without any mention of sanction by Emperor Constantine. (

Evidently, Christmas was birthed out of the infant baptism heresy that was gripping the church theologically in the fourth century. The precursor to Christmas was a reaction or counter-revolt against Marcionite the heretic who denied the birth of Yeshua claiming that the Messiah was not a person, but rather a phantom. By emphasizing the nativity of the literal birth of Yeshua this heresy was countered, and by placing Yeshua’s birth on December 25, Saturnalia, it was a way to woo the sun worshipping heathens into Christianity. Here is what the historians have to say on this subject:

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The Story of Uzza and the Christmas Tree

Once upon a time long, long ago, there was a Jewish man in the Bible named Uzza and a Christmas tree. Now wait just a moment, you are probably saying to yourself, something is wrong with this picture. What does an ancient Israelite man in the land of Israel have anything to do with a Christmas tree? Well, read on boys and girls, and I will tell you.

The Israelites, Elohim (God’s) chosen people, in their zeal at having the ark of the covenant (a symbol of the presence of YHVH Elohim) returned to Israel after it had been stolen by Israel’s enemies, the Philistines, they failed to inquire of YHVH as to how to properly transport the ark. Though well intentioned, the Israelites were misguided and they unwittingly repeated the sin of the Philistines by transporting it on an ox-drawn cart instead of the prescribed manner (1 Chron 13:1–13). 

In times past and as recorded in their laws, YHVH Elohim had instructed the Israelites on exactly how to carry the ark—a gold covered wooden box that contained the sacred symbols of Israel’s special covenantal relationship with Elohim. You see, he had specifically instructed that only the Levitical priests could carry the ark, and this had to be done on their shoulders with wooden poles (Num 4:2–15). Anyone who failed to follow these explicit instructions would be cursed by Elohim.

Sadly, Uzza failed to read the instructions. Although he was well-intentioned, he was neither a Levite nor were his fellow Israelites who failed to transport the ark in the prescribed manner. The ark was illegally being carried on an oxcart. So when the oxcart began to tip and the ark became unsteady, Uzza reached out to steady it and illegally touched the sacred wooden box that symbolized YHVH’s presence in Israel. As a result, Uzza was struck dead (1 Chron 13:7–9). The sin of not properly transporting the ark in the proscribed manner led to more sin and eventually led to the death of a man, who thought he was doing a good deed. 

So where is the Christmas tree in this story, you are probably now asking yourself? So glad you asked. 

There is a lesson for us in this story about Uzza and it absolutely has to do with the Christmas tree that so many well-meaning Christian erect in their homes, churches and places of business each year in December to supposedly honor the birth of the Messiah—Jesus Christ. 

YHVH has prescribed manners in which he is to be approached, ministered to, honored, worshipped or “touched”, if you will. We fool ourselves if we think that we can approach him in any manner we like, much less in the same manner as the ungodly heathens do. You see, the ignorant Philistines after suffering Elohim’s wrathful judgment for illegally stealing the ark of the covenant from the Israelites, returned the ark to Israel by placing the ark on an oxcart and sending it back where it had come from (1 Sam 5:1–12; 6:1–12). The Philistines were ignorant of the proper protocols for transporting the ark and did not know any better. The Israelites, on the other, possessed the laws of Elohim, which stipulated how he wanted the ark to be carried and by whom. So when the ark came back into Israel, they should have called for the priest to carry it properly. Instead, they adopted the pagan customs and transported the ark that represented Elohim’s presence in the pagan manner. Can you now begin to see where I am going with this story and what it has to do with a Christmas tree?

If we dare to approach our Creator in a non-prescribed (or illegal) manner, especially when we claim to be Bible followers, though Elohim is gracious, we may also suffer his angry judgments because we have failed to respect or fear his presence properly and follow his commandments. Often, we, just like the Israelites, adopt pagan practices in our worship of him. We fail to consult the Word of Elohim as to how he desires to be approached or worshipped. Instead, we make up our own customs and fail to follow the law so Elohium. For example, we fabricate holidays (like Christmas and Easter) and assemble on days that he has not sanctified (e.g., Sunday and Christian holidays), and we fail to meet with him on the days that he has sanctified (the Sabbath and his biblical feasts), we eat abominable and unclean meats that he has forbidden (e.g., pork and shellfish), and we erect Christmas trees (a pagan symbol representing the male sex organ) in our homes and church sanctuaries—a practice he refers to as heathen and instructs his people not to do (Jer 10:1–5). 

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25 Reasons I Don’t Celebrate Christmas

Please do not be put off by the title and incorrectly assume that I do not believe in Yeshua the Messiah (aka Jesus Christ). Nothing could be further from the truth. Anyone who is even vaguely familiar with this blog (not to mention the other public aspects of our ministry knows that there is no greater promoter of Yeshua than me. Moreover, you do not need to go any further than to look at the tags column on the right side of the front page of this blog that lists the top subjects that I write about. What is the most prominent tag? YESHUA!!! Yes! I invite you to click on that tag and you will discover dozens if not hundreds of articles that I have written promoting Yeshua and the gospel message. Enough said.

Now to my article on why I do not celebrate Christmas even though I am passionate believer and disciple of Yeshua the Messiah, my Master and Savior. — Natan

1—Christmas is not the day on which Yeshua the Messiah (Jesus Christ) was born. He was likely born in the autumn during the biblical Feast of Tabernacles. In ancient times, December 25 was considered the birthday of the demon-sun god by many heathen religions. This was definitely not the birthday of Yeshua!

2—There’s no biblical command to celebrate Christmas.

3—Christmas has become a pagan substitution for YHVH’s true biblical holidays or festivals, which are listed in Leviticus 23. These are the same biblical festivals that Yeshua and his apostles celebrated. They never celebrated the Messiah’s birth.

4—Christmas is the Christianization of various ancient pagan sun god, sex-worship rituals having to do with the winter solstice. “Cleaning up” a pagan custom is contrary to the biblical truth of turning away from the practices of the heathen and having nothing to do with them after one chooses to follow Elohim and his Word as found in the Bible.

5—Christmas is laced with heathen and Satanic rituals and traditions. These are things the saints should have nothing to do with!

6—The Bible forbids placing any trees or tree-like objects near an altar (or in a church building), since this is a heathen practice (Deut 16:21).  Most Christians violate this command when they place Christmas trees in their church sanctuaries near their altars every year at Christmas.

7—The Bible forbids the heathen practice of incorporating trees into any religious service (Deut 12:1–4). Elohim hates pagan religious practices that happen under trees (Isa 57:5Jer 3:6).

8—Celebrating Christmas is friendship with the world which is an act of hatred toward Elohim. In this area, it makes one a friend of the world and an enemy of Elohim (Jas 4:4).

9—Elohim condemns, forbids and calls an abomination bringing any pagan items into our houses (Deut 7:24–26), of which Christmas trees and nearly all Christmas’ associated accoutrements, paraphernalia and traditions are associated.

10—The Bible commands the saints not to put up anything that even remotely resembles a Christmas tree. Jeremiah 10:1–5 is almost a perfect description of a modern Christmas tree—and it was a pagan custom 1000 years before Christmas became a Christian holiday in the Catholic Church.

11—Christmas perpetuates the lie of Santa Clause to one’s children. Lying is not a value one wants to pass on to their children. Lying is a violation of the ninth of YHVH’s ten commandments and is a sin.

12—The Bible commands the saints not to learn or practice the ways of the heathens (Jer 10:2Lev 18:320:23).

13—Christmas is about syncretizing biblical truth (i.e., the birth of Yeshua) with pagan and satanic customs. In the Bible, YHVH commands his people not to be like the heathens, turn from evil, and don’t learn their evil customs. Yeshua commanded his disciples to be in the world, but not to practice its evil ways (John 17:1114). Christmas is practicing the evil ways of the heathens.

14—For many, the main focus of Christmas is on self (“What gifts am I getting?”), rather than on Elohim’s gift to mankind, which was Yeshua the Messiah (who wasn’t even born in December). Christmas generally promotes a culture of selfishness and self-centeredness. These are values that were antithetical to everything that Yeshua and his disciples lived and taught.

15—Christmas promotes an atmosphere of greed, covetousness and materialism, since the major focus for most people is on receiving gifts or what’s in it for me, and not on Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah. 

16—Christmas is a tradition started by the Catholic Church, and I’m not a Catholic and I don’t take my spiritual marching orders from any pope—especially when he tells me to do something contrary to the Bible, the Word of Elohim.

17—Christmas is a short, one day long holiday. Too much emphasis is placed on this one day. The devil has tricked and shortchanged Christians into substituting Christian holidays like Christmas for the biblical ones. YHVH gives his saints seven biblical holidays with two of them lasting for seven days each (see Lev 23). These biblical holidays are called feasts, and they are spiritual and guilt-free celebrations focusing on rejoicing and righteously partying with family, friends and Elohim around godly and biblical themes all involving the gospel’s plan of redemption. They are totally righteous with no paganism mixed in. This can’t be said about Christmas.

18—Do your homework. You will find that even the phrase “Ho, ho, ho, merry Christmas” is sacrilegious and blasphemous.

19—If Christmas day turns sour for people (e.g. because of bad family experiences and unfulfilled expectations), then one’s year is ruined until next Christmas when one gets another shot at it in hopes it’ll be better the next go around. How pitifully sad!

20—Christmas as celebrated by the majority of people ends up taking the focus off the glorious event of the Savior’s birth, trivializes it and then places the emphasis on gift-giving, partying and mindless unbiblical pagan traditions and rituals.

21—The Bible commands us to abstain from all appearances of evil (1 Thess 5:22). There is much evil, Satanic and idolatrous baggage associated with Christmas; therefore, those who are serious about their biblical walk of righteousness and want to be obedient to YHVH Elohim should not be going near it.

22—Those who celebrate Christmas in the traditional way are honoring or worshipping pagan deities. Anytime anyone puts a pagan practice or tradition ahead of obedience to Elohim and his Word, this is, by biblical definition, idolatry. Whether it’s Christmas lights on the house, wreaths, evergreen foliage, mistletoe, the Christmas tree with its red balls, gifts under the tree, Santa Clause, or even the Christmas greeting of “Ho, ho, ho, merry Christmas,” it all originates from ancient Satanic, idolatrous and lewd sex worship practices originating from pagan religions. This is not something with which the true saints of YHVH Elohim wants to be involved.

23—Christmas puts a lot of people into financial debt. Debt is bondage and evil.

24—Christmas was become a major money-making venture for merchants, and I refuse to be suckered in by their marketing schemes to purchase their products.

25—Celebrating Christmas is following a multitude to do evil—something YHVH forbids (Exod 23:2).

Now that you have received the light of the truth about Christmas, you are responsible before Elohim to live up to that truth. Will you put obedience to the Word of Elohim and his truth first in our life, or continue to walk in sin? To obey Elohim means to cast out of your life all idolatrous practices and cease doing that which is evil and sinful. This is then followed by choosing to obey YHVH Elohim in Spirit and in truth (John 4:23–24). “Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin” (Jas 4:17).


Saul—A Portrait of a Split Personality (like you and me?)

Saul rejected as king of Israel.

If we were tasked with writing an epitaph on the life of King Saul what would it be, and, perhaps more importantly, what lessons would we learn from the life of Israel’s first king? Several notable aspects on his life beg to be addressed, and since the young David figures so prominently in the saga of Saul’s life, it is almost impossible not to contrast the character qualities of these two Israelites when analyzing the life of the former.

The first character quality—a notable one—when first looking at Saul’s life is that he started out as a virtual nobody from a non-notable family from Israel’s tiniest tribe and because of this he was small in his own eyes. Although he was tall and handsome, Scripture presents him as a somewhat humble and definitely a timid individual. Sadly, however, he did not remain humble once kingship came knocking on the door of his life. The prestige and power associated with regnal authority went to his head and it corrupted him as it does with most leaders of men be it the religious, political or business spheres. It is a rare individual who can remain virtuous, much less godly, when tempted with the allurements of popularity, wealth and power. Saul was no exception. How many modern politician and, sadly, most major religious leaders have fallen into this same trap? To whit, in our day, the public’s resect for both of these categories of individuals has probably never been lower than it now is. 

Saul had another flaw, as well, that manifested itself early in his life. He felt the need to tap into a “crystal ball”, if you will, in an attempt to ascertain his fortune or his future. Often it was not to determine the will of Elohim for his life, but for his own selfish purposes. We first see this tendency in Saul when he endeavored to pay Samuel the prophet to divine where his lost donkeys could be found. Several times after that, Saul called on the his personal priest to use the Urim and Thummim to ascertain the will of Elohim especially when it came to doing battle. This was not a bad thing, for David did the same thing. The problem is that when YHVH failed to answer Saul in this manner, instead of asking why Elohim was no longer speaking to him and then repenting of his errant ways, he turned to witchcraft—to necromancy or spiritism—to discover his fortune. This act demonstrates a notable flaw in Saul’s character. He cared less about obeying and serving Elohim than he did about serving his own interests no matter the means necessary to do so. This is not unlike many Christians in our day who seek “personal prophecies” to know what their future holds from church “prophets” who claim to have an inside track with Elohim.

YHVH Elohim has told us in his Word what he wants us to do: obey him and keep his commandments. In other words, doing the will of Elohim must be the top priority in our lives. This was not the case with Saul and most modern Christians. Too many people are like Saul in that they serve Elohim only when it benefits them and it is convenient to do so. In other words, they conform the Word of Elohim to fit their lifestyles instead of the other way around. 

Moreover, for Saul, if Elohim did not respond to him when he snapped his fingers, he looked elsewhere. Sadly, a majority of “Christians” are just like Saul. When it serves their interests, they are loyal and obedient to Elohim. However, if YHVH fails to do their bidding according to their time schedule, they turn elsewhere for aid and comfort, instead of waiting patiently in faith for heaven’s answer. Yeshua referred to this split loyalty as serving both Elohim and mammon. James referred to such a person as being double minded and unstable (Jas 1:8) and a sinner (Jas 4:8). Why is such a person a sinner? Simply because YHVH is not on the throne of such a person’s life. Following the dictates of one’s carnal, sin nature over the Word and will of Elohim is, in reality, self-worship or idolatry, which is a violation of the second commandment: “Thou shalt have no other gods before me,” (Exod 20:3). It is making oneself into the god of one’s life instead of YHVH Elohim. Many claim that Yeshua is their Lord (Master) and Savior, but is he really in charge of our lives?  Face it dear reader, make no mistake, for you and I are guilty all too often of the same sin as Saul—of willful rebellion against the Word and will of our Master! Take a long, hard look in the mirror. Who is really the Master of your life? Your own mind, will and emotions, that is, the dictates of your own heart, or the Word and will of the Almighty Elohim? Do you consult the Word and Spirit of Elohim at all times for direction in your life, and then wait for YHVH to answer you? Or do you just take matters into your own hands and impetuously and wilfully blast forward regardless, as Saul did many times, instead of waiting on Elohim?

Saul’s lack of unconditional loyalty to Elohim caused him constantly to step out of will of Elohim, which, as Samuel declared, was rebellion and witchcraft (1 Sam 15:23). One does not have to don a black robe and pointed hat and fly around on a broom to be a witch! By biblical definition, we fall into witchcraft anytime we rebelliously step out of the will of Elohim, go against his Word, and do what is right in our own eyes, when it is contrary to Elohim’s Word. Eventually, Saul persisted in his rebellion and witchcraft and even found himself consulting a witch in an attempt to foretell his future.

Going against the Word, will and laws of Elohim or Torahlessness is a form of witchcraft, for it is putting our will over that of Elohim’s. Another expression of this idea is, “Do what thou wilt,” which is the modern mantra of those who have given themselves over to the religion of Satanism. Whenever, Saul stepped out of Elohim’s will, he was, in reality, resisting the Spirit of Elohim, and stepping over to the dark side—the side of the Adversary or Satan the devil. It was at this time that a evil, even murderous, spirit from Elohim began tormenting Saul. In reality, this was Elohim’s judgment against Saul. In essence, YHVH was telling Saul, “If you don’t want me to rule over you, then you’ve chosen the devil to rule over you instead. Now see where that gets you!” When YHVH pulled off of Saul the light of his grace and his Spirit, the void that was left was filled by darkness—an evil spirit. At this time, Saul could have repented and turned back to Elohim, but, instead, he persisted in his wilful, stubborn rebellion against heaven’s rule and, as a result, he lost his kingdom and his life. The devil always over-promises and under-delivers! As Proverbs declares, “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death,” (Prov 14:12; 16:25).

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Natan’s Commentary on 1 Samuel 1 to 3

1 Samuel 1 

1 Samuel 1:1, An Ephraimite. Although Samuel was born in the territory of Ephraim, he was actually a Levite (1 Chr 6:1, 16, 28). This is because the Levites had no distinct territory of their own but were scattered throughout the land of Israel, so they would teach the Israelites the Torah, lead in religious services, act as judges and fulfill other ecclesiastical duties.

1 Samuel 1:11, No razor shall come upon his head. To this phrase, the LXX and Dead Sea Scrolls add “he shall drink no wine or strong drink.” This means that Hannah vowed to consecrate Samuel to be a Nazirite to be holy or set apart unto YHVH (Num 6:8, see vv. 1–21 for context). Thus, Samuel was both a Levite and Nazirite.

1 Samuel 1:24, House of YHVH in Shiloh. The Tabernacle of Moses (also called “the temple of YHVH”, see v. 9) remained in Shiloh for more than 350 years before the Temple of Solomon was built in Jerusalem.

1 Samuel 2

1 Samuel 2:1, Your salvation [Heb. Yeshua]. Although Hannah prayed this prayer, she also wrote it down as a psalm for posterity even to our day in her moment of victorious joy because had YHVH and answered her prayer—her deepest heart’s desires. Have you ever transcribed one of your prayers into written form, so that others, perhaps your children or grandchildren, could see your faith and joy, be encouraged and uplifted by it even years later?

1 Samuel 2:12,The sons of Eli were corrupt. Corruption in high places—even in the church—was rife then even as it is now. And the issues were the same. The sons of Eli “did not know YHVH.”That is, they did not have a personal relationship with YHVH. They were born into the ministry; therefore, it was something they took for granted. It was merely a job, a source of financial gain, a cush position with a full compliment of fringe benefits including the choicest food at the people’s expense (vv.13–16), a position of prominence in the land, and lots of sex with the women as well (v. 22). Sadly, in the whole Bible, there are few examples of children remaining true to the faith of their parents. Most went the way of the world and forsook Elohim. Sadly this even happened to Samuel’s sons (1 Sam 8:1–5) no doubt to the consternation of their righteous father.

1 Samuel 2:18, 26. But Samuel ministered…grew in stature, and in favor. Even as the house of Eli was falling due to spiritual lassitude, at the same time YHVH was raising up another individual to carry on his work. What this teaches us is that despite the failings of individual, his purposes will go on, even if he has to raise others up to take the place of those who once did his work, but either they or their offspring have strayed from his paths of righteous ness.

1 Samuel 2:27, Then a man of Elohim came to Eli. YHVH always warns his lukewarm and backsliding servants an opportunity repent of their errant ways before he brings judgment upon them. This is his mercy and grace in action, it is also so that no one can accuse ever Elohim of acting unjustly.

1 Samuel 2:29, Honor your sons more than me. Eli placed loyalty to his sons over loyalty to Elohim. As much as righteous parents want to see their children serve and obey YHVH, if they refuse to do so, especially if they hypocritically claim to be ministers of Elohim, while dishonoring him by their actions, parents cannot condone their children’s actions. Tough love demands that parents lovingly correct their children, even adult ones, and if they refuse, then parents must choose to obey Elohim over acquiescing to the unrighteous actions of their offspring. Eli failed to stand up to his sons, and to relieve them of their Levitical duties, and this brought the judgment of Elohim upon both Eli and his sons.

Make yourself fat. To many modern pastors are like Eli in that they live off the fat of the land—off of people’s tithes and offerings, and many do very little work for it. YHVH elsewhere condemns these fat shepherds (see Ezek 34). In fact, may of today’s pastors are literally are obese just like Eli (1 Sam 4:18). YHVH will not tolerate false, hireling shepherds (1 Sam 2:36 cp. John 10:12–13).

1 Samuel 2:30–34, Then YHVH Elohim of Israel says. This passage contains one of the worst condemnations and judgments from YHVH of any minister in the Bible. YHVH warned Eli again and again to repent and to take a strong stand against the evil going on in his family, but he was too complacent in his secure ministerial position to heed the warning of Elohim from the prophet of Elohim and from the young Samuel (in the next chapter). The spiritual sloth and the lack of fear of Elohim on Eli’s part was especially grievous, since he was not only the high priest, but the judge or leader of Israel for 40 years (1 Sam 4:18), and, thus, his lifestyle and actions influenced the whole nation of Israel for good or for bad. Elohim holds to a higher level of accountability those to whom he has given greater positions of power and influence. If they obey him, they will receive a greater reward, but if they disobey him, they will receive a great condemnation.

1 Samuel 2:35, A faithful priest. Samuel was an Ephraimite (a resident of the territory of Ephraim, but also a Levite; see 1 Chr 6:1, 16, 28) and a priest (cohen).

1 Samuel 3

1 Samuel 3:1, The word of YHVH was rare in those days; there was no widespread revelation [open, prophetic vision]. Into this environment of spiritual laxity in Israel, YHVH introduced Samuel, a man who was single-handedly responsible for the spiritual revival of that nation.

The regime of Eli and his wayward sons can be likened to the state of the church in these last days in America. Eli was a weak, ineffectual, compromised, lukewarm, fat and blind leader spiritual leader. The modern church is filled with leaders who, like Eli, have little or no backbone to stand up to evil, to denounce sin, to refuse to toy with spiritual compromise, to stand up to false leaders, and to call the people to repentance. Rather, they are in the ministry simply for their own personal gain and physical gratification. 

On the surface, Eli looked good. He sported the title of High Priest, along with all the trappings and regalia that came with that exalted office including a glorious church building, ceremonial accoutrements and ecclesiastical attire. He even had “throne.” Yet at the same time, he was blind and grossly fat. This is the spiritual state of many leaders in the church today. For their own benefit, they have plundered the people they lead becoming financially well off in the process. YHVH denounces these phony and carnal shepherds in Ezekiel 34, who feed themselves at the sheep’s expense caring little or nothing for them. This was the sin of Eli’s sons who not only forcefully plundered the people for their own gain (1 Sam 2:2–17), but fulfilled their sexual appetites, as well, at the people’s expense (2 Sam 2:22–23). 

Yeshua rebukes these same hireling shepherds who put their own interests ahead of the sheep they are supposed to care for (John 10:1–13). Likewise, the apostles of Yeshua who literally laid down their lives for the sheep and the spreading of the gospel had no use for counterfeits who profited at the people’s expense. Paul denounces those who peddle the word of Elohim (2 Cor 2:17), and who are greedy for money (Tit 1:11 cp. 1 Tim 3:3, 8; Tit 1:7; 1 Pet 5:2).

Is it any wonder that the word of YHVH was rare in the days of Eli and his sons? How can a righteous and holy Elohim endure dealing with such a people? Remember his aversion to those in Laodicea who viewed themselves as quit well off, thank you very much, but were in reality, from Elohim’s perspective, miserable, wretched, naked, poor, deaf and blind. Unless they repented of their sin, he was ready to vomit these lukewarm believers from his mouth (Rev 3:14–21).

But in the middle of the spiritual morass of Eli’s leadership in Israel, YHVH raised up a pure and innocent vessel in Samuel. YHVH started moving powerfully in the little Samuel’s life, when he began to speak to him audibly and by vision. This small start was the beginning of national revival in Israel that eventually led to David becoming king and a temple being built in Jerusalem—the pinnacle of Israel’s glory days as a nation. 

In reality, it all started with a faithful, praying mother who, after having her prayer answered for a son, willingly gave up that son, as a thank offering, to YHVH’s service. What is the lesson here? Even in the midst of the hopelessness of spiritual societal darkness, YHVH can raise up a Hannah and a Samuel who will take the nation by storm for him! All YHVH needs are a few committed, praying, faith-filled servants, who are sold out for him, and who remain pure and undefiled from the spiritual pollutions around them. Are you willing to be such a person?


Antifa throws flash bombs at children, injures pastor at Christian prayer event in Portland

Natan’s comments:

The story below is very alarming and only the beginning of what is to come. 

I live 20 minutes from this park. In the past, I have preached the gospel there.

What is the sickest part of it all is that the police did not show up to protect the Christians from the lawless Satanists. In the past when we street preached in Portland, the police were there to help keep the peace. The leftist thugs have now replaced the police. These Antifa goons have become the SA Brownshirts warlords in control of the Portland streets, and no one, not even the police, are able to stand up to them or stop them. This is because the politicians have defanged the police and rendered them impotent. 

The church is largely impotent to do anything as well. I used to preach to skinhead gangs and the like in downtown Portland. The anointing of Elohim was all over us when we did it. When the gangs and Satanist came against me, I’d lift up the name of Yeshua and they’d back off. They couldn’t touch me. We saw miracle after miracle. Now all the Christians do is stand around with their fingers in their mouth and say “peace in the name of Jesus” as the thugs mace them and toss their sound equipment in the river.

Moreover, where are the preachers to preach sin and repentance at that moment to these Satanist? Signs and wonders follow the preaching of the gospel, not thumb sucking and Kumbaya singing Christians. That’s what we used to do and YHVH was there to protect us. Now all these impotent Christians can do is stand there with their fingers in their mouths and sing Kumbaya. Sick and sad how the church as devolved. 

YHVH bless any Christians that may not have been in the videos who stood up and preached the gospel as Yeshua commissioned us to do.

And what’s with the sissy pastor standing in his slick suit off to the side looking all dapper, but saying and doing nothing? As I’ve said many times, as long as the pastors are behind their acrylic pulpits in the safety of their churches standing behind their security detail, they’re powerful “men of God.” But get them out into the streets, and they wilt like the real pansies that most of them are. I stood behind a pulpit for 18 years, and I also spent years on the streets preaching the gospel, so I know what I’m talking about. — Natan


By Anugrah Kumar, Christian Post Contributor | Monday, August 09, 2021FacebookTwitterEmailPrintMenuComment158

Antifa members assaulting a prayer and worship event in downtown Portland, Oregon. | YouTube/Mary Todd

Dozens of black-clad Antifa militants carrying shields and melee weapons on Saturday assaulted Christians, including children, who were attending a prayer and worship event in downtown Portland, Oregon, featuring Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski.

Portland police looked on as Antifa bear-sprayed Christians and their children, lobbed “flash bombs” into the crowd, and reportedly threw the sound equipment being used for the prayer event into the Willamette River, PJ Media reported.

In black bloc and riot gear, armed Antifa could be seen in a video physically confronting the Christian attendees. One of the members sprayed a congregant with what appeared to be pepper spray. The attendees stepped back to evade the assault, The Post Millennial reported.

“Where is your God now?” one of the Antifa members can be heard shouting in the video.

A woman attending the prayer event described the group as “ruthless.”

“Antifa just rolled in like an angry mob, started throwing flash bombs at everybody, macing everybody … rotten eggs,” CBN News quoted her as saying. “They threw a flash bomb into a group of kids that were out there from 4 months old to like 10.”

Pawlowski, who serves as pastor of Street Church and Cave of Adullam Church in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, and has been seen in viral videos documenting his encounters with law enforcement over COVID-19 restrictions, was also sprayed in the face with mace.

An attendee who helped the pastor was quoted as saying, “Walked up to ask them to stop throwing things at the children. There’s kids down there. I mean, they’re toddlers and they sprayed me too.”

“Welcome to Portland. You won’t like it here, pastor,” tweeted an Antifa member, who identifies herself as Melissa Lewis on Twitter.

In an earlier interview with The Christian Post, Pawlowski spoke about his interactions with authorities over the past year and doubled down on his characterization of local law enforcement as Nazis and communists.

Pawlowski has compared the measures taken by law enforcement officials to enforce novel coronavirus restrictions on churches to the actions taken by authorities in his native Poland when it was under communist rule.

In March 2020, he was informed that Street Church would have to “shut down and stop taking care of the poor.” Pawlowski refused to obey that order, concluding that by issuing “orders to stop feeding them [and] giving them necessities of life, they were sentencing them to death. [And] some of them did die.”

“All of those people wandering the streets, if I don’t feed them or someone like me does not feed them … they’re going to attack your house or break into your car,” he added. “You got to provide people with food if they cannot get it on their own for whatever reason. … Addictions or mental illness or whatever it is, those people will eat this way or that way. I prefer to feed them instead of letting them go and hurt other people to get what they need.”

The Saturday prayer and worship event in Portland was announced a month ago, which gave Antifa enough time to plan the attack.

Antifa has also attacked several churches in Portland.

For more video on Antifa violence against Christians in Oregon, go to: