Have YOU Fallen for the Church’s BIG Lie?

For certain, you will never hear this message preached in your church, but your salvation and eternal depends on knowing the truth of what the Bible calls “the lie”. If you fall for this BIG LIE, it can damn you eternally. The message of this video is backed up by the Truth of the Scripture, the Word of Elohim. Ignore it at your own peril. This is neither understatement nor hyperbole. It is not fear porn, because I have nothing to sell you, and there is nothing in it for me personally by preaching this message. It is simply the Truth that needs to be heard. Period.


Bible Truths the Mainstream Church Fails to Teach (Pt 1)

In this video, we bring to your conscious awareness a number of fundamental and important Bible truths that mainstream Christianity largely fails to teach. They include, among others things, a fundamental aspect of the basic gospel message, the false Jew-Gentile paradigmatic view of the New Testament, the truth of the kingdom of Elohim (God) and the Millennium, some things Elohim said NOT TO FORGET, but that the church has forgotten, as well as what Elohim’s chief attribute is (it’s not what you’ve been incorrectly taught!). Part two of this subject will follow shortly with more Bible truths the church conveniently overlooks. So stay tuned…


Beware of Bible Prophecy “Experts” = $$$

In this video, Nathan Lawrence reveals a stunning, ignored and largely unknown principle concerning understanding end time Bible prophecy—something that the so-called biblical prophecy “experts” will never tell you because if they did, it would take away their source of profit ($$$), because YOU would no longer listen to them and buy their junk!


Church Lies—The Torah-Law IS Done Away With

What does the Bible really say? Was the law of God (YHVH Elohim) given from his lips to man really done away with, nailed to the cross, a curse, anti-grace, terminated, etc., etc. Did YHVH lie, change his mind, change his standards of righteousness for New Testament Christians, or has the church lied to you about this? What does the Bible really say? We give chapter and verse proof of the real Truth of the matter.