Korah the Malcontent, Rebel and a Leftist

As we watch the rise of violent rebellion and civil disobedience in western—formerly Christian—nations (and elsewhere), it would behoove us to determine what is at the root and core of this movement, so that we can determine its source and what our response should be.

Human nature has never changed from the beginning of human history to the present. What is happening today has happened before. Only the actors, costumes and theater venues have changed, but the story’s plot is the same from the tree of knowledge in the Garden of Eden until now. 

This ever-repeating and sad never-ending story goes like this: Elohim the Creator laid down certain rules and guidelines for humans to follow for their own blessing and well-being. Along came a snake in a tree to dissuade humans to rebel against Elohim’s rule of law, and rebellious and malcontented humans egged on by the same God-hating snake (that is, Satan the arch-rebel) have been marching to the same drum beat ever since.

We see the modern manifestations of this same satanic rebellion in the various current leftist movements that, like the many-headed Hydra of ancient Greek mythology, have many faces: leftism, atheism, secular humanism, moral relativism, socialism, the rise of the nanny-state, the rise in democratic mob rule, race wars, the attack on Judea-Christians values, the rise of false and Antichrist religious systems, evolution, rebellion against western culture and history and so on.

This is not to say that western culture is perfect and that there aren’t systemic problems that need fixing, and that some of the issues of the leftist malcontents aren’t legitimate. Indeed, there are problems that need fixing, but left’s solution of destroying the biblical foundations of the west is not the answer to the problem. It is like destroying the entire garden for the weeds growing therein. The problem is that the left generally wants to kill, steal and destroy in its effort to supposedly correct the problems in western societies that despite their weaknesses have generally done more good than harm in improving the human condition when held up against the backdrop of human history. And the left has no solutions to the problems in western culture. Their only solutions is societal upheaval and destruction—again to kill, steal and destroy. They cannot point to a single example past or present where their ideologies have worked. No. In the wake of leftist ideals, there has always been mass bloodshed, anarchy, mayhem, repression, loss of freedom, enslavement and loss of civil liberties. Always! Think Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Castro, North Korea, Pol Pot and the sorry list goes on and on—just in the twentieth century alone!

To understand the evil spirit that is behind modern leftism, let’s go way back in time to the dusty pages of biblical history to one of the earliest leftists—Korah the malcontent. When we study his character, life and methods of operation, we will see many parallels between him and the modern rabble rousers who are trying to turn society on its head and usurp authority for themselves no matter the means or the cost.

The Spirit of Korah

The biblical story of Korah occurs in Numbers chapter 16. There we read, 

“And they rose up before Moses, with certain of the children of Israel, two hundred and fifty princes of the assembly, famous in the congregation, men of renown: and they gathered themselves together against Moses and against Aaron, and said unto them, ‘You take too much upon you, seeing all the congregation are set apart/kadosh, every one of them, and YHVH is among them: wherefore then lift ye up yourselves above the congregation of YHVH?’” (Num 16:2–3)

The righteous must discern, identify and then oppose this evil spirit. Everywhere in every way, this demonic spirit of rebellion is attempting to destroy the work of YHVH Elohim on earth. 

The spirit of Korah is currently alive and well on planet earth. The righteous must discern, identify and then oppose this evil spirit. Everywhere in every way, this demonic spirit of rebellion is attempting to destroy the work of YHVH Elohim on earth. 

The spirit of Korah is the spirit of rebellion against YHVH and his divine authority and biblical truth. In our society, it is manifested in the philosophies of secular humanism, atheism, the New Age Movement, radical environmentalism, earth worship, so-called “progressivism,” socialism, Marxism and evolution, which are all aspects of the Babylon the Great, New World Order political-religious system that will oppose the saints of Yeshua and Yeshua himself at this second coming. We also see this spirit at work, supported and encouraged in international politics, in our own government, in our mainstream educational systems, in the major media, in the false religions of the world where foundational Judeo-Christian biblical values are being rejected and even demonized.

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“In Vain They Worship Me”—Praise & Worship in the Church

Much of the praise and worship themes in the modern Christian church are incongruent with the biblical model and needs to be reoriented accordingly. Praise and worship is largely an emotional and not an action-based activity. In fact, very few of the lyrics, for example, of modern day praise and worship music even talk about fearing YHVH or walking in righteousness and holiness as it relates to obedience to his commandments. This is not how the Bible defines praise and worship as we shall discuss below. In true biblical praise and worship, the actions of the worshipper match his verbal proclamations.

Why should we worship Elohim?

Why humans should worship YHVH Elohim, their Creator, should be self-evident. But in the hectic flurry of daily living, it is helpful to reminded ourselves of the most basic element of human existence to acknowledge our proper place in the cosmos by giving acknowledgement and respect to the powers that be that are greater than ourselves. So here are some basic reasons why man should not only acknowledge, but respect and even fear his Creator.

  • He made us.
  • He is greater than us.
  • There is no hope in this world outside of him.
  • He demonstrates his love for us in countless ways such as placing us on this earth with all of the necessities of life.
  • He demonstrates his love for us by offering us hope and redemption or salvation from sin (the violation of his laws) and escape from the lethal entrapments of this world, the flesh and the devil.
  • He offers us escape from the cosmos (this time-space continuum space capsule) in which we are inexorably bound.

This is only a beginning. Countless more reasons could be given why humans are duty-bound to worship Elohim.

How Should We Worship Elohim?

The purpose of the following discussion is not to criticize or tear down all the good things that the Christian church has down or does. My purpose is to bring us all to the higher level and thus become a more pleasing bride to Yeshua our bridegroom by pointing out those things in the church that are incongruent with the Truth of Elohim as revealed in his Word.

That said, I have to admit that I am non-plussed by most of the praise and worship music and activities in the Christian church as well as most so-called Messianic and Hebraic worship music. Why? Doesn’t Elohim inhabits or is enthroned on the praises of his people and love it when they praise him (Ps 22:3)? Yes and no. But, there is a higher level of praise and worship that the church largely misses. Let’s explore and discuss this.

There are two kinds of ways to worship Elohim.

The first type of worship is through man-made religious activity—the commandments or doctrines of men. This is vain, empty or meaningless worship in the eyes of the Creator. As Yeshua said, “AND IN VAIN THEY WORSHIP ME, TEACHING AS DOCTRINES THE COMMANDMENTS OF MEN,” (Matt 15:9). This is from Isaiah 29, 

Therefore the Lord said: “Inasmuch as these people draw near with their mouths and honor Me with their lips, but have removed their hearts far from Me, and their fear toward Me is taught by the commandment of men… (Isa 29:15).

On the issue of false, man-made worship, let’s note Matthew 15:8 and Isaiah 29:13 respectively,

Ye hypocrites, well did Isaiah prophesy of you, saying, This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. (Matt 15:7–9)

Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men. (Isa 29:13)

The second form of worship is through spirit and truth.

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‘Shocking’ New Poll: Only 37 Percent of U.S. Pastors Hold a Biblical Worldview

Little comment is needed here. The article says it all. Is it any wonder why America is as sick spiritually as it is? When the head is sick, the whole body is sick. Or to put it another way, as goes the church house, so goes the state house, the courthouse and all the way up to the White House. Judgment begins first at the house of Elohim, as Scripture tells us.

From https://www.christianheadlines.com/contributors/michael-foust/shocking-new-poll-only-37-percent-of-us-pastors-hold-a-biblical-worldview.html

Michael Foust | ChristianHeadlines.com Contributor | Friday, May 13, 2022

Pastor holding a Bible in a pew

A majority of Christian pastors in the United States do not hold a biblical worldview, according to surprising new research from pollster George Barna, who says the data shows a spiritual awakening is “needed just as desperately in our pulpits as in the pews.”

The survey, released Thursday by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, shows that only 37 percent of pastors in the U.S. hold a biblical worldview.

Among senior/lead pastors, 41 percent possess a biblical worldview – the highest percentage within the sub-groups of pastors. Less than one-third of associate/assistant pastors (28 percent), teaching pastors (13 percent) and children’s/youth pastors (12 percent) hold a biblical worldview, the data found.

An accompanying report labeled the findings “shocking.”

“This is another strong piece of evidence that the culture is influencing the American church more than Christian churches are influencing the culture,” said Barna, director of research at the university’s Cultural Research Center.

The survey’s findings were based on 54 questions in eight categories related to a biblical worldview. Within those eight categories, the only one where a majority of pastors affirm a biblical worldview is related to the purpose and calling of life (57 percent). A minority of pastors hold a biblical worldview in the other seven categories: family and the value of life (47 percent); God, creation and history (44 percent); personal faith practices (43 percent); sin, salvation and one’s relationship to God (43 percent); human character and human nature (40 percent); lifestyle, personal behavior and relationships (40 percent); and beliefs and behaviors related to the Bible, truth and morality.

The data on children’s pastors and youth pastors, Barna said, is particularly discouraging.

“Keep in mind,” Barna said, “a person’s worldview primarily develops before the age of 13, then goes through a period of refinement during their teens and twenties. From a worldview perspective, a church’s most important ministers are the children’s pastor and the youth pastor. Discovering that seven out of every eight of those pastors lack a biblical worldview helps to explain why so few people in the nation’s youngest generations are developing a heart and mind for biblical principles and ways of life, and why our society seems to have run wild over the last decade, in particular.”

Despite the gloomy data, Barna offered a glimmer of hope by noting that “you cannot fix something unless you know it’s broken.”

“God is in the transformation business,” he said. “Pastors who are willing to allow Him to transform their thinking and behavior can emerge from that process as a powerful example of what can happen when one’s heart, mind and soul are surrendered to God. It certainly seems that if America is going to experience a spiritual revival, that awakening is needed just as desperately in our pulpits as in the pews.”


Emor–”In Vain They Worship Me”—Praise & Worship in the Church

In this video, we examine the Christian church’s typical praise and worship themes junta pose them with the book of Psalms and how the Bible defines praise and worship. A major disconnect is exposed! Learn what the true praise and worship is that is pleasing to our Abba Father in heaven—YHVH Elohim.


From Messy Antics to the Dance of Lovers — The Eight Phases of Coming Out of Spiritual Babylon of the Church

Alone in a Dark, Strange House

Have you ever found yourself groping and stumbling around in a totally dark, strange room without a light? You’re running into walls and furniture, stubbing your toes on things looking for a light switch or the door? Similarly but on a spiritual level, many people have left the comforts and familiar surroundings of the mainstream church system with some vague notion of returning to the Hebrew roots of their faith only to find themselves in such a dark house. Welcome to the house of the so-called Messianic or the Hebrew roots movement!

Many of us have been in this new spiritual house asking ourselves questions like: Where are we? Where are we going? What’s next? Who’s out there? Am I alone? 

Shifting from a traditional church-system paradigm and lifestyle to that of that of a more first century or Hebraic one as modelled by the early believers in the Book of Acts and apostolic leaders isn’t an easy to do. There are a lot of questions and unfamiliar territory to traverse. Am I moving into cultism? Legalism? Too much Jewishness? Or some bizarre new religion or what? 

Perhaps knowing the transition zones or spiritual growth stages that you will likely go through, as most of us have, might be like someone handing you a flashlight in that dark house. Even a little light on the subject might save your toe from getting stubbed and keep you from doing a nose plant on the floor! Not only that, knowing the stages most people inevitably go through when making the transition from a traditional Sunday Christian orientation to a Torah-pursuant one just might…

help us to stay on course spiritually, so that we won’t get stuck in one stage of spiritual development and fail to move to the next stage.

help leaders to see where people are at in their path to spiritual maturity, and help them to move to the next level.

help those who have advanced through these stages to be gracious and helpful to those who have not yet done so.

Here are the stages, as I see them. Each one’s personal experiences may vary a little, and the order of the steps may be slightly different for each person, but I think that most of us can relate to these steps of spiritual transformation to one degree or another. I know, because I’ve been through these steps myself!

The Eight Stages of Coming Out of Spiritual Babylon

1– Awakening Stage: Hearing the Sound of the Shofar and the Call of the Bridegroom

At this stage, we begin to awaken to our spiritual heritage—to the Jewish or Hebraic roots of the Christian faith.

We begin to develop a love for the land of Israel, the Jewish people as well as the Hebrew Scriptures.

We become aware of our need to return to YHVH’s ancient and good spiritual (Torah) paths (Jer 6:16), which predate Constantine Christianity and the traditions of men that are contrary to the Word of Elohim that often characterize much of what has been associated with our past church involvements. We realize that we have strayed spiritually from YHVH’s biblical paths of Torah-Truth and bought into many lying doctrines and traditions of men (Jer 16:19) that were taught in our Christian church experience.

2 – Anger Stage: Our Fathers Have Inherited Lies

We become aware that our spiritual fathers have inherited lies (Jer 16:19). Namely, we discover that the church has lied to us about our Hebraic heritage and YHVH’s Torah-instructions that he revealed to Adam, Enoch, Noah, Abraham and the patriarchs and then to Moses and the children of Israel. We come to realize that the mainstream church has withheld much in the way of YHVH revealed biblical Truth from us, and has substituted for that Truth man traditions of men and pagan ideas. If not careful, anger against the Christian church—our brothers in the faith—can set in and overtake us.

Some people, at this point, will begin to despise, denigrate and even hate the Christian church and Christians. Some don’t even believe that there are any Christians who are saved. In the process, many Hebraic-minded people become judgmental and bigoted toward Christians who still adhere to anti-Torah belief systems. In anger and bitterness, some people will even turn away from what correct Truth the church does have (e.g., the message of Yeshua, the cross, the basic gospel message, the message of love, etc.) and toss out the proverbial baby with the bath water. Sadly, some people will turn away from belief in the New Testament, the gospel message and the truth about the deity and messiahship of Yeshua.

3 — Exploratory Stage: Learning About the Roots of Our Faith

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