Emor–”In Vain They Worship Me”—Praise & Worship in the Church

In this video, we examine the Christian church’s typical praise and worship themes junta pose them with the book of Psalms and how the Bible defines praise and worship. A major disconnect is exposed! Learn what the true praise and worship is that is pleasing to our Abba Father in heaven—YHVH Elohim.


2 thoughts on “Emor–”In Vain They Worship Me”—Praise & Worship in the Church

  1. I just noticed when you mentioned John 3:16 that “God so loved the world…” yet in John 14:15 “if you love Me. keep My commandments” are there not 613 of them-316/613!
    Please take a few moments to listen to Psalm 84 as sung by Commissioned on youtube 🙂

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