The Cross and the Triangle in the Tabernacle

Exodus 40:2–7, Set up the tabernacle. YHVH’s instructions to Moses to set up the furnishings in the tabernacle followed a particular order. Moses first started in the holy of holies, then proceeded to the table of show bread, then moved across to the menorah, then over to the altar of incense, and then down to the altar of sacrifice within the tabernacle’s courtyard, and then up to the bronze laver. The outline of Moses’ movements make a triangle on a cross with the base of the triangle forming the cross arm of the cross. The base of cross corresponds to the altar of sacrifice, while apex of the triangle corresponds to the altar of incense and the top of the cross, which extends past the apex of the triangle is where the testimony in the holy of holies is.

Tabernacle Set-Up Order

Would anyone care to posit their opinion on the spiritual significance of this geometric pattern?


The Feasts, Tabernacle, Man in 3D

Exodus 23:14–19, Three times you shall keep a feast. Conventional Jewish wisdom teaches us that during the three pilgrimage festivals all the individuals of the nation are to appear out of all isolations personally in the presence of the one God of Israel in the festival circle (or chag) around the common sanctuary (where YHVH has chosen to place his name, Deut 16:2,11,15), thereby becoming conscious that each one is connected to all the other members of the nation, with YHVH Elohim, and with the Torah (The Pentateuch—Deuteronomy, p. 310, by S. R. Hirsch).

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But there is much more than this if we add Yeshua the Messiah of Israel into the picture. Each of the three feasts point directly to him. Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles all point to Yeshua, since the first three spring feasts point to Yeshua’s first coming, while the last fall feast points to his second coming. Each of these feasts represent milestones in the spiritual walk of the redeemed believer.

But it gets better. There were three sections in the Tabernacle of Moses: the outer courtyard, the holy place and the holy of holies. These correspond with the three parts of man: body, soul and spirit (1 Thess 5:23).

The feasts of Passover and Unleavened Bread are the first two feasts we celebrate in the spring and represent the first steps in a new believer’s spiritual walk. This corresponds with the outer courtyard and relates more to the spiritual cleansing of the outer parts or body of man. It is here that one begins their spiritual walk and relationship with Yeshua, who is the Word of Elohim.

The Feast of Weeks or Pentecost is the next step one takes in their spiritual walk. The holy place speaks of bring the soul (the mind, will and emotions) into submission to the will of YHVH as one advances in their spiritual walk and learns about the fruits and gifts of the Spirit of Elohim, who they are as redeemed Israelites, and about worship and praise.

Finally, the holy of holies corresponds to the Feast of Tabernacles and the Eighth Day and the spirit part of man. This part of the tabernacle speaks more of man’s ultimate spiritual relationship with Elohim. It is here that man relates to Elohim, who is a Spirit, on a spirit to Spirit level (John 4:24; 1 Cor 2:10–13). This points to man’s ultimate destiny as glorified beings in the New Jerusalem as adopted members into the family of Elohim (John 1:12; Rom 8:14–15, 23; 9:4; 2 Cor 6:18; Gal 4:5–6; Eph 1:5; 1 John 3:1; Rev 21:7).

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure there’s much more to learn on this subject.



The Glory Cloud … and YOU

Exodus 40:34–38. The glory of YHVH filled the tabernacle. This has to be one of the most beautiful passages in the Scriptures.

After YHVH lovingly leads his people out of Egypt, his first job assignment for them was to make him a tabernacle that he might “dwell with them” (Exod 25:8). Those who were of a willing heart (Exod 35:21–22) contributed to the effort, and approximately $4 to 5 million in material costs alone was spent building the tabernacle—all donated by the people.

The Israelites spent some nine months working on the project and the tabernacle was consecrated on New Year’s day of the second year out of Egypt.

YHVH expressed his approbation of his new house in a most tangible way. His manifest glory filled the tabernacle (Exod 40:34). From that point on, YHVH’s glorious Presence led his people through the wilderness into the Promised Land.

On the Day of Pentecost, the fire of Elohim’s Spirit came down and indwelt all those in the upper room.

We as redeemed believers are now the temples of the Holy Spirit, which is how Elohim’s glorious Presence now dwells in us.

Now for the tough question. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much are you walking a Spirit-led life now? How can we walk a more Spirit-led walk? Please share your thoughts and insights.




Yeshua, the Song of Moses and End-Times Prophecy

Exodus 15:1, This song. This Song of Moses may be more aptly titled, “The Song of the Redemption,” for it is a song about our Heavenly Redeemer, as we shall now discover.

I will sing. Will this Song of Moses be sung again in the future? In Revelation 15:3, we see that the glorified bride of Yeshua will be singing the Song of Moses. Why is she singing this joyous song? Because YHVH has delivered her from his judgments of wrath that he is pouring out upon a wicked end-times world. These same redeemed Israelites are those whom YHVH has brought out of Babylon the Great as part of the second exodus of redeemed Israelites from the nations where they have been long scattered and spiritually enslaved. The Song of Moses here (in Rev 15:3) also relates to the Song of the Lamb. As we shall see next, the Song of Moses in Exodus 15 does relate to Yeshua the Lamb.  Continue reading