The Baptism of the Holy Spirit: Who, What, When, and Why?

The Baptism of the Spirit Brings Power to Advance the Kingdom of Elohim

  • The gifts of the Spirit are the tools YHVH has given his saints to advance his kingdom.
  • They are for ministry purposes to bring glory to YHVH.

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Born of the Spirit Vs. Baptized in the Spirit — What’s the Difference?

Is there a difference between being born of the Spirit and being baptized in the Spirit? Yes. Water baptism (or baptism for the remission of sins) occurs at one’s conversion and symbolizes being spiritually regenerated by dying to the old sin nature and being resurrected in the newness of life unto the righteousness of Yeshua. It marks the beginning of walking in victory over sin as a spiritual overcomer. The result is being able to live a life of righteousness through obedience to the commandments of Elohim. The outward evidence or fruit of this spiritual work in one’s life is the manifestation of the fruits of the Spirit the greatest of which is love. By contrast, the baptism of the Holy Spirit (as Yeshua describes it in Act 1:5–8 and Luke 24:49) is for ministry empowerment purposes. It enable the saints to yield more to the leading of the Spirit of Elohim as they confront the evil darkness in this world via the power of the Elohim. It is for the purpose of boldly and powerfully advancing the kingdom of Elohim through the preaching of the gospel message to those who are spiritually lost with miraculous signs and wonders following.

Yeshua describes the process of receiving the Holy Spirit of Elohim in John 3:5–8. Continue reading