Does the Torah promote Capitalism or Socialism?

Capitalism or Socialism concept

Leviticus 25, The Biblical social welfare system. Chapter 25, in part,  lays out Israel’s social welfare and economic system. Basically, it was a capitalistic economic system where private individuals owned property and small businesses and controlled the means and productions of goods and services, and the central government’s involvement in the lives of people was minimal. This is not the case in a purely socialistic (or Marxist or communistic) economic system where the government owns most of the property and controls the means and distribution of goods and services, and where regulation of people’s lives is tremendous.

The capitalistic system that YHVH gave to Israel, however,l contained some quasi-socialistic checks and balances in that greedy or even exceptionally gifted and ambitious individuals couldn’t become excessively rich at the expense of the poor. Socialistic economic philosophy demands that the wealth of the nation be equally distributed among everyone including the poor. This may sound good in theory, but it doesn’t work. In reality, socialism stifles individual initiative by punishing (often through taxation and other means of wealth confiscation and redistribution by the government) those who, through hard work, sacrifice, initiative, and inventiveness have become wealthy. So, it stands to reason, why should the wealthy work hard if the fruits of their labors will only be confiscated and be given to the poor or the “have nots, ” or to those who refuse to work?

At the same time, capitalism is also a flawed system, since in time, the wealthy often end up owning own much of the land and control most of the wealth. Human nature being what it is, the greedy wealthy will turn a capitalistic system into oligarchic capitalism where only a few rich capitalists control nearly everything including the economic and political systems. This is the end times system that is described in Revelation 13 and 18 and is called Babylon the Great. Such a system ends up enslaving people through economic and political means, and creating a veritable serfdom of those who are under its rule (see Rev 18:13, 23).

With these things in mind, as you are reading through chapter 25, note how YHVH instructed the poor to be cared for. There was no government welfare system based on taxing the producers and giving to the non-producers. Everyone worked. In fact, the Torah commands everyone to work for six days, and then to rest on the seventh day (Exod 20:9). Sloth and laziness wasn’t an option.

Notice how debt was handled, and how people worked to pay off their debts. Bankruptcy wasn’t an option.

Notice how the jubilee year prevented the wealthy from acquiring all the land, and how every 50 years there was a redistribution of land, so that those who through sloth or mismanagement of their resources lost their land. Such individuals were mercifully given a second chance to start over again and to learn from their past mistakes. Lending to the poor was encouraged, and the charging of interest was prohibited.

As you read through this chapter, consider how YHVH deals with the perennial social and economic ills that have plague the world from time immemorial compared to how men currently deal with these same problems, and usually end up making the problems worse.

Though it would be difficult to implement such a system in our highly collectivized and industrialized society of today, it is likely that in the future, during the Millennium, when the Torah will be the rule of the earth and agrarian society will likely be the dominant economic paradigm, that such a Torah-based system will once again be put in place.


Chains of Tyranny: The Lies of the Socialists and Progressives


One of the main lies of big government socialism and so-called progressivism is that it buys people off by  promising to take care of and protect them. This results in the loss of people’s freedom.

The problem is that to take care of the people, the government has to steal the people’s money and resources in obvious and subversive ways to pay for it.

Furthermore, in the process, socialism and progressivism makes the people dependent on government hand-outs, so the people are no longer self-dependent and self-sufficient. In this way, the power of the people has been transferred to their government overlords thus making it almost impossible for the people to cast off the chains of government tyranny and control without biting the hand that feeds them thus imperiling their own existence and security. This is one of the main lies of big government socialism and so-called progressivism.

Do you not think that the moneyed elite power brokers and social planners don’t know how to use the lure of government hands to ensnare the people into their grasp? Do you not think they don’t use the promise of government handouts (thus preying on people’s natural tendency toward laziness and wanting something for free, while not having to work for it)  to enslave the people in a supine position, while insuring their own power-positions and financial security (at the people’s expense) as the people’s permanent overlords? Yet, sadly, the people are too blind and stupid to see this, and they keep voting in those who would package the chains that would enslave them in little boxes neatly wrapped in bright colors, ribbons and bows.

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Many in the younger generation who don’t know their history and who have lost their moral and spiritual compass have fallen prey to the lies of socialism and progressivism. That’s why they’ll vote for people like Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton and pro big government Republicans et al.




Professor: Young Bernie Supporters Prove Education System Has Failed


University of Oklahoma professor breaks down socialism’s failures

Bernie Sanders’ rise in popularity among the nation’s youth despite his socialist policies exemplifies the country’s failing education system, a college professor says.In an editorial published in The Oklahoman last month, University of Oklahoma Associate Professor David Deming claims “the candidacy of Bernie Sanders is a symptom of our failure to educate [the youth], not only in history, government and economics, but also basic morality.”“You don’t have to be a student of ancient history to know socialism doesn’t work,” Professor Deming states, highlighting the capitulation of the Soviet Union and Venezuela’s current problems as examples of how the Socialist economic system dooms nations to fail.

“The misery caused by socialism is unfolding today in Venezuela. Since Venezuela embraced socialism in 1999, poverty, crime and corruption have all increased. Grocery shelves are empty and the annual inflation rate is estimated to be as high as 200 percent.”

Deming notes the U.S. was allowed to thrive because its Founding Fathers upheld private property rights, and credits the free-market capitalist economic system for producing “the greatest prosperity in human history.”

“If we believe a transaction is in our best interest, we have an incentive to maintain good relations with those with whom we’re trading. Thus a society based on freedom and trading promotes good will and civility.”

Under socialism on the other hand, Deming claims, “there are no property rights.”

“Everything you possess is subject to confiscation and redistribution,” he writes. “Industrious and productive people are punished; parasites are rewarded.”

Deming goes on to argue the solution lies in limiting government power and the checks and balances placed on the various branches by the Constitution.

“Human nature is corruptible,” stresses Deming. “If government has the power to redistribute wealth, it will always act in the interests of the powerful segments of society.”

“What made America great is not progressive government, but the genius and industry of a people freed from arbitrary power by the chains placed upon government by our Constitution.”

“If we want to retain our freedom and prosperity,” Prof. Deming says, “then we must educate our children that the purpose of government is to secure liberty, not provide free lunches.”


Can you trust your feelings? If not then what can you trust?

Should we make major life decisions based on our feelings? La decisin correcta Should we make moral choices that determine what is right and wrong based on our feelings? To what degree can we trust our feelings? If we can’t trust our feelings, then what can we trust?

In our modern culture, it is becoming more common for people to act or speak based largely if not totally on their feelings. For many, feelings have become their “moral compass” determining what is right and wrong and thus their actions. Is this a reliable standard to follow? If everyone is following their feelings, does this promote and insure peace and stability in a society over the long haul?

What are feelings? The dictionary defines feelings as “an emotional state or reaction; the emotional side of someone’s character; emotional responses or tendencies to respond; a belief, especially a vague or irrational one.” In short, Continue reading


The Biblical Social Welfare System

Leviticus 25,  Chapter 25 lays out Israel’s social welfare and economic system. Basically, it was a capitalistic economic system where private individuals owned property and small businesses and controlled the means and productions of goods and services. This is not the case in a purely socialistic (or Marxist or communistic) economic system where the government owns most of the property and controls the means and distribution of goods and services.

Do government hand outs in the Bible?

Do government hand outs in the Bible?

However, the capitalistic system that YHVH gave to Israel contained some quasi-socialistic checks and balances in that greedy or exceptionally gifted and ambitious individuals couldn’t excessively rich at the expense of the poor. Socialistic economic philosophy demands that the wealth of the nation be equally distributed among everyone including the poor. This may sound good in theory, but it doesn’t work. In reality, socialism stifles individual initiative by punishing (often through taxation and other means of wealth confiscation and redistribution by the government) those who, through hard work, sacrifice, initiative, and inventiveness have become wealthy. So, it stands to reason, why should the wealthy work hard if the fruits of their labors will only be confiscated and be given to the poor or the “have nots, ” or to those who refuse to work?

At the same time, capitalism is also a flawed system, since in time, the wealthy often end up owning own much of the land and control most of the wealth. Human nature being what it is, the greedy wealthy will turn a capitalistic system into oligarchic capitalism where only a few rich capitalists control nearly everything including the economic and political systems. This is the end times system that is described in Revelation 13 and 18 and is called Babylon the Great. Such a system ends up enslaving people through economic and political means, and creating a veritable serfdom of those who are under its rule (see Rev 18:13, 23).

With these things in mind, as you are reading through chapter 25, note how YHVH instructed the poor to be cared for. There was no government welfare system based on taxing the producers and giving to the non-producers. Everyone worked. In fact, the Torah commands everyone to work for six days, and then to rest on the seventh day (Exod 20:9). Sloth and laziness wasn’t an option.

Notice how debt was handled, and how people worked to pay off their debts. Bankruptcy wasn’t an option.

Notice how the jubilee year prevented the wealthy from acquiring all the land, and how every 50 years there was a redistribution of land, so that those who through sloth or mismanagement of their resources lost their land. Such individuals were mercifully given a second chance to start over again and learn from their past mistakes. Lending to the poor was encouraged, and the charging of interest was prohibited.

As you read through this chapter, consider how YHVH deals with the perennial social and economic ills that have plague the world from time immemorial compared to how men currently deal with these same problems, and usually end up making the problems worse.

Though it would be difficult to implement such a system in our highly collectivized and industrialized society of today, it is likely that in the future, during the Millennium, when the Torah will be the rule of the earth and agrarianism will likely be the dominant paradigm, that such a Torah-based system will once again be put in place.


Does the Torah Advocate Socialism or Capitalism or Both?

Leviticus 25, Chapter 25 lays out Israel’s social welfare and economic system. Basically, it was a capitalistic economic system where private individuals owned property and small businesses controlled the means and productions of goods and services.


This is not the case in a purely socialistic (or Marxist or communistic) economic system where the government owns most of the property and controls the means and distribution of goods and services.



However, the capitalistic system that YHVH gave to Israel contained some quasi-socialistic checks and balances in that individuals couldn’t became greedy rich at the expense of the poor. Socialistic economic philosophy demands that the wealth of the nation be equally distributed among everyone including the poor. This may sound good in theory, but it doesn’t work.

In reality, socialism stifles individual initiative by punishing (often through taxation and other means of wealth confiscation and redistribution by the government) those who, through hard work, sacrifice, initiative, and inventiveness have become wealthy. So, it stands to reason, why should the wealthy work hard if the fruits of their labors will only be confiscated and be given to the poor or the “have nots?”

At the same time, capitalism is also a flawed system, since in time, the wealthy often end up owning much of the land and controling most of the wealth. Human nature being what it is, the greedy wealthy will turn a capitalistic system into oligarchic capitalism where only a few rich capitalists control nearly everything including the economic and political systems. This is the end-times system that is described in Revelation 13 and 18 and is called Babylon the Great. Such a system ends up enslaving people through economic and political means, and creating a veritable serfdom of those who are under its rule (see Rev 18:13, 23).

With these things in mind, as you are reading through chapter 25, note how YHVH instructed the poor to be cared for. There was no government welfare system based on taxing the producers and giving to the non-producers. Everyone worked. Notice how debt was handled, and how people worked to pay off their debts. Notice how the jubilee year prevented the wealthy from acquiring all the land, and how every 50 years there was a redistribution of land, so that those who through sloth or mismanagement of their resources lost their land could have it restored to their family. Such individuals were mercifully given a second chance to start over again and learn from their past mistakes. Lending to the poor was encouraged, and the charging of interest was prohibited.

As you read through this chapter, consider how YHVH deals with the perennial social and economic ills that have plague the world from time immemorial compared to how men currently deal with these same problems and usually end up making the problems worse.

Though it would be difficult to implement such a system in our highly collectivized and industrialized society of today, it is likely that in the future, during the Millennium, when the Torah will be the rule of the earth and agrarianism will likely be the dominant paradigm, that such a Torah-based system will once again be put in place.