New Video: Halloween Message — Combatting a Culture of Death

We are living in a culture that is preoccupeid with death. Halloween is the devil’s high holy day that celebrates and promotes death and destruction. This culture of death is out to destroy marriages, childhood innocence, our economy, our churches, our biblical and our historical heritage, our preborn babies, our youth, God and anything else that is good and righteous. This video is not only about standing firm but also combating this culture of death with the light and hope of biblical truth.


Defeating the Unholy Trinity Within Each of Us

Deep within each person there exists an unholy trinity that is warring against that person attempting to pull him down to the lowest pit of man’s baser nature and to make him a captive of sin, darkness and death. This unholy trinity can be summed up in three words: me, myself and I.


Standing imperiously behind this unholy trinity of self, self and self are three things: the world, the flesh and the devil (Jas 3:15) or, stated another way, the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life (1 John 2:16). The world is telling the self that man is the sovereign king of his life. At the same time, the devil is telling the self the same thing and enticing him to rebel against Elohim’s authority. Simultaneously, man’s inner flesh nature with its sinful, rebellious downward bent is all to happy to comply with the siren song of the world and the devil. Literally,  this is the religion of the devil, and at the heart of it is rebellion against the Sovereign Creator of all things — YHVH Elohim. This satanic religion is called secular humanism. This is a fancy way of saying the religion of self exaltation and it’s housed in the Church of Me, Myself and I, and it involves finding one’s identity and fulfillment in the possessing of things, which is another not so subtle way of self-infatuation and adoration and bringing Continue reading


What Are Some Symptoms That a Person Is Tormented by Demons?

Mark 5:1–20, The Gadarene demoniac. This encounter between Yeshua and this demon-possessed individual teaches us about the characteristics of one who is tormented or even possessed by an evil spirit.


  • One with an unclean spirit is “unclean in thought and life” (Mark 5:2).
  • Such an individual may have a pre-occupation with things relating to death and dying (Mark 5:3).
  • They may possess superhuman strength (thanks to the aid of the demon in him, Mark 5:4).
  • They may act wild, and unable to be restrained (Mark 5:4).
  • They may be given to fits of shouting loudly (Mark 5:5), shrieking or making a shrill cry (Mark 9:18).
  • They may cut themselves, or resort to other acts of self-mutilation (Mark 5:5) or self destruction (e.g., burning oneself by fire, Matt 17:15; Mark 9:22), drowning (Mark 9:22).
  • The demoniac may possess supernatural knowledge (Mark 5:7).
  • The demon can speak through the demonized person (Mark 5:7), or cry out (Mark 9:26).
  • A demonic spirit wants to possess or inhabit something; if not a human, then an animal (Mark 5:12), or a house, an objects like idols or books (Acts 19:19).
  • They may be clothed improperly or scantily (Mark 5:15).
  • They will not a possess a “right [sound, self-controlled, sober]” mind (Mark 5:15).
  • A demonic or an unclean spirit may cause convulsions or spasmodic contractions, bodily contortions within a person, or cause a person to be hurled to the ground (Mark 1:25; 9:18, 20), wallowing or rolling around on the ground (Mark 9:20).
  • Epileptic-type seizures or madness can be some symptoms of demon possession (Matt 17:15).
  • A demoniac may foam at the mouth (Mark 9:18, 20).
  • A demoniac may grind or gnash of the teeth (Mark 9:18)
  • A demonic spirit can cause one’s body to waste away, dry up or become rigid (Mark 9:18).
  • Demonic spirits can accompany people as they come into the congregation of YHVH (Mark 1:23; Luke 4:33).
  • A demonic spirit can make one to be mute or unable to speak (Mark 9:17).

The Church in America Is Being Driven Underground

The Cosmic Battle for the Soul of America and the Emergence of the Underground Church in America

Why is it that there seems to be an all out war by local, state and federal government (all three branches) as well as our educational, major media, most major entertainment outlets and many of our social institutions against the traditional values of this nation that made it what it is? If something is antagonistic to the family, the Christian church, or biblical values, it gets a pass. Laws are passed in favor of it, the courts uphold it, the people are legally mandated to be able to litigate against it, it is celebrated, paraded proudly in our streets, is headlined and lauded by the major media outlets.

Here are a few examples of the anti-biblical agendas that have been foisted upon the American people over the past forty plus years, and many of them in the last several years: Continue reading


Symptoms of Demon Possession

Mark 5:1–20, The Gadarene demoniac. This encounter between Yeshua and this  demon-possessed individual teaches us about the characteristics of one who is tormented or even possessed by an evil spirit.

  • One with an unclean spirit is “unclean in thought and life” (Mark 5:2).
  • Such an individual may have a pre-occupation with things relating to death and dying (Mark 5:3)
  • They may possess superhuman strength (thanks to the aid of the demon in him, Mark 5:4).
  • They may act wild, unable to be restrained (Mark 5:4).
  • They may be given to fits of shouting loudly (Mark 5:5), shrieking or making a shrill cry (Mark 9:18).
  • They may cut oneself, or resort to other acts of self-mutilation (Mark 5:5) or self destruction (e.g., burning oneself by fire, Matt 17:15; Mark 9:22), drowning (Mark 9:22).
  • The demoniac may possess supernatural knowledge (Mark 5:7).
  • The demon can speak through the demonized person (Mark 5:7), or cry out (Mark 9:26).
  • A demonic spirit wants to possess or inhabit something; if not a human, then an animal (Mark 5:12), or to homes, to objects like idols or books (Acts 19:19).
  • They may be clothed improperly or scantily (Mark 5:15).
  • They will not a possess a “right [sound, self-controlled, sober]” mind (Mark 5:15).
  • A demonic or an unclean spirit may cause convulsions or spasmodic contractions, bodily contortions within a person, or cause a person to be hurled to the ground (Mark 1:25; 9:18, 20), wallowing or rolling around on the ground (Mark 9:20).
  • Epileptic-type seizures/madness can be symptoms of demon possession (Matt 17:15)
  • A demoniac may foam at the mouth (Mark 9:18, 20)
  • A demoniac may grind or gnash of the teeth (Mark 9:18)
  • A demonic spirit can cause one’s body to waste away, dry up or become rigid (Mark 9:18).
  • Demonic spirits can accompany people as they come into the congregation of YHVH (Mark 1:23; Luke 4:33).
  • A demonic spirit can make one to be mute or unable to speak (Mark 9:17).

But thanks be to YHVH Elohim, our Father, who has given the saints of Yeshua the power over demonic spirits through the blood, the Word and the name of Yeshua the Messiah!

Luke 9:1, Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases.

Luke 10:18–19, And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

See also James 4:6–10; 1 John 4:4; Revelation 12:11.