Biblical Reasons NOT to Get the C0V!D “Vax!nati!on” (updated)

(Please note: misspellings in this article are intentional to circumvent potential internet censors.)

Biblical Reasons to Claim a Religious Exemption Concerning the C0V!D Shot

  • There are questionable or unknown ingredients in the vaxines that may not be biblically kosher.
  • Some vaxines contain aborted fetal tissues. 
  • Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, and it is our divine mandate to care for our bodies (1 Cor 3:16–172 Cor 6:16). Those who defile their temples or bodies, Elohim says he will destroy (1 Cor 3:17). Not only that, but our bodies do not belong to us, since we were purchased with a price—the blood of Yeshua (1 Cor 6:207:231 Pet 1:18–19). Therefore, he owns us, and he is our Lord and Master, and we cannot go against the commands of his word or violate our conscience which is our personal spirit and which is linked to and directed by the Spirit of Elohim. As such, we are forbidden to put things into our bodies that we deem to be harmful. No one knows the long term effects of this shot. Even the short term affects have been called into question by countless medical experts. No one has the right to force us to do anything that we think may harm our bodies.
  • The C0VI!D shot and any so-called C0VI!D passport are preparing people mentally to accept the mark of the beast of Revelation 13:16–17. The saints cannot afford to go down this slippery slope spiritually path. To do so potentially opens one’s thinking up to all kinds of ungodly possibilities. The Bible is clear. Those who eventually take the mark of the beast will forfeit their eternal salvation (Rev 14:11).
  • We do not know how the experimental C0VI!D “vaccines” will affect our DNA if at all. Medical experts disagree on this point. Noah was “perfect in his generation” (Gen 6:9), while the earth was “corrupt before Elohim” (v. 11). The Hebrew can also mean that Noah was pure genetically. Yeshua declared that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man (Matt 24:37). Genetic degradation was occurring in the days of Noah due to the angelic incursion into the human DNA resulting in the nephilim (Gen 6:2–4). Yeshua indicated that similar things will be going on in the last days prior to his return. We do not know exactly what that means, but we do not want to do anything that might even potentially tamper with our Elohim-ordained DNA.
  • I do not want to be controlled or deceived by the world-ruling, oligarchic Babylonian big business merchants, who are attempting to control the world, including the thoughts and actions of humans, through their sorcery and witchcraft, that is, pharmaceutical and other drugs (Rev 18:23).
  • No one knows for sure how their body will react to the shots until they have been taken. There are adverse affects that can be moderately harmful to lethal for some people. That is why the US government has the VAERS (Vaxine Adverse Affects Reporting System) system in place, where thousands of people have reported adverse side effects from taking the C0VI!D shot. Again, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and belongs to YHVH Elohim through the redemptive sacrifice of Yeshua my Messiah, so I cannot and will  not do anything that will even potentially harm my body. My faith is in Yeshua to protect and to heal me. 

Please help me out here. If you can come up with other biblical reasons, please let me know in the comments sections, and I will add them to the list. We need to put our collective understanding to work here to help each other out. Then let’s spread this information to everyone we know.


Could a COVID Passport Be Preparing Us for the Mark of the Beast?

Could the COVID passport that some politicians are saying will not come, yet that is slowly and steadily being forced onto the lives of more citizens in more countries actually be a blessing in disguise for the saints? I believe that it could be. What do I mean by this?

The following is not a discussion about the merits or demerits of vaccines COVID or otherwise. That is another discussion for another time. Rather, this is about the implications of a COVID passport that may well determine who can do what, when and where or not. Such a passport would be about separating people into classes­—the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Why does this matter and how does it affect you should the requirements of a COVID passport come knocking on your door?

Likely all those reading this believe in the veracity of the Bible, and the fact that Scripture predicts that certain events will happen before the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah. One of these prophesied events is the famous mark of the beast of Revelation 13 in the Bible. According to Scripture, only those who have the mark of the beast will be permitted by the State or the powers that be to buy and sell. In other words, to survive in a modern world in a somewhat normal fashion, it will be mandated that everyone takes the mark. Probably a few who live off the land in a self-sufficient manner and are off grid somewhere far away from others will not be too negatively affected by the mark of the beast, but this will be a small minority of people. For the rest of us whose lives are urban and depend on others for survival, not being able to buy or sell could be a real problem—even a life threatening one.

So at some point in the end times, as per Revelation 13:16–17, the world will be divided into two classes of people: those who take the mark and are able to buy and sell (i.e. survive in a contemporary culture), and those who refuse to take it. By now, it should not hard to see where I am going with this line of thought.

For the record, I do not for one second believe that either the COVID shot, or jab as it is being called, or the COVID passport are the mark of the beast. Neither one fits the biblical criteria for the mark. However, are these things conditioning people to eventually accept the infamous mark?

Let’s get real. Do you really think that all those folks who are promoting either the jab or the passport are knowing agents of the devil intent on helping to fulfill biblical prophecy so that Yeshua can return? Of course not. They are simply doing what they think is best for themselves and for humanity. Yes, of course, there are sinister elements, even demonic evil doers at the top who have their new world order, globalistic and Luciferian agendas. But there have always been and there always will be these type of people seeking world dominion at the expense of the rest of us. It all goes back to the snake in the tree in the garden, who from the beginning was intent on thwarting the will of the Creator. Nothing has changed since then. Satan is the god of this world, and he is opposed to all that is good, and he has his human agents that are helping to fulfill his nefarious purposes whether they know it or not. These people are his useful idiots.

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What is the meaning of 666?

Recently in the comments section of this blog, someone wrote the following about the 666 reference Revelation 13:18,

The 666 is incorrect. It can’t be these numbers by Hebrew standards. The Aramaic proves this too. There are many teachings available to this regard. One being by [I deleted the name of a prominent Hebrew roots teacher].

This was my response:

With all due respect, simply making a statement why you disagree is not helpful to our discussion of the subject. Kindly give us Scripture and verse along with the meaning of the biblical words and contexts in which a biblical word or concept is found. Simply throwing out a name of someone who teaches differently on a subject is not helpful either. There are many well known personalities the world over who are wrong on many subjects. Name dropping means nothing to the discerning truth seeker. We want to know what the Bible has to say on the subject.

Figuring that many people out there would like to have a fuller understanding of the meaning of 666, these last few days I have been researching this subject. Here is what I have learned. Please enjoy. — Natan

Revelation 13:18, Six hundred threescore and six [KJV]/666 [NKJV].  Here is the full text of this verse:

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Rev 18:13, NKJV)

For six hundred threescore and six (KJV) or666 (NKJV), New Testament Greek-English interlinear translations show two variants as to the Greek behind these words. Some show the Greek words hexakosioi hexekonta hex meaning “six hundred and sixty six” (e.g. William Mounce’s Greek and English Interlinear New Testament and The Greek New Testament [fourth edition by Aland, Metzger et al]. Most Greek lexicons define these same words (e.g. Thayer and Arndt-Gringrich) as meaning “six hundred and sixty six”…

  • hexakosioi means “six hundred”
  • hexekonta means “sixty”
  • hex means “six”

For six hundred threescore and six (KJV) or 666 (NKJV), J.P. Green and  J. J. Griesbach (in his Diaglott) in their New Testament translations have the Greek letters “χζς” behind the words 666 as does Vincent in his lexicon (Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament, vol. 2, p. 531).  

As to why some New Testament Greek interlinears and lexicons simply have the Greek letters χζς, while others have the Greek words hexakosioi hexekonta hex, Vincent explains that in the earlier Greek New Testament manuscripts, it is written in full (i.e. hexakosioi hexekonta hex) as opposed to just the letters χζς, which correspond to the Greek numbers (ibid.):

  • hexakosioi/χ = six hundred
  • hexekonta/ζ= sixty
  • hex/ς= six

Curiously Strong’s Concordance lists the Greek words behind the English words six hundred threescore and six (KJV) as χζς or chi xi stigma (Strong’s G5516). chi/χ is the twenty-second letter, xi/ζ is the fourteenth letter and sigma/ς is the eighteenth letter of the Greek alphabet. 

In those translations that list χζς as the Greek behind the words 666, the question is this: What is the last letter in this three letter word? It appears to be the letter sigma, which is eighteenth letter in the Greek alphabet and looks like this: ς. However, Strong’s lists it as a stigma  and defines this as “a non-existent letter in the Greek alphabet, and of this symbol says, “the primary meaning of stigma presumable derives from the primary word stizō (to ‘stick’, that is, prick); a mark incised or punched (for recognition of ownership), that is, (figuratively) scar of service.” Why Strong’s chose to call this letter a stigma instead of a sigma, is not explained. No other lexical reference that I could find calls the last letter of this word a stigma, but refers to it as a sigma.

So what is a Greek stigma? According to Wikipedia, 

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Will this or something like it be the mark of the beast?


He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. (Revelation 13:16–17)

From the Jerusalem Post at

Edelstein confirms: Coronavirus ‘green passports’ on their way

Health Minister Yuli Edelstein confirmed on Wednesday that coronavirusgreen passports are on their way.”Two weeks after the second shot, a person who was vaccinated will receive a green passport,” he said during a Labor, Welfare and Health Committee meeting on Wednesday, speaking of the document which is intended to prove that its holder has been vaccinated and will give those who have it certain benefits and freedoms.

Edelstein said that while he could not yet give all the details of how the passports would work, he could confirm that “it will free people from isolation [requirement]” and it would “allow [people] to enter places that will still be restricted to other populations.” “It will be a difficult logistical operation,” he added. MK Ophir Sofer said that the green passport would be an excellent tool for encouraging the population to get vaccinated.


Are you prepared physically and spiritually for the end times?

Genesis 47:13–26, The economic results of famine. Severe food shortages led to the people’s dependence on the government for food and survival. This is because the people had failed to prepare for such an event. 

Because of famine resulting in people starving, the Egyptian government was able to step in and literally take control of the people’s lives, their land and material possessions. The government then collectivized them by moving them into cities where it could “take care of” or control the people. In the process, the government became the master and the people became its serfs, if not slaves. 

This all happened in large part because during prosperous times the people failed to make preparations for hard times and thus became unwitting victims of natural circumstances and their own careless lifestyles. 

The more a person prepares for hard times such as famine, natural disasters or economic collapse, and the closer they are to the land thus giving them the ability to raise their own food, the less dependent upon the state they will be, the more freedom they will have, and the less likely the government will be able to control their lives. Spiritual freedom is tied to physical independence as well. 

In Revelation 13, the Bible prophesies a time coming when the end times Babylon the Great New World Order world ruling economic, political and religious system will exclude earth’s inhabitants from being able to buy and sell food and other life-sustaining essentials unless they take a subcutaneous “mark” on their bodies famously called “the mark of the beast.” 

Most people will take this mark resulting in their eternal spiritual damnation, while a few people will refuse to take it. 

Hunger and privation, whether man-caused or naturally occurring, can be means by which an evil governmental system can control its people simply because humans will do and accept virtually anything to feed their starving bodies. 

The more Elohim’s saints do now to prepare, especially spiritually, but also physically, for the horrifically hard times the Bible prophesies will occur globally in the end times, the more likely they will be to not deny their faith and to survive to meet King Yeshua the Messiah in the air as his glorified, triumphant bride!


Are Palm Scanners in Florida a Move Toward the Mark of the Beast?

From USA Today newspaper (Nov 25, 2012):

Palm scanners get thumbs up in schools, hospitals

Do biometric devices such as this bother you—especially in light of Revelation 13:15–18 which says,

He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.

He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads,

and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is six hundred and sixty-six.

Or do you believe that biometric scanners don’t fulfill this end-times prophecy?

If you are concerned about a literal mark of the beast, then at what point do you believe that Bible believers should refuse to cooperate?

Thank you for your thoughtful insights. They are valuable, since they might help to clarify the thinking of others who have  similar concerns as yours.