Reverse discrimination & homosexual tyranny — who’s next?

Please pray for those Christians business owners who, for biblical reasons, politely refuse to serve homosexual couples. This includes such businesses as bakeries, photographers, print shops and the like.
We have all read about such incidents in the news. At present, I am specifically thinking of the bakery in Gresham, OR that refused to bake a wedding cake for a lesbian couple. The state of Oregon has now found them guilty of violating state anti-discrimination laws and will likely level fines against the Sweet Cakes bakery and Melissa and Aaron Klein, the owners.

15707138What we are seeing is the rise of reverse discrimination under the veil of “human rights.” It is all out war against the Bible and its adherents by rebellious god-haters and secular humanists who are scared spitless of the thought of accountability for their perverse and immoral practices. If they can can get the state to agree with them, somehow  this justifies and legitimizes their position as if this moves, much less impresses, the Creator and Just Judge of the Universe. This is pure wickedness on the part of the homo-fascists (by definition, fascism is a governmental system that promotes and enforces authoritarian, or intolerant views or practices) who are trying to cram their abominable (to quote the Bible, Lev 18:22) practices down the throats of peace-loving, but objecting Bible believers, and think nothing of destroying a business or the finances of a family in the process.  What about the rights of the Bible believers? Can’t the homosexuals rise to the level of liberality and civility by agreeing to disagree, walking away and finding a pro-homosexual business who will bake their cake?

Sadly, in our society, classic liberalism (where there is freedom to have different opinions without fear of retribution) is giving way to fascism where you have to believe the party line or be punished. The homosexual fascists with their government cronies, in a sense, have launched an inquisition against Bible-believing Christians and are attempting to purge society of all who disagree with them even as the Catholics attempted to do in the Middle Ages against the Jews and non-Catholics.

So please pray for the Kleins. Who knows who will be next. It could be you or me.

State says ‘Sweet Cakes’ discriminated against same-sex couple


Addressing the “Gay” Rights Agenda

The “Gay” rights agenda is pushing itself into all aspects of society and is on a collision course with Bible believers everywhere. What should be our biblical response? How do we help those with gender identity issues and same sex attractions? What should be a biblical and loving response? This video explorers these controversial issues from a loving, biblical, but firm perspective.


Confronting the Homosexualization of Our Society

Culture Wars Series — The Battle for the Soul of America

Today I looked at the headlines of a number of major Internet news sources (as I do every day). These included both conservative and liberal news outlets as well the major mainstream media outlets along with some smaller, yet respectable news networks. I was amazed at how many headlined stories relating to “gay” issues I found. Some news sites actually had several stories on their front pages on the subject. This phenomenon is no longer a unique occurrence.

The fact is that even though homosexuals make up a tiny minority of the population, they get a disproportionate amount of news coverage. Whether the “gay” agenda is being pushed on the majority of Americans who are heterosexual or not by a vocal and powerful minority isn’t the issue. Rather, it’s that “gay rights” is a front and center issue in America’s culture war pitting the clash of traditional Christian values with the post-Christian, more morally loose, modern generation.

It’s obvious to see that government at all levels along with the public educational system, the major media and the entertainment industry are actively forcing homosexuality as a normative and acceptable behavior on the American people. Those trumpeting the homosexual cause have as their weapons punitive so-called antidiscriminatory laws, the threat of lawsuits as well as boycotts and other means of exerting social pressure. In their cross hairs are any who oppose them including organizations, businesses, churches, schools, or individuals who dare oppose them. Already, the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts have caved in to the pressure. The traditional family is being redefined by homosexual activists, as well as the concepts of “male” and “female.” Restrooms and locker rooms are now the new battlefield for those wanting to erase the lines between the sexes.  Regardless of one’s stand on homosexuality, we have to deal with it. Ignoring this issue isn’t an option!

With the current lay of the cultural landscape in mind, I would now like to express my views on the subject of homosexuality from a loving, yet solid biblical position. Continue reading


The Sin of Sodom and Gay Pride

Genesis 18:20, Their sin [Sodom and Gomorrah’s] is very grievous. What was the sin of Sodom? Genesis 19:5 gives us the answer. The men of Sodom were so morally perverted that Paul says of such a human condition in Romans 1:24–29,

Wherefore Elohim also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves: who changed the truth of Elohim into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause Elohim gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature, and likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain Elohim in their knowledge, Elohim gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness …


Ezekiel 16:49–50 speaks of the symptoms of a society that has given itself over to a spirit of sodomy (homosexuality) because it has become abundantly wealthy, proud and obsessed with idleness (entertainment and pleasure). As a result it has become inwardly focused and self-absorbed, which leads to an obsession with self-gratification instead of helping the poor and needy.

It shouldn’t be hard to see parallels between Sodom’s society before it was judged and the moral and spiritual decline we see occurring in America and the rest of the western world. America, for example, has become obsessed with the concept of pride—especially since September 11, 2001. Notice, for example, the many car bumper stickers expressing the idea of national “pride” since 9/11? Not only that, our culture has also become obsessed with promoting “gay” (homosexual or sodomite) rights and agendas calling it “gay pride.” It’s Sodom all over again! This begs the question: Is America and the rest of the western world ripe for Elohim’s judgment?