The Presence of the Spirit of YHVH brings healing!

John 5:4, Troubled/stirred the waters. The Greek word for stir or trouble can mean “to agitate, disquiet, make restless, cause inward commotion, to strike one’s spirit with fear, perplex the mind, render anxious or distressed or to cause dread.”

The troubling of the waters at the Bethesda Pool was more than just a breeze causing some riffles over the waters. Those at the pool’s edge must have sensed something supernatural when the angel troubled waters—that something supernatural was about to occur. Perhaps they sensed the presence of Elohim in their spirit. The outward stirring of the waters (with the inward stirring of the spirit?) coupled with their acting in faith to get to the waters to be healed brought about healing.

What is the lesson here for us? When we sense the presence of the Almighty to heal us, we must step forth in faith seeking Elohim’s healing touch in our lives. Our seeking might result in our finding heaven’s miracle for our lives.

Many times I have been in meetings when I sensed the Presence of YHVH’s anointing on me in a powerful and unique way. To me this is a signal from heaven that I’m supposed to pray for someone there. When this leading of the Spirit is obeyed, miracles and spiritual breakthroughs occur.

Let’s be tuned into this moving of YHVH, so that we can be a greater tool in YHVH’s hands to be a river of life to those around us!