The Biblical Dietary Laws—The Real Reason for Them (it’s not what most people think!)

The Genesis creation account records that YHVH Elohim made man in his own image (Gen. 1:26). As such, the first humans, Adam and Eve, had spiritual communion with their Creator. Though man fell quickly to the temptation to sin, which … Continue reading

The Biblical Calendar—The Jewish “Rabbis” Vs. the Torah-Obedient Disciples of Yeshua

Calendar Confusion—Who Has the Authority to Decide the Calendar? Why is having the correct calendar so important when it comes to obedience to YHVH Elohim’s biblical laws? Simply this. Moedem is the Hebrew word meaning “appointed times” and referred to … Continue reading

Is it “happy biblical new year” now, or in one month?

Update from Natan: Here is an update on the article below that I wrote a few days ago. Since then, some interesting developments have occurred, which greatly confirm my conclusions below. It is this: What was purported to be abib/aviv … Continue reading

Anticipated Dates of the Biblical Festivals for 2019

To help you to walk a more biblically centered life, here is a calendar of anticipated dates for 2019s biblical feasts of YHVH Elohim. These dates are based on the new month beginning at the first visible sighting of the … Continue reading

A Summary of Final Events in the Book of Revelation and the Fall Feasts

What happens after the return of Yeshua to this earth — after he has put down all of his enemies in battle (Zech 14:1–3; Rev 17:14; 19:11–21)? This we know. He shall set his feet on the Mount of Olives … Continue reading

The Biblical Calendar 101

Exodus 12:2, Month. It is the Hebrew word chodesh (Strong’s H2320/TWOT 613b) meaning “the new moon, month, monthly, the first day of the month, the lunar month.” It is found in the Tanakh (Old Testament) 276 times and is translated … Continue reading

The Month of Elul is here—time to prepare for the fall feasts!

Getting in Sync With YHVH Times and Seasons What are the forty days of teshuvah (the Hebrew word meaning “repentance”) all about? Let’s briefly explore this concept to see how why they occur when they do and how they relate to the … Continue reading