The Biblical Feasts and Yeshua’s Wedding Prophesied in the Tabernacle of Moses

Welcome to the World of the Tabernacle of Moses If you were the Creator of the universe, what means would you use to communicate with those that you had created through love in your likeness and image? In a remote … Continue reading

The Tabernacle of Moses: Fast Facts & a Quick Tour

Fast Facts About the Tabernacle of Moses The tabernacle (Heb. mishkan)was constructed circa 1450 b.c. at the foot of Mount Sinai. It took about a year to build. Hebrew Names for the Tabernacle Mishkan means “tabernacle, dwelling or habitation.” Mishkan … Continue reading

Revelation 12 Commentary Notes

Revelation 12 Revelation 12:1–3, A great sign. According to Ernest Martin in his book The Star That Astonished the Word, in chapter 5(, this passage of Scripture tells us the exact date of Yeshua’s birth; it was the new moon … Continue reading

The Plain Truth About the New Covenant

Hebrews 8 Hebrews 8:2, 5, The true tabernacle…heavenly things. The Tabernacle of Moses was merely an earthly or physical replica of the one that exists in heaven where Yeshua is no ministering as our Great High Priest before the throne … Continue reading