Ezekiel 37, Matthew 24, Revelation 6–7: Putting Pieces of the Prophetic Puzzle Together

Ezekiel 37 Explained: On Bones, Earthquakes, Wind, Angels, Revival and the Second Coming Ezekiel 37, The Reunification of Israel and The Return of the Messiah. Before we start studying this passage, let’s identify and define the key players who are … Continue reading

Revelation and the Olivet Prophecy (Matt 24 and 25) Compared

Not unlike treasure hunters examining a map for clues leading to a buried treasure, or an archeologist carefully scrutinizing ancient artifacts for information about lost civilizations, or an engineer diligently studying blueprints in order to construct a mechanical device or … Continue reading

What is the significance of the omer count?

Today is day 21 of the counting of the omer between First Fruits Day, which occurs during the Feast of Unleavened Bread and Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost. What is the spiritual significance of counting the omer? It … Continue reading

The End Times Prophetic Subtext of Matthew Chapters 16 to 25

The Surrounding Context of the Matthew 24–25 Olivet Prophecy The Bible is full of spiritual blueprints; Yeshua’s prophecy in Matthew 24 and 25, commonly called the Olivet Prophecy is an example of another one.. Having a working knowledge of all these “blueprints” … Continue reading