The Leaven of the Early Church Fathers Exposed—From Biblical Truth to Church Tradition

Were the Pharisees the Only Purveyors of Spiritual Leaven? One of the most well-known biblical metaphors is leaven—the chemical agent that makes bread dough to rise. It is a descriptive biblical symbol of sin in one’s life that, like yeast … Continue reading

Free Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread Educational Resources

Many of us are busily preparing our hearts and homes to celebrate the Passover which is immediately followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread the next day. For those of us on the visible new moon/abib barley calendar, this year … Continue reading

The Fatal Flaws of the “Zadok Priestly/Enoch Calendar”

By Nathan Lawrence This is a lengthy, deep dive into the so-called Zadok Priestly/Enoch/Qumran/Dead Seas Scrolls Calendar as opposed to the traditional visible crescent new moon/abib barley calendar that was extant in the second temple era and during the time … Continue reading

How Torah Improves One’s Life & an Understanding of the Bible

A New Way of Life Coming to an understanding of YHVH Elohim’s Torah-laws and then adopting a Torah-compliant lifestyle coupled with viewing the Bible through a Hebraic perspective and context has numerous positive benefits in one’s life. A pro-Torah approach … Continue reading

Exodus 25 and the Grander Picture of the Tabernacle of Moses and Man’s Ultimate Destiny

This section of the Torah (Parashah Terumah or Exodus 25:1–27:19) contains YHVH’s instructions to Israel to build a tabernacle or sanctuary so, in his own words, “I may dwell among them” (Exod 25:8). Is this some quaint, archaic and irrelevant … Continue reading

Antarctica and the Upward Calling—A Divine Invitation to Exceptionalism

When you think of the Antarctic, what images does your mind conjure up? Probably endless snow and ice packs with icebergs floating by. No doubt penguins and whales as well. Subzero temperatures. How about Eskimos, igloos and polar bears? Sorry … Continue reading

The Hidden Truth Behind Hanukkah and Yeshua’s Incarnation

To the casual observer, Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that occurs around Christmas-time and has something to do with lighting a menorah-like candelabra, and somehow relates to some important event that occurred a long time ago in Jewish history. Some Bible … Continue reading