When Is the Feast of Weeks, Shavuot or Pentecost?

For those of you who are confused about when to celebrate the biblical Feast of Pentecost, this is a new article I have just written for you. I hope this clears up the confusion! — Natan When is the Feast … Continue reading

Yeshua the Messiah Foretold in the Life of Joseph

Genesis 37–41 The Life of Joseph—A Foreshadow of Messiah Ben (Son of) Yosef The spirit of Antimessiah (Antichrist) is on a dramatic rise in our day. It is even rampant among those who are returning to the Hebraic, Torah-centric roots … Continue reading

How do you know if Yeshua’s calling you into the ministry?

Matthew 10:5ff, Yeshua sent out. The Commissioning of the Twelve Disciples. There are several steps one must go through when receiving a ministry commission from Yeshua. The following steps are based on Yeshua’s commissioning his disciples in Matthew 10. As … Continue reading

The Local Congregation—Love and Support It or You’ll Lose It!

After pastoring a local congregation in the Hebrew Roots Movement for the past 18, I’ve recognized a serious problem. Those who have a local congregation take it for granted, while those who don’t are aching to have one. Most of … Continue reading

SHAVUOT — Getting in Tune With the Heavenly Philharmonic

This is a story — not just any story, but our story — yours and mine. It’s the story of our lives, the  story of our people. It’s an old story, yet a new story. Only the faces and places … Continue reading

Do you really think Yeshua wants to marry a spiritual baby for all eternity?

What Is the Spiritual and Prophetic Significance of Counting the Omer? There are 49 days between First Fruits Day, which occurs during the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of Weeks (or Pentecost). Why does YHVH in the Torah … Continue reading