“All things are lawful,” circumcision, “under the law” and more explained

1 Corinthians 6 1 Corinthians 6:12–13, All things are lawful.  Many Christians will casually read this Bible statement by Paul and assume that the Torah-law was done away with. Is this really what Paul is saying here and does such … Continue reading

“Come Out of Her My People!”—Leaving Behind Baalism, Babylonianism and Spiritual Syncretism

The Call Is Going Forth A spiritual call is going forth across the planet to the people of Elohim—to those who look to the God of the Bible (YHVH Elohim) as their source of spiritual enlightenment and guidance. Our loving … Continue reading

Is the Mainstream Christian Church the Real Cult?

Returning to the Hebraic Foundations of the Christian Faith: “The Faith Once Delivered” or Cultism? Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it necessary to write to you exhorting you to … Continue reading

Acts 15 Explained As You’ve Never Heard It Before

Acts 15 Acts 15:1, Custom of Moses. What is the “custom” or “manner” of Moses as mentioned in Acts 15:1? Likely it is the Torah principle that circumcision of both the flesh and the heart is a requirement for citizenship … Continue reading

Leviticus 12 to 15—Natan’s Commentary Notes on Some Disgusting Subjects

Leviticus 12–15 Leviticus chapters 12 through 15  are some of the most distasteful and difficult to explain in the whole Bible, much less to relate to and to apply to our lives. After all, who wants to talk about diseases, … Continue reading

Peter’s Vision Explained

Acts 10:13–15, Peter’s vision. In Peter’s vision of the sheet covered with unclean animals, the voice from heaven commanded him three times to kill and eat these unclean animals. Peter was confused by the meaning of this vision since being … Continue reading