The Prophetic Implications of the Sixty Six Books of the Bible in Isaiah

Isaiah 1–66 This article was inspired by the comments made on this blog a few months back by John from Tasmania. He got me thinking about it, and I researched it out, and this article is a result of that. … Continue reading

A Hand from Heaven…Extended to YOU!

Leviticus 3:2, Without blemish. Heb. tamiym meaning “complete, whole, entire, sound, healthful, wholesome, unimpaired, innocent, having integrity.” Of this word, The TWOT states, [Tamiym r]efers to animals which are without blemish; also translates as such related adjectives as full, whole, … Continue reading

Create You Own “God” Bubble to Deal With Life’s Attacks

John 17:11…14, In the world…not of the world.  How to Create Your Own “God” Bubble to Deal With Life’s Attacks May everyone reading this take careful note and pay close attention to the following: Creating a “God”-space bubble around you … Continue reading

An Overview of the Sacrificial System and Its Relevance to YOU

Leviticus 1–7 Although Jewish and Christian scholars disagree about whether the sacrifices were to cease after the coming of the Messiah, as Edersheim points out, all agree that the object of a sacrifice was substitution for the offender (The Temple … Continue reading