Judgment for the Wicked, Rewards for the Righteous—Meditations on Psalm 50

This psalm presents several fundamental biblical truths that should ignite the fires of hope for the saints of YHVH Elohim. First, YHVH, the Mighty One or El, is coming to judge the earth and the wicked thereon with the fires … Continue reading

The Blessings of Having YHVH in Your Life—Meditations on Psalm 34

Psalm 34:7, The angel of YHVH encamps [or surrounds, encompasses]. Those who fear YHVH by worshipping and obeying him have the promise of divine protection. The angels are “ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation” … Continue reading

Who and what is a priest? YOU?!

Genesis 14:8, Priest. (Heb.cohen). The Meaning of the Term Cohen Explored. This is the first occurrence of this Hebrew word in Scripture. According to The Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (or The TWOT), the exact etymological meaning of cohen … Continue reading

More Tools for Coping With the Craziness of the World Around Us—Meditations on Psalms 26 and 27

Psalm 26 Psalm 26:4–5, I have not sat. We must be careful about building friendship relationships with idolators (those who don’t put Elohim first in their lives) or hypocrites (those who claim to put Elohim first, but their actions speak … Continue reading

The Song of a Weary Warrior—Meditations on Psalm 88

Psalm 88:1–18. This psalm is a heart cry of a righteous person who is weary of the struggles that life in this mortal existence throws him.  Assuredly, the author of this psalm is a righteous person. This is evident because … Continue reading

Hold on to Yeshua—He Will Guide and Protect You Through the Wilderness of Life

Steps In a Redeemed Believer’s Walk In this study, we will examine the spiritual stages of growth and development that a redeemed believer goes through while crossing the wilderness of life en route to our spiritual promised land—the kingdom of … Continue reading

Uncertainties in America (and the World)—What are we to do?

This morning I arose at my usual 5 AM and immediately checked the internet news to see who had won the U.S. presidential election. What I discovered, and not to my surprise, the election is still too close to call … Continue reading