Exodus Chapters 21 to 24—Natan’s Commentary Notes

Exodus 21  Exodus 21:1, These are the judgments [mishpatim]. Mishpat(im) means “judgment, justice, ordinance, sentence, legal decision or seat of judgment.” Most of these laws (as listed in chapters 21 through 23) are civil in nature and relate to our … Continue reading

Rebutting the Entitlement Mentality in the Church

Exodus 19:10, Consecrate them today.  How to Come Into the Presence of YHVH Elohim How did Israel, as a bride-to-be, prepare herself to meet with YHVH? How are YHVH’s people now to be preparing themselves for their spiritual marriage with … Continue reading

The Parable of the Talents Explained Prophetically

Matthew 25:14–30 (also Luke 19:11–27), In this parable concerning the kingdom of Elohim, a man travels to a far country leaving his belongings in the hands of his servant. Each was given a responsibility according to his ability. To one … Continue reading

The Parable of the Unjust Judge: The End Times Prophetic Implications

Luke 18:1–8, “And he spoke a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint; saying, ‘There was in a city a judge, which feared not Elohim, neither regarded man. And there was … Continue reading