Restoring the Gospel Message to Its Hebraic Roots

The Gospel Message Is More Than You Have Heard in the Church—Much More! The word gospel is one of the most common words in all of Christendom. But what does it mean, and where does the concept originate? If you … Continue reading

The Resurrection of the Saints from Genesis to Revelation

1 Corinthians 15:1–58, The hope of the resurrection of the righteous dead. A Chronological Analysis of Scriptures on the Resurrection of the Dead The resurrection of the dead is a biblical truth that stretches like a hopeful thread from the … Continue reading

Are Non-Jewish Christians Gentiles, Jews or What?

How many times have you heard non-Jewish Christians refer to themselves as “Gentiles”? Or Christian teachers talk about “the Jews” and “the Gentiles”—the latter label referring to non-Jewish believers in Yeshua or Jesus the Messiah? Or even Jewish believers in … Continue reading

“All things are lawful,” circumcision, “under the law” and more explained

1 Corinthians 6 1 Corinthians 6:12–13, All things are lawful.  Many Christians will casually read this Bible statement by Paul and assume that the Torah-law was done away with. Is this really what Paul is saying here and does such … Continue reading

On Being a “Fool” for Yeshua in Confronting the Forces of Antichrist

1 Corinthians 4:10, Fools for Messiah’s sake.  The Spirit of Antichrist Is Rising Up and Taking Over Can’t you see it? Can you hear it? The dust clouds and the sound of marching feet from Satan’s foot soldiers who are … Continue reading

Korah the Malcontent, a Rebel and a Secular Humanist—A LEFTIST!

As we watch the rise of violent rebellion and civil disobedience in western—formerly Christian—nations (and elsewhere), it would behoove us to determine what is at the root and core of this movement, so that we can determine its source and what … Continue reading