Addressing Paul’s Difficult Words in Colossians 2

Colossians 2:14, Having wiped out. Here Paul mentions that Yeshua blotted out the handwritings of legal decrees that were against us when he died on the cross (Col 2:12–15). What was against us? It was the Torah law that specified … Continue reading

Isaiah 40: Are you like one crying in the modern wilderness of this world?

Isaiah 40:1–26, The End-Times Elijah Generation Preparing the Way for Messiah Isaiah the prophet ministered in Judah for about 40 years from 740 to 697 b.c., approximately 100 years before the southern kingdom of Judah fell to the Babylonians in … Continue reading

Videos: The Bible on Clean and Unclean Meats

This video presents the heart and spirit behind the biblical dietary commandments. A free study guide is available at In this video, Natan discusses controversial passages in the New Testament that many Bible teachers use to invalidate the Old … Continue reading

Sabbath Manna: Without Holiness, No One Will See Elohim!

Scripture reveals that the saints are to be a holy or set-apart (kadosh) priesthood, not a profane (worldly and polluted) one. If Yeshua calls us his kadosh and royal priesthood, then let’s own that identity and start acting like one! … Continue reading

Do we have to keep all 613 Torah commands?

Got this email question today: Nat[e], are you saying that christians are required to keep all 613 Torah commandments? I understood that Yeshua was the only one who followed these perfectly and met the requirement. My answer: Yes. This is … Continue reading

Are You a Spiritual Mugwump?

A mugwump is one who tries to sit on both sides of the fence at the same time. There are many spiritual mugwumps out there including some of us as the piece below discusses. Deuteronomy 31:10–13, You shall read this Torah … Continue reading

The Levitical and Melchizedek Priesthoods Compared

Hebrews 7:12, Priesthood being changed…a change also of the law [Torah]. The Greek words for being changed and a change are respectively metatithemi (a verb) and metathesis (a noun). The root of the noun is the verb, which means “to … Continue reading