The Third Day—Prophetic Significance

Exodus 19:1, 11, In the third month…the third day.  Here we read that the Israelites arrived at Sinai in the third month. Jewish tradition teaches that YHVH most likely gave this order to the Israelites on the third day of … Continue reading

The “Sacrifice” of Isaac at Mount Moriah. 

Genesis 22:13, A ram caught in a thicket by his horns. YHVH credited to Abraham’s spiritual account his willingness to sacrifice Isaac as if he had actually done so. In fact, there is an ancient rabbinical tradition that states Isaac … Continue reading

Yom Kippur—Past, Present and Future

Yom Kippur—The Historical Roots of Our Faith, Present Relevance for believers & Prophetic End Time Implications Ya’acov Natan Lawrence Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources, Portland, OR Introduction Yom Kippur is a day of contradictions and contrasts: Joy and sorrow. Rewards … Continue reading

New Video: The Old & New Covenants Compared—The Letter & Spirit of the Law Explained

YHVH Elohim is calling His saints to be spiritual mountain climbers. In their spiritual journey upward, His people started at sea level in Egypt, then He called them to meet Him at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah, then to … Continue reading

Where was the upper room really located (probably)?

Many of us just finished celebrating the Feast of Shavuot/Pentecost. Did the Acts chapter 2 Pentecost event occur in the upper room as many suppose? If not, then where? What is the upper room?  The following is a discussion on this … Continue reading