New Video: The Old & New Covenants Compared—The Letter & Spirit of the Law Explained

YHVH Elohim is calling His saints to be spiritual mountain climbers. In their spiritual journey upward, His people started at sea level in Egypt, then He called them to meet Him at Mount Sinai to receive the Torah, then to come up closer to Him at Mount Zion, then higher still to receive the Set-Apart Spirit and the Torah-law written on their hearts on the Day of Pentecost, and higher still to the New Jerusalem from above, which is coming to the earth soon at the second coming of the Messiah.

The study notes to this teaching are available at


3 thoughts on “New Video: The Old & New Covenants Compared—The Letter & Spirit of the Law Explained

  1. The placement of the Old Covenant in the tabernacle/temple may foreshadow the placing of the New Covenant (by the Holy Spirit) in the New Temple of the believer’s body as the New Man!

    • Viewed this way, the Old Covenant is the “externalization” of God’s rules for the conduct of God’s people placed in his house of worship.

      Once a believer “internalizes” those rules through the indwelling of the Holy (or Set-Apart) Spirit, they become a living, walking house of worship as they live in this world.

    • Again correct. I see the tabernacle in three parts as representing the three parts of man: the body, soul and spirit of man (1 These 5:23). I’ve talked about this and the its spiritual implication pertaining to the regeneration and ultimate glorification of man at length in my video and written teachings on the tabernacle.

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