Avoid Sectarianism: An Us Vs. Them Attitude = PRIDE!

In my many years as a Torah-minded disciple of Yeshua, I have observed a most destructive attitude among those of us who view the Bible from a more Hebraic perspective including valuing the Torah as a lifestyle guide. It is … Continue reading

Origination of “Hoshana Rabbah”

Matthew 21:9, Hosannah in the highest.The simple Hebrew phrase hoshana rabbah has more depth and spiritual significance than first meets the eye. Let’s explore it. First of all, it was this phrase—hosanna in the highest—(Heb. hoshana rabbah) that the crowds … Continue reading

Addressing Rabbinic Jewish Arguments Against Yeshua’s Messiahship

The arguments that Orthodox Rabbinic Jewish scholars make attempting to disprove Yeshua’s divinity and Messiahship may appear clever and convincing on the surface, but upon closer examination they prove to be false and are easily refuted. When one looks through … Continue reading

Can you receive the fact that Elohim is the Author of godly leadership?

Deuteronomy 31:23, He gave Joshua the son of Nun a charge. Upon Moses’ passing, YHVH didn’t leave the children of Israel in a leadership vacuum to wander about aimlessly in a confused state. YHVH isn’t the author of confusion! YHVH … Continue reading

Where did they go and are you one of them?

Deuteronomy 29:28–30:1–20, A time is coming when Israel, including the ten northern tribe will be redeemed and regathered back to the land of Israel after having been exiled into captivity from their land. What is the captivity from which Israel … Continue reading