Avoid Sectarianism: An Us Vs. Them Attitude = PRIDE!

In my many years as a Torah-minded disciple of Yeshua, I have observed a most destructive attitude among those of us who view the Bible from a more Hebraic perspective including valuing the Torah as a lifestyle guide. It is this: to view others (especially those who are still in the mainstream Christian church) as inferior spiritually to us. This is not a good thing, and is contrary to the teachings of Yeshua, as you will see from the following study.

When I was a pastor, I continually warned people against this attitude. An “us versus them” mentality creates pride, Phariseeism, strife, division, self-righteousness and a whole host of other evils. Yeshua warned his disciples against this, and continually admonished them to be humble and grateful, and not arrogant about the truths they had been given.

As you can see from the following study, sectarianism is a most destructive mindset and attitude that needs to be uprooted from of our thinking and repented of. It not only hinders us in our spiritual growth, but prevents us from reaching out in love to our brothers and sisters (the lost sheep of the house of Israel) and from gathering them in, as Yeshua commanded his disciples (and us) to do.

Mark 9:38–41, Yeshua forbids sectarianism.What can we learn from Yeshua’s instructions in this passage? Simply this. Though another person may not be in our particular spiritual camp, if they are doing good and are not against us, we’re to give them credit for the good that they are doing. This is the high road of love, mercy and grace that Yeshua expects his disciples to follow in regards to those of other congregations, denominations, sects or ministries.

Mark 9:38–50, Avoid strife and contention. This is a very enigmatic passage that commentators struggle with trying to explain, since Yeshua links together so many seemingly disparate concepts. I say “seemingly,” since there is nothing average about the Master’s intellect, or his deep and insightful knowledge and understanding of spiritual Truth. Our inability to comprehend his sayings should only spur us onward to dig all the more into their heights and depths of meaning, thus uncovering the nuggets of truth from within the transcendent intellect of our Master and Creator!

Yeshua the Master begins his discourse by discouraging sectarianism. “Those who aren’t against us are for us.” He then promises rewards to those who are kind to his disciples, implying that his disciples should in turn be kind to others who, though they may not be a part of your particular group, they may not necessarily be working against you, for they may also be kingdom workers but with a different assignment than yours (vv. 38–41).

Next, our Master warns against offense—especially those who offend (or cause to stumble) the little ones who are still young and tender in their faith. Linked with the preceding thought, the implication may be that Yeshua’s servants need to beware of not offending any of his kingdom workers whether they are part of “our group” or not. Only the Almighty sees the larger picture much as a general oversees his troops. The individual soldier knows his own marching orders, and may be oblivious to the orders of other soldier’s elsewhere, and is thus in no position to judge another soldier who has other marching orders.

Yeshua then issues a strong warning against any actions (the hand), or any directions of our lives (the foot), or any perspective (the eye) that may lead us to sin in causing one of YHVH’s kingdom workers elsewhere to stumble spiritually. Such an offense may bring us under the severe and unquenchable fires of YHVH’s eternal judgment. In other words, when we, through offensive actions and perspectives, cause one of YHVH’s kingdom workers who is operating outside of our limited view of things to stumble, we may be doing irreparable damage to the advancement of the kingdom, thus risk bringing the wrath of Elohim squarely down upon us (vv. 42–48).

Yeshua concludes his discourse with an even more mysterious statement that commingles a variety of biblical concepts. Many biblical commentators admit the difficulty of understanding this passage (e.g. Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, Beale and Carson). He indicates that his disciples, as living sacrifices (Rom 12:1), must allow themselves to be laid on the altar of YHVH’s service like the animal sacrifices of old. As these sacrifices went through the sprinkling of salt (Lev 2:13; Ezek 43:24) and the burning of fire on the altar of sacrifice, even so, as living sacrifices doing YHVH’s kingdom work, Yeshua’s disciples must be willing to endure the fires of trials and adversity. Fire both consumes and purifies, while salt both preserves and seasons—two activities that are continually needed in the disciple’s life as part of their spiritual refinement in order for them to become perfect and sin-free like their Master. 

Yeshua ends with the admonition to be salty or spicy (in our words and actions) as we advance his kingdom. But we mustn’t be offensive in our demeanor such that it causes others to stumble, thus breaking the peace between our fellow coworkers, since we are all working together for the same Master. No matter what, maintain peace one with another (vv. 49–50)! 

This final admonition brings us full circle back to Yeshua’s initial point in his instructions to his disciple to avoid sectarianism and to be a peacemaker among spiritual brethren. YHVH hates division and strife within the congregation of the righteous and calls it an abomination (Prov 6:16–19). Those who cause it are to be avoided (Rom 16:17; 2 Thess 3:6) if not excommunicated (Tit 3:10)!


7 thoughts on “Avoid Sectarianism: An Us Vs. Them Attitude = PRIDE!

  1. We are not to boast against the natural branches or even the unnatural branches? For we were sometimes darkness! I have to remind myself we are coming out of Babylon and we are all at different stages/levels of understanding.

  2. Great post Natan & good reading…so many important points you mention to keep us with a contrite heart & remain humble…Pride comes before a fall. .

  3. Shalom Natan
    I have struggled very much with this in my own walk. The fear of being in agreement with others who are Christians in Babylon. The fear of them going wrong and not seeing. Fear Fear Fear. I struggled so much with how to maintain integrity of following in a more Hebraic sense and bringing warning without sounding like a clashing gong. I gonged a lot. knowledge knowledge knowledge………….

    My fleshly ‘love’ in my heart & hatred of sin comes out as hate of the person to their ears… the strength is immature flesh at work.
    HOW much I need to pray for the wisdom of the Spirit & His strength .

    I praise Elohim that He is working on me to become more firmly foundated in what I believe & whom I believe in, so that I don’t feel threatened by others beliefs and stand trusting my reliable and truthful Saviour by knowing and practising His Word.

    Early on I heard that it is only those whom God calls who will receive Yeshua & my babylon church folk I left behind as I sought more of the word perceive me as misguided or worse…………. that hurt wasn’t pretty in my actions not brought into subjection to the mind of Christ but I praise Him and hope the maturing will be good fruit of planting and tending now.
    I am grateful He forgives and grateful for your message. I will talk more to Elohim Abba about this to cleanse my heart and slate.
    Love to you Natan and all who desire to serve our King & hoping to grow in love more and more now Abba.
    It is not up to us to close the Kingdom Door in others faces…just NOT to walk into a snare through their doors..

    Blessings of Shalom to all. FJ

  4. We all fall short of the mark. Those of us that are within Yeshua HaMachiakh are no better than any other, but we are better off.

    • Carol, our resident wordsmith would be proud of you for your witty truism. I like it! Can I get an amen from you Carol?

      “Those of us that are within Yeshua HaMachiakh are no better than any other, but we are better off.”

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