Why Study and Celebrate YHVH’s Feasts?

Here are seven biblical reasons to celebrate the feasts of YHVH Elohim: The biblical feasts are a prophetic shadow-picture of things to come (Col 2:16-17; Heb 10:1). When they were given to ancient Israel they pointed forward to future events … Continue reading

Shavuot—Getting in Tune With the Heavenly Philharmonic

This is a story—not just any story, but our story—yours and mine. It’s the story of our lives, the  story of our people. It’s an old story, yet a new story. Only the faces and places have changed. The plot … Continue reading

Free Passover and Feast of Unleavened Bread Educational Resources

Many of us are busily preparing our hearts and homes to celebrate the Passover which is immediately followed by the Feast of Unleavened Bread the next day. For those of us on the visible new moon/abib barley calendar, this year … Continue reading

The Fatal Flaws of the “Zadok Priestly/Enoch Calendar”

By Nathan Lawrence This is a lengthy, deep dive into the so-called Zadok Priestly/Enoch/Qumran/Dead Seas Scrolls Calendar as opposed to the traditional visible crescent new moon/abib barley calendar that was extant in the second temple era and during the time … Continue reading

The Truth About the Vernal Equinox Calendar

What Calendar Did Yeshua Follow? So which calendar is the true calendar of the Bible? As of this writing, there are three calendars vying for this distinction. They are: The rabbinc Jewish or Hillel 2 calendar, which originated in ca. … Continue reading

How Do We Know When to Declare the Month to Be Aviv or Not?

Quite often at the beginning of the biblical new year there is confusion as to whether the barley in the land of Israel is aviv (or abib) or not. After searching the land of Israel for aviv barley in the … Continue reading

How Torah Improves One’s Life & an Understanding of the Bible

A New Way of Life Coming to an understanding of YHVH Elohim’s Torah-laws and then adopting a Torah-compliant lifestyle coupled with viewing the Bible through a Hebraic perspective and context has numerous positive benefits in one’s life. A pro-Torah approach … Continue reading