Why Study and Celebrate YHVH’s Feasts?

Here are seven biblical reasons to celebrate the feasts of YHVH Elohim:

  1. The biblical feasts are a prophetic shadow-picture of things to come (Col 2:16-17; Heb 10:1). When they were given to ancient Israel they pointed forward to future events that would occur to the nation of Israel. The spring feast days, for example, pointed to Messiah’s first coming while the fall feast days point to his second coming leading into the Messianic Age (Millennium) and into eternity beyond.
  2. All the biblical feasts point to Yeshua. The name Yeshua means “salvation” and these days all point to the various steps of the path of salvation that believers find themselves on.
  3. Many of the feasts point back to historical events that occurred in Israel’s history from which we can learn lessons and that are representative of our own spiritual journey (1 Cor 10:1–6, 11).
  4. The people of YHVH are commanded to keep what the Scriptures call the appointed times. They are times when he makes an appointment that he will meet with his people (Lev 23:1–2, 4). It is at these festivals or commanded assemblies that YHVH teaches his people about his wonderful plan of salvation or redemption of the world through Yeshua the ­Messiah.
  5. The feasts are in the Bible and the whole Bible is the inspired word of Elohim (2 Tim 3:16). Yeshua commands us to live by every word that comes out of the mouth of Elohim (Matt 4:4).
  6. The feasts set forth the pattern of heavenly things on earth (Heb 8:1–2, 5; 9:8–9, 23; Exod 25:8–9, 40; 26:30; Num 8:4; Ezek 43:1–6, 10–12).
  7. We as physical beings need physical means and methods to help us understand spiritual mysteries. YHVH gives us the natural to help us to understand the supernatural (spiritual) (1 Cor 2:9–13).

1 thought on “Why Study and Celebrate YHVH’s Feasts?

  1. All of the Feast Days still foreshadow “things in the future”, not just some of them. Expect fulfillments of them in more than one time period. Most Sabbatarian churches teach that we have seen the last of Passover, Unleavened Bread and Pentecost and that Atonement and the other fall Feasts are strictly future portrayals. As I recently commented, Yeshua fulfilled the Day of Atonements when He was led into the wilderness (like an animal). But ya aint seen nothin yet!

    Colossians 2:16 So dont allow anyone to pronounce judgments against you about eating and drinking, or about various aspects of the Feast days, new moons and Sabbaths 17 that foreshadow things in the future, except for the body of Messiah [Footnote]. 18 Dont let anyone’s desire to degrade your mind subject you to bondage, so that you subject yourselves to the religious practices of “angels”, while they elaborate about gods that they havent really seen, being arrogantly inflated in their carnal thoughts, 19 rather than holding onto the Head, the One who frames and constructs the whole body with joints and ligaments, and grows as YHVH causes it to grow.

    [Footnote] Every version I have seen tampers with the simple text of verse 17 (corrected here) that explains that only the true “body of Messiah” has any business counseling you in regard to these Torah issues! Check an interlinear for the uncorrupted truth.

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