Deuteronomy 31—Will YOU be faithful to YHVH’s commandments?

Deuteronomy 31 Deuteronomy 31:3, YHVH your Elohim … will go over before, and he will destroy these nations. YHVH promised to destroy Israel’s enemies before them. Who or what are your enemies? Do you believe YHVH’s promises here? Some of … Continue reading

Deuteronomy 29 Notes

Deuteronomy 29 Deuteronomy 29:4, A heart to perceive.This verse prophesied the outpouring of the Spirit of Elohim en masse on humans. Deuteronomy 29:15, Not here with us today.This verse teaches us that YHVH made his covenant not only with the … Continue reading

The Five-Fold Ministry Explained

Did the so-called fivefold ministry offices cease after the New Testament era, or do they continue function in the body of Yeshua to this day? In our day, most people agree that the ministries of the evangelist, teacher and pastor are … Continue reading

Spiritual Warfare 101…and Beyond!

2 Corinthians 10:4, The weapons of our warfare…spiritual.  A Redeemed Believers Authority Through Yeshua—The Biblical Concept of Spiritual Warfare Is the concept of spiritual warfare a biblical one? Perhaps no scripture of the Bible states the fact that it is more clearly … Continue reading

Numbers 30 and 31—How good is YOUR word and are YOU fighting Elohim’s enemies?

Numbers 30 Numbers 30:2 (3), Vows. A vow (Heb. neder) is literally “a pledge to do something.” It places upon oneself or others or upon objects of one’s choice a status equivalent to that of a commandment of the Torah … Continue reading

What was bad about the Old Covenant—what is passing away and being transferred?

2 Corinthians 3:11, Passing away. This is not a reference to the Torah-law itself, but to the old or former covenant (i.e. the agreement or contract YHVH and Israel made with each other) as it phases into the new or … Continue reading