The Kingdom of Elohim—The Most Overlooked Subject in the Church?

The kingdom of heaven or Elohim is a major, not to be underestimated, missing element in the preaching of gospel message in the mainstream Christian church and, I suspect, most Hebrews roots or Messianic congregations as well. This is in … Continue reading

The Gospels Decoded—Prophetic Pictures of End Time Events

This author believes that the earthly ministry of Yeshua had prophetic implications pertaining to end time events. In other words, I will now attempt to show the reader that behind, if you will, the literal events surrounding Yeshua’s earthly ministry including … Continue reading

Why Is Fasting or “Afflicting the Soul” So Important?

Afflicting the soul is the path to spiritual greatness and many blessings and rewards! The Bible teaches us that fasting or “afflicting the soul” is the key to intimacy with YHVH Elohim and to receiving spiritual power. This is something … Continue reading

What Is the Second Exodus and When Does It Occur?

A Look at End-Times Bible Prophecies Relating to the Second Exodus By Ya’acov Natan LawrenceWaters in the Wilderness, A Teaching Ministry of Hoshana Rabbah Biblical Discipleship Resources The Issue in People’s Hearts The Bible clearly teaches that the ten tribes … Continue reading

The Story of Gideon—A Mighty Man of Valor

The Testimony of Yeshua’s (also known as the New Testament) summation of Gideon’s life (as well as other notable biblical characters like him) in the Bible’s famous “Hall of Faith” passage in Hebrews 11 speaks volumes about how YHVH viewed … Continue reading