New Video: Life in the Wilderness En Route to the Promised Land

We all live in a spiritual wilderness called life. But will we live and die there, or will we follow Yeshua the Messiah as he leads us into the Promised Land of the kingdom of Elohim?

In this video, Natan Lawrence discusses the prophetic implications of the Hebrew/Biblical Roots Movement that is sweeping the globe, and how YHVH Elohim is preparing the saints for the second coming of Yeshua and the kingdom of Elohim.


Shabbat Shalom from the Ghost Forest on the Oregon Coast

 My wife Sandi and I are spending the weekend at the world class scenic Oregon Coast, which is about an hour-and-a-half drive from our home. Today, Shabbat, is our anniversary. Twenty-two years and four children ago, we were married on this day.

From one of my business clients, we have rented their beach home that overlooks the mighty Pacific Ocean.

As the sun was setting, from the picture window of the house, I saw some cool light patterns on the beach, so I quickly put on my boots and donned my heavy jacket and headed down to the edge of the ocean where I snapped this photo.

Interestingly, the stumps sticking up out of the sand are a story unto themselves. They are a unique geological feature that is known as the Neskowin Ghost Forest. You can Google this and read about it. In brief, these tree trunks aren’t driftwood or old pier pilings. Rather, they are the remnants of an old Sitka Spruce forest that 1700 years ago sat perched on a knoll just above the beach. Due to an earthquake, the bank slipped into the beach area and the trees were submerged under water and sand where they were preserved until about 15 years ago. At that time, some violent storms eroded the sand away from these old trees exposing them for the first time.

Some of these now barnacle-encrusted spruce trees were originally six feet in diameter. I found one stump on the beach that is still about five feet in diameter, which means it was hundreds of years old when it was buried 1700 years ago. This stump was probably already several hundred years old when Yeshua was born! Imagine this! Here’s a close up picture of this ancient wonder. I placed my hat next to it for size comparisons purposes.


I am continually in awe of the wonders of YHVH Elohim’s creation. It speaks silently, yet at the same time shouts loudly for those who have ears to hear, of the unfathomable greatness of our Creator.

This Sabbath, please join me in giving YHVH Yeshua, the Creator of all things, the praise He deserves for all that He has done, all that He is, and for the salvation He has given you and me!


The Church Turned Inside Out—Parking Lot Outreach

As mentioned in an earlier post, yesterday on the Sabbath our small congregation rather than meeting in our church building, gathered instead  in the church’s parking lot along a busy boulevard.

We had music, prayer, worship flags, a little teaching and the kids played in the field in front of the church. Several people passed out tracts and Bibles to pedestrians, and a man and one of our teens held up a nine-foot log cross on the sidewalk in view of passing cars.

Although YHVH blessed us with an exquisitely beautiful spring day, there weren’t very many pedestrians. Only a few tracts were passed out.

Notwithstanding, our folks learned what it was like to display their faith in public and to become a “fool” for Yeshua. This is an excellent exercise for our spiritual character development.

We will pray and seek YHVH as to what type of outreach he wants us to do next for him in the public arena. We’re already kicking around some ideas. We’ll probably do the parking lot outreach again, but with some additions using a different approach.

Stay tuned to this blog. I’ll soon be uploading a pdf, printable version of the gospel tract I wrote and that you can use as your own personal evangelistic tool. The tract has room for you to write your own name and phone number on it.

Here are some photos I took of our outreach.

Singing and worshiping in the church parking lot.

Singing and worshiping in the church parking lot.

The church turned inside out for Yeshua and the advancement of the kingdom of Elohim.

The church turned inside out for Yeshua and the advancement of the kingdom of Elohim.

Steve and Dennis standing on the sidewalk along Hall Blvd. with the cross and  Bibles and tracts.

Steve and Dennis standing on the sidewalk along Hall Blvd. with the cross and Bibles and tracts.

It’s Time to Turn the Church Inside Out

Want to get radical? Most church congregations hold their meetings indoors where no one on the outside can see or hear them. How about turning the church inside out? Instead, hold services outside in the parking lot for the whole world to see? Take the light of the saints out of the bushel basket called a church building and put it outside!


This Sabbath (Shabbat) afternoon, our congregation will be holding an outreach Shabbat services in the parking lot (along a busy boulevard) of the church building we rent. We’re going to have live music, worship dance, worship flag ministry, preaching, passing out food to the hungry, passing out Bibles and tracts to the spiritually hungry, and praying for those with needs. Below is what will be on a flyer we’ll be passing out to those who drop in to  visit us.

To help you on your spiritual journey, here are a number of free resources our ministry makes available:

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New Video: “Come Out of Spiritual Babylon, My People!”

Are you in a church that’s part of spiritual Babylon the Great—where unbiblical lies are being taught, where doctrines of men and traditions that make the Word of Elohim of non-effect are being lifted up as the truth? Many people are waking up to this sad fact as YHVH is calling them to come out of Babylon as per Revelation 18:4 in preparation for the second coming of Yeshua the Messiah. Watch this video to learn the vital truth and life-changing facts about this issue.


When Did Major Unbiblical Traditions of Men Enter into the Early Church?

It’s time to rock the boat of some of you who suffer from the spiritual disease of “non-rock the boatitis.”

Second Peter 2 says,

But there were also false prophets among the people, even as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and bring on themselves swift destruction. And many will follow their destructive ways, because of whom the way of truth will be blasphemed. (2 Pet 2:1–2)

Here is a partial list of the approximate time periods when several major unbiblical doctrines of men crept into the early church from the writings of the early church fathers.

Don't sink my boat! Pleeeze!

Don’t sink my boat! Pleeeze!

The Human Soul Is Immortal

  • A.D. 130— The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus, ch. 6
  • Ca. A.D. 155—The First Apology of Justin Martyr, ch. 18
  • Ca. A.D. 180—Irenaeus’ Against Heresies, Book Two, ch. 34
  • Ca. A.D. 180—Irenaeus’ Against Heresies, Book Five, chaps. 7.1; 31.1

Teachings Against the Sabbath and Biblical Feasts

  • A.D. 130—The Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus, ch. 4. The author calls the Sabbath and biblical feasts “utterly ridiculous and unworthy of notice.”
  • Ca. A.D. 130—Epistle of  Barnabas, ch. 2 (also ch. 14). The author says that the Sabbaths (weekly Sabbath and biblical feasts) are abolished.
  • Early part of second century A.D.—Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians, ch. 14

Observance of the Lord’s Day (Sunday) Advocated Over Sabbath Observance

  • Early part of second century A.D.—Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesian, ch. 9. The author says to keep the Sabbath on Sunday.
  • Early part of second century A.D.—Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians, ch. 9
  • Ca. A.D. 130—Epistle of  Barnabas, ch. 14
  • Ca. A.D. 155—The First Apology of Justin Martyr, ch. 67 Continue reading

Let’s Go to the Movies Again

I’ve got another movie for you! It’s entitled, “The Deity of Yeshua and the Spirit of Antichrist.” In this hour-long video, I address issues pertaining to the deity of Yeshua and how those who are rejecting his deity status are of the spirit of antichrist—not because I say so, but because John the apostle says so.


Sadly, too many people are questioning or outrightly rejecting Yeshua’s deity, his Messiahship and incarnation. Unless they repent, my Bible says that they have no hope of eternal life.

As you watch these videos, you will have your own faith strengthened, and you will be able to help others who may be faltering in their own faith.

I shot this video from inside my office turned movie studio, which used to be chicken coop. Talk about humble beginnings!

Enjoy and be blessed!