The Church Turned Inside Out—Parking Lot Outreach

As mentioned in an earlier post, yesterday on the Sabbath our small congregation rather than meeting in our church building, gathered instead  in the church’s parking lot along a busy boulevard.

We had music, prayer, worship flags, a little teaching and the kids played in the field in front of the church. Several people passed out tracts and Bibles to pedestrians, and a man and one of our teens held up a nine-foot log cross on the sidewalk in view of passing cars.

Although YHVH blessed us with an exquisitely beautiful spring day, there weren’t very many pedestrians. Only a few tracts were passed out.

Notwithstanding, our folks learned what it was like to display their faith in public and to become a “fool” for Yeshua. This is an excellent exercise for our spiritual character development.

We will pray and seek YHVH as to what type of outreach he wants us to do next for him in the public arena. We’re already kicking around some ideas. We’ll probably do the parking lot outreach again, but with some additions using a different approach.

Stay tuned to this blog. I’ll soon be uploading a pdf, printable version of the gospel tract I wrote and that you can use as your own personal evangelistic tool. The tract has room for you to write your own name and phone number on it.

Here are some photos I took of our outreach.

Singing and worshiping in the church parking lot.

Singing and worshiping in the church parking lot.

The church turned inside out for Yeshua and the advancement of the kingdom of Elohim.

The church turned inside out for Yeshua and the advancement of the kingdom of Elohim.

Steve and Dennis standing on the sidewalk along Hall Blvd. with the cross and  Bibles and tracts.

Steve and Dennis standing on the sidewalk along Hall Blvd. with the cross and Bibles and tracts.

1 thought on “The Church Turned Inside Out—Parking Lot Outreach

  1. Oh how wonderful I’m excited for all of you may G~D bless you all and your as you go in the streets. I’m so excited for you.

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